Access Music has released a public beta version of OS 4.5 for the entire Virus TI series.
The operating system update features new effects, such as vintages choruses, a rotary speaker simulation, new mod matrix sources and other enhancements.
- Vintage Chorus – The Vintage Chorus is an emulation of the 70’s chorus technology based on a technique known as bucket brigades, which can be considered a predecessor of today’s digital sampling technology. The Vintage Chorus covers not only the sound of the famous Chorus Ensemble but also many other derivatives of that era which were based on the same basic circuitry, most notably that of the built-in chorus of the Juno 60.
- Hyper Chorus – The Hyper Chorus is a six- voice chorus with up to three delay lines each for the left and right side. Despite this, it is simple to use, as it is usually only necessary to adjust only the Depth parameter to achieve a huge and warm sound.
- Air Chorus – The Air Chorus is a subtle kind of chorus, as it doesn’t mix the direct sound to the processed signal. Instead, it modulates the pitch of the left and right side of the signal independently from each other. The resulting chorus sound happens in the air between both speakers, where both signals add together.
- Rotary Speaker – The Rotary Speaker chorus type is an faithful recreation of the sound made by the legendary Leslie speaker. Best known for the wonderful effect it has on the sound of the Hammond organ. The Leslie speaker modulates the sound by rotating both the bass speaker drum and the tweeter horn inside a cabinet – but, crucially, they are rotated at different speeds from each other. The result is a complex example of the Doppler effect, and the way it affects the sound is magical. It’s basically like a vibrato, tremolo and chorus in one. The Leslie speaker also works surprisingly well with both electric and acoustic pianos – the result is a very distinctive sound, recognizable from many iconic recordings.
- New Mod Source: Analog Key – Many of us have owned a vintage analog synth at some time or another, and most of those that have will be only too aware of their tendency to become increasingly unpredictable in their behaviour. Unstable tuning and inconsistent key-tracking are just two typical symptoms of this. The funny thing is, these characterful in- stabilities can be just as inspiring as they are infuriating – it is often these little quirks that help a sound stand out in the mix. In TIOS 4.5, Access Music have provided a way to introduce some of these quirks into the Virus TI, by way of the Analog Key modulation sources. The idea is to deliberately skew the key tracking in such a way as to create inconsistency across the keyboard, but in a repeatable way. So, by this method, you can make it so that certain keys are always off pitch by a certain amount, or are duller or brighter than the keys on either side, for instance.
A public beta version of OS4.5 is available for download.
But still no updates for the previous series, even if they have the very same DSP. And even with a lower frequency, I'm quite sure a reduced polyphony might be acceptable in the C series… It might also be interesting to get the TI plugin for the C series, at least the bank management for instance… Might work via MIDI.
actually alot of the ti sounds can be used on pervious virus
Indeed, the up/down compatibility of sound from the origin is a very good thing
Gotta find a way to get people to upgrade ^^;
^ Or leave Access for anything else… based on their interest for their long time customers (no Virus C upgrade, no Powercore upgrade – obviously much worst now TC retired this card…
Also what kind of upgrade do you need for your C anyway? It's already perfect as it is. The bank management for the TI is balls. You have to run it in a horrid, laggy vsti plugin which stops you using any mode on the Virus except sequencer mode.
Sounddiver is much better imho, even if it's a bit annoying to have to set your virus to sysex to use it.
I love my TI Polar, and am happy that they update it frequently. It's funny that it does so many advanced things, but is backwards in others.
In a future update, I would appreciate better patch organization and improved stability running it as an audio interface under 64 bit.
Plenty of roland gear gets little to no support. I guess it makes more sense in the higher end gear to support it longer. Still, considering that he's complaining that access hasn't released a new version of his 10 year old synth, 18 months isn't really that long.
Plenty of roland gear gets little to no support. I guess it makes more sense in the higher end gear to support it longer. Still, considering that he's complaining that access hasn't released a new version of his 10 year old synth, 18 months isn't really that long. Besides, I wasn't talking about your Fantom G.