Livid Code Station Gives iPad Instruments Knobs (Sneak Preview)

iPad Music Software: This is a sneak preview of an iPad docking station for the Livid Code MIDI controller.

The Livid Code Station is being used to control Korg’s iElectribe.

This is a prototype at this point – no pricing  or availability has been announced, or whether this will even turn into a real product.

If you’re an iPad user, though, check out the video and let us know if you’d be interested in something like this.

12 thoughts on “Livid Code Station Gives iPad Instruments Knobs (Sneak Preview)

  1. Was just posting @ Korg Why No Controll For IElectribe ( Cept for Nano 2) Triggering Gorillaz PCM w/Korg KLC, I like your Docking Station. Alesis Station for I/O Midi. Best of Luck. Like the Wood /Alum Surface. Kinda Has A Little Phatty Slant in Back. US Release ?

  2. "If you’re an iPad user, though, check it out the video, though, and let us know if you’d be interested in something like this."

    C'mon man. If your going to do it, do it right.

  3. I would like to see more of this type of integration. Maybe more mpc than monome but with other controllers as well as knobs and buttons. less wood though, do it in acrylic!! FTW

  4. I like 🙂
    As a hardware only performer trying to transition to software and some associated midi controllers I am stoked that this kind of thing can be created.
    I reckon there is definitely a market for good controllers that can hook up to the iPad like this.
    I would buy it and then lay my Electribes to rest in a nice mahogany & glass display case 😉

  5. With its multi-touch screen, I find it more interesting to use the iPad as a flexible controller for other instruments. The application presented here would work with any laptop + software instrument as well.

  6. a never ending story…let's implement a midicontroller of a touchscreencontroller that implemented a midicontroller that simulates a touchscreencontroller that….niche market bullocks

  7. 1 – I would like something like this for controlling all kinds of things, like Alchemy, etc. So I'd rather see it in a looser config instead of "docking station". Besides, the footprint of the unit as it is would not fit well in my studio.
    2 – I really like the concept, but dare I say, I think it has too many knobs! About half that many would be more appropriate, and if they could be in somewhat separated banks/arrays it would be best for remembering what is controlling what. For instance, have a row of knobs right across the bottom aligned with the buttons. Then maybe three discrete sets of 4 knobs above that.

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