SunVox – ‘The Most Powerful Music Creation Tool For iOS’

Developer Alexander Zolotov has released SunVox 1.6.2 for iOS, described as ‘the Most Powerful music creation tool for iOS.’

The video demonstrates using SunVox with a MIDI controller via the iPad Camera Connection Kit.


  • Modular interface.
  • Highly optimized synth algorithms.
  • Flexible architecture: SunVox can working on variuos devices with completely different CPUs;
  • WiFi export/import;
  • Export to WAV;
  • Mic/Line-in recording.

Built-in Synthesizers & Effects:

  • FM synthesizer;
  • Generator (saw,triangle,square,noise,sine);
  • Kicker;
  • Sampler (supported formats: WAV, XI, AIFF);
  • SpectraVoice (FFT-based synthesizer for deep and beautiful pads);
  • DC Blocking Filter
  • Delay;
  • Distortion;
  • Echo;
  • 3Band equalizer;
  • Filter (Low-pass, High-pass, Band-pass, Notch);
  • Flanger;
  • LFO;
  • Loop (for glitch effects);
  • Reverb;
  • Vocal Filter (for human voice simulation);
  • Vorbis Player;
  • Vibrato.

SunVox retails for $4.99.

If you’ve used SunVox, leave a comment with your thoughts on it!

7 thoughts on “SunVox – ‘The Most Powerful Music Creation Tool For iOS’

  1. This looks and sounds fantastic. I'm not getting it though, because I use the MIDI Mobilizer, and it doesn't look like this supports it.

    Anybody know what happened to that Yamaha iPad MIDI thing?

  2. Too bad this is about the lamest demo I've ever seen for something that's supposed to be "the Most Powerful music creation tool for iOS." I don't care to see you playing the keyboard; I want to see how the synth looks while you're playing, how you can alter the sound in real time, and if there's something more than a "fantasy bell" sound to it. There are so many iOS synths that make the same, General-MIDI-style sounds, and I'd personally like to see something more like Absynth, Reaktor or Audiomulch. In fact, Audiomulch, if you're reading this by chance, let's get to it!

    Don't get me wrong; it looks nice, when we get to see it in action. I'm just saying, if you want my money, which I'll gladly give you, I'd like to see a little better preview. Maybe a Tripod for your camera, so you can use both hands like we would be doing in real life?

  3. I came here to have a look at the app, see if its worth it, and I found the worst excuse for a review in the world. Sorry, but do so,etching other than play a few notes :/

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