Roland Jupiter-80 Synth Workshop

This video captures an in-depth intro/workshop, by Scott Tibbs, introducing the Roland Jupter-80 synthesizer at Musikmesse Frankfurt 2011.

When Roland introduced the Jupiter-80, a lot of Synthtopia readers reacted to what it wasn’t – an analog monster-synth in the Jupiter legacy.

This video has enough sound demos to let you start judging the Jupiter-80 for what it is – a high-end digital monster-synth – and judge it on its own merits.

Check it out and let us know what you think of the audio demos!

via RolandChannel

29 thoughts on “Roland Jupiter-80 Synth Workshop

  1. So umm…….like 6 minutes of acoustic sounds, and a few actual synth patches…..

    So far it seems the acoustic sounds is what matters.

  2. That trumpet is insane. Really listen to it – probably the best fake brass I've heard.

    I would like to have heard more traditional synth sounds, too, but the virtual instruments are probably more cutting edge.

  3. I don't understand what problem this synth is trying to solve. For any serious application one would always opt for the real instrument (like a true trumpet virtuoso in the recording studio) rather than attempting to 'emulate reality'. Is there truly a market for 'faux realistic' instrumentation?

  4. It's targetted mainly for live performances I think.
    On stage, often the keyboardist has to take the role of a full orchestra

  5. Yes, I suppose that was the intended target group. However, with only one split point and no sequencer, it is not powerful enough to be the only keyboard on stage. On the other hand, as a second keyboard, it is too expensive.

  6. It's for people who can really play the keys and do so in a live band situation. That may account for some of the confusion over what problem this instrument can solve.

  7. Truly terrible you tube clip, why does it have a Jupiter in the name?

    I just want to smash the performer with that keyboard!

  8. I agree. I was impressed by the brass segment. Now that's some super-detailed sampling, the result being that you can dig in and play more emotively. People who are railing against the thing are beginning to sound like they've never just sat at a piano or ONE poly synth and really played the keys, rather than only knobs and mice. They're either jealous or spooked because they can't fit that into their frame of reference. Take away the weak arguments and you have a synth that's pricey because its been buffed to a high sheen for live use, or a similar fluid role in the studio. I recall Thomas Dolby talking about his JP8 still being familiar and intuitive to play after all these years. I think this thing is earning the Jupiter "name" everyone has their knickers so twisted over, because it offers a potent sound you can manipulate readily on the fly. You guys are too spoiled:P.

  9. The sounds are fine… if you need them. Sounds like every instrument they put out, like an update of the JV line with keys. The problem is that there are tons of boards, boxes and romplers that give these same sounds, and most for less money.

    I would be more interested if it were doing something truly new and cool. I'm not scoring for film, and I don't play in a church, etc, so this board is absolutely useless to me.

  10. C'mon guys, this synth doesn't sound terrible or awful. But it's nothing more then a decent ROMpler, labeled with a huge name. This "Jupiter" just can't fill the footsteps implied by this brand name.

  11. I’d love to see Bert Smorenburg doing the demo. I know he is a Yamaha guy but he is only person I’ve ever seen who is able to put genuine enthusiasm into workstation demos – and he rock balls.

  12. I think Roland would have gotten way less crap for this if they just didn't call it a Jupiter. Calling it that is like naming a marching band drum kit the TR 909. Its a VERY nice workstationy thing, but doesn't roland already have the Fantom? is this replacing that?
    good WORKSTATION (not synth, at least not the way us folks view synths), horrible marketing, horrible name choice

  13. Yeah, the name they picked will clearly be offensive to real synth aficionados, but how many of us are there? Probably no more than 10,000 around the world, I'd guess, so it's definitely a niche market.

    But they're trying to sell this latest synth, which seems impressive, to real prospective customers, few of whom will have ever heard of the Jupiter or who are likely the slightest bit interested in synthesizer history.

  14. As a keyboardplayer who is looking for new means of expression I think this board looks like a step up from current generation synths.

    I'd have to play one to be able to tell for sure, but it seems like the next level for expressive synth-playing.

  15. Lame demo!! the Yamaha Tyros4 and/or the Motif blows this thing out of the world! bad use of the 'Jupiter' name…

  16. I'm 19, I play in a band, I want something that produces good results on stage with ease of use. I owned two nords, a Nord lead 2x and a Nord wave. I don't understand analogue synthesis. I found the Roland Jupiter 80 in a shop, and exchanged my nords for it. I love it. It makes me laugh how people all over the internet have been slating it, without even trying it out. It's not analogue, get over it. Time and music has moved on, so should the haters.

  17. This might try and emulate the look of the Jupiter 8 but in no way shape or form come close to the feel and the ground breaking sound that the original had at the time. I know as I still have my original Jupiter 8 from early 80's (Nope Not Selling It Either). This is just another rompler but not bad. It doesn't break ground like the original did. The Jupiter 8 sounds markedly different than the Prophet 5 OBXA and Memory Moog and yes there are diffs between them(have these and can A&B all four. The Jupiter 8 just has a unique lush richness in its filters that is beautiful. But Roland still makes a nice product and for those who truly like digital they will like this. Rolands best digital though still remains the JD 800 which in a way was an early 90's version of the JP8 with all the sliders and stuff

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