Moog Music is working on a secret “huge new project”, according to a post on their Facebook page:
Our Apologies!
We’ve been kind of quiet on Facebook recently because we’ve been crazy busy with a HUGE new project.
We’re finally in the home stretch and we’ll be sharing it with all of you really soon.
Thanks for your patience!
Of course – that got our minds wandering……
What do you think Moog’s secret project is?
- A new Moogerfooger?
- A polyphonic analog synth?
- The return of the Moog modular?
- Something Moogfest-related?
- Or something else entirely?
Let us know what you think!
Image via microscopics
either a new polymoog or a trumpet.
I know you've all been waiting for that Moog Trumpet……
I'm guessing an app.
It's about time for a new polysynth – saw a MemoryMoog Plus on eBay UK today!
Surely if DSI can make a new Prophet, and we know several Little Phattys can be chained together to be a PolyPhatty, it's not a huge leap of imagination to wonder if they're making a new polysynth? It's about bloody time, and maybe all the Jupiter 80 haters (myself included) will have a real analogue to drool over?
let it be a polysnth. one that stays in tune and does not break every 30 seconds.
An (affordable) patchable analog synth! Like the Voyager XL, but more patches.
Ukulele using their guitar technology.
If they say it's "huge", I don't think it can be another app or even a Moogerfooger.
It's got to be something synth-related, because that's what they are really known for.
My guess is a monster polysynth in the $3-4 range.
If that was the case, why wouldn't they have announced it a month ago @ Messe. Schmidt got all the analog-poly glory there.
Please let it be a synth.
I think that's just an illustration.
If they say it's huge and it's an iPhone app, they're going to see the same reaction that Roland got with the new Jupiter.
Whitewash Voyager, non back lit cream colored panel. Don't say I didn't tell you….
Moog Sex
free,hours of enjoyment and a lot of possible patches.
No seriously I hope it is not another App, or in that case I hope it will be even for Pcs and Macs and not only for touchy appareils
its an artist showcase featuring moog gear. a bunch of different bands are being given free moog stuff (for a month) to record new material with it
probably with free music/videos for download
you can trust me on this
maybe the return of the Rogue?
Free? Probably a mountain of hype to introduce the Moog Taurus Mk IV. A pity – I had hoped for the PicoMoog, smaller and with one less knob than the Korg Monotron.
I wonder if when they say "hours of enjoyment", they mean hours of enjoyment for each person, or total hours of enjoyment for everyone combined (i.e. 1,000 people each getting 30 seconds of enjoyment)?
I guess, it is the "MOOGATRON", a Moog style fully modular ipad synthesizer, the sound engine probably written by Chris Wolfe
i know it.
there was an moog modular prototype for a musician. there will be a modular in real soon !
Well, they've just updated their webpage. Guess that's it. Hours of enjoyment, here we come!
Maybe a polyphonic littlephaty, as fallingmanuk says. At NAMM we could see a four chained LPs. For me it was very significant. Unlike the LP, I hope they put a lot of knobs.
Maybe its a moog voyager that has responsive envelopes?
I sold my voyager cause at the end of the day after 25 years of synth experience ,It was the least enjoyable and least intuitive machine I have ever used. It broke down completely and had to be replaced by moog. I think the hype got the better of me. It sold quickly so that was relief.
midi boy. I had a rogue once and loved that.
"Hint: It is free and hopefully will offer you hours of enjoyment."
It's an app fellas.
They completely redid their site:
Moog Music Updates Its Site.
It's a very cool site update, but not a frickin' polyphonic synth……
They completely redid their site:
Moog Music Updates Its Site.
It's a very cool site update, but not a new frickin' polyphonic synth……
They completely redid their site:
Moog Music Updates Its Site.
It's a very cool site update, but not a new frickin' polyphonic synth……
They completely redid their site:
Moog Music Updates Its Site.
It's a very cool site update, but not a new frickin' polyphonic synth……
They completely redid their site:
Moog Music Updates Its Site.
It's a very cool site update, but not a new frickin' polyphonic synth……
They completely redid their site:
Moog Music Updates Its Site.
It's a very cool site update, but not a new frickin' polyphonic synth……
They completely redid their site:
Moog Music Updates Its Site.
It's a very cool site update, but not a new frickin' polyphonic synth……
They completely redid their site:
Moog Music Updates Its Site.
It's a very cool site update, but not a new frickin' polyphonic synth……
They completely redid their site:
Moog Music Updates Its Site.
It's a very cool site update, but not a new frickin' polyphonic synth……
They completely redid their site:
Moog Music Updates Its Site.
It's a very cool site update, but not a new frickin' polyphonic synth……
They completely redid their site:
Moog Music Updates Its Site.
It's a very cool site update, but not a new frickin' polyphonic synth……
They completely redid their site:
Moog Music Updates Its Site.
It's a very cool site update, but not a new frickin' polyphonic synth……
it's something cheap but great, oh no…it's not korg!