Burger Kone has released MidiMe (App Store link), a $4.99 controller app for the iPad.
Here’s what they have to say about MidiMe:
MidiMe is a novel MIDI control application designed specifically for the iPad.
MidiMe not only gives you direct, simultaneous hands-on control of up to eight different midi parameters but also provides unique midi automation features.
Record and playback midi gestures on any of its four high resolution X/Y pads or send your instruments bouncing with MidiMe’s bouncing ball mode.
This looks like an interesting app – but I’d like to see hardware MIDI support. This could be a great sound design and performance tool, combined with older hardware synths.
If you’ve tried MidiMe, leave a comment and let us know what you think of it!
Video via mvpadrini
Finally we get some Lemur-like phyics with bouncing balls. Buying now.
They need to add this into in a iPad midi controller.
Thanks for taking the time to mention my app! I hope people have as much fun with it as I have.
I also just want to mention – MidiMe *does* work over USB with the Apple camera connection kit. I didn't say this in the original announcement, because I don't have any midi gear myself to test this with, but I've gotten confirmation now from my testers that it works just fine with the CCK.
If you have any other feedback or suggestions for improvement, please send them my way at @lfopw on twitter or via http://www.burgerkone.com.
Thanks for taking the time to mention my app! I hope people have as much fun with it as I have.
I also just want to mention – MidiMe *does* work over USB with the Apple camera connection kit. I didn't say this in the original announcement, because I don't have any midi gear myself to test this with, but I've gotten confirmation now from my testers that it works just fine with the CCK.
If you have any other feedback or suggestions for improvement, please send them my way at @lfopw on twitter or via http://www.burgerkone.com.
Thanks for taking the time to mention my app! I hope people have as much fun with it as I have.
I also just want to mention – MidiMe *does* work over USB with the Apple camera connection kit. I didn't say this in the original announcement, because I don't have any midi gear myself to test this with, but I've gotten confirmation now from my testers that it works just fine with the CCK.
If you have any other feedback or suggestions for improvement, please send them my way at @lfopw on twitter or via http://www.burgerkone.com.
Thanks for taking the time to mention my app! I hope people have as much fun with it as I have.
I also just want to mention – MidiMe *does* work over USB with the Apple camera connection kit. I didn't say this in the original announcement, because I don't have any midi gear myself to test this with, but I've gotten confirmation now from my testers that it works just fine with the CCK.
If you have any other feedback or suggestions for improvement, please send them my way at @lfopw on twitter or via http://www.burgerkone.com.
Thanks for taking the time to mention my app! I hope people have as much fun with it as I have.
I also just want to mention – MidiMe *does* work over USB with the Apple camera connection kit. I didn't say this in the original announcement, because I don't have any midi gear myself to test this with, but I've gotten confirmation now from my testers that it works just fine with the CCK.
If you have any other feedback or suggestions for improvement, please send them my way at @lfopw on twitter or via http://www.burgerkone.com.
Thanks for taking the time to mention my app! I hope people have as much fun with it as I have.
I also just want to mention – MidiMe *does* work over USB with the Apple camera connection kit. I didn't say this in the original announcement, because I don't have any midi gear myself to test this with, but I've gotten confirmation now from my testers that it works just fine with the CCK.
If you have any other feedback or suggestions for improvement, please send them my way at @lfopw on twitter or via http://www.burgerkone.com.
Miles – thanks for mentioning that. That's going to be important to a lot of people, so you might want to update the app description.
Also – you might consider some love for the Line 6 MIDI Mobilizer users…..
Nice work Miles. I've got an iPhone but have been holding out on iPad. I'm quite happy with my very portable Ableton Live rig so I've been pretty unsatisfied with most scratchpad music apps. I am quite interested in multi-touch from a controllerism angle and have been using it more and more with IPhone to Waldorf Blofeld (as I almost every parm maps to a CC). I'm prefering using the iPhone->MIDI with line 6 MIDI Mobilizer taking away all the headaches of doing it over wireless.
Your app looks great and is one of the few apps I've seen that makes me wish I had an iPad.
Line 6 is something I'd definitely like to support. I've got a couple more pressing features to address first, like snapshots, but once I get those out of the way I'll take a look at the Line 6 stuff.
It's likely I'll make this a universal app soon. There are just too many iPhone/iTouch users not to try. Of course, I can only fit one pad on the screen at a time but you'd still have access to gesture recording and bounce modes.
I've got a new version in testing that adds preset support and works on iPhone/iTouch devices. If things go well it should be available in a week or two.
I'm in the same boat as you. Ableton on a Macbook is still a lot more appealing to me than any of the iPad music apps but I think the iPad makes a great midi controller.
Can't wait to ry i tout. Yeah, I think the use case of "multi-touch" is there right now.
i think it's ace, please please put the keyboard mode into the iphone version…