Image Line confirms that the new FL Studio Mobile is coming to Android devices – just don’t ask when:
One of the most asked questions today: What about Android OS?
It’s on the roadmap, stop nagging!
We have a development team working on a low-latency Android audio-engine and there are many screen resolutions and device specifications to consider, it’s not as simple as you may think
The screenshot below shows that FL Studio Mobile Android development has started, however, please do NOT expect a release version in the near future. We still have a long way to go.
The development of music apps for Android is off to a slow start, compared to iOS, so FL Studio Mobile for Android is likely to find a ready audience when it does appear.
I can't imagine how will they address the latency issue on Andraoid…
There is absolutely no way today to create an Android app that will allow for realtime input of notes via keyboard or drum pads.
So they develop for Android phones yet still make excuses about an OSX version…I guess in the Image Line world there is only one language for computers and its just INCONCEIVABLE to write FL for OSX or even a whole new product….of course there is Deckadance for OSX. Its a wonder why so many people dont take it seriously as a professional alternative DAW….Oh wait, its probably because no person in their right mind would want to deal with a PC when its time to work. This company just bothers me. Currently, for music, Android is not a viable alternative to iOS…In the future Im sure its feature set will catch up, but WHY on Earth waste time with 'droids when they could be making a productive use of their time developing a DAW for OSX?!?!?!?
Sorry Leslie… I've had the chance to listen to a prototype of a perfect FM emulator on Android, delivering with real low latency .. and it rocks… after hundreds of hours of work
"It’s on the roadmap, stop nagging!"
verb, nagged, nag·ging, noun
–verb (used with object)
to annoy by persistent faultfinding, complaints, or demands.
to keep in a state of troubled awareness or anxiety, as a recurrent pain or problem: She had certain misgivings that nagged her.
Who the fuck cares about Android?
I share your frustration with Image Line's staunch refusal to spend some money and time and utilize Mac specific coding tools etc. But I strongly disagree with your work comment regarding Windows being unfit for serious for serious work. When are you guys gonna get off broadcasting something that was true in 1998, but is patently false in 2011? For the record I'm on a Mac Pro right now, in Windows because it makes better use of the hardware and is without a doubt more stable. Please tell me what besides aggregating audio interfaces (which is cool) and in-built MIDI routing in the OS, OS X offers over windows. Don't say Core audio, because ASIO goes toe to toe with it on any level.
Malware, Logic, Defrags, A GENERAL BENCHMARK, quick startup and shut down, a reliable integration of hardware and OS, and yes, ASIO goes toe to toe with Core Audio but will be down for the count every time and thats not even a big argument.
You Mac zealots are insane. My PC's, 6 years no malware. Mac HD's are not magic nor are any routines in OS X that manage the disc. It is a magnetic disk and prone to fragmentation at the same rate as any Windows disk. Demo iDefrag if you don't believe me. Or believe Jobs' lies I don't care. If you consider the ability to run a 32 sample buffer vs. a 64 sample buffer and the 1/3-1/2 millisecond gain significant a knockout, whatever. Your GENERAL BENCHMARK, if you must yell I'll play along, is at minimum a year behind the rest of the industry. My Windows partition boots twice as fast as my OS X partition, with the Windows partition containing 10 times more software than the Mac one. My other computer, an off the shelf HP, boots to desktop in 26 seconds and I have no SSD in there.
I like Logic which is why I run a Mac Pro, but I don't use it until late in the process of track creation, and make my stems in Windows, because there is not a single thing in day to day use where OS X is demonstrable faster. For the record I'm a certified computer technician, and what I'm saying is based on real world observations.
But it's the internet, where facts don't matter. Bottom line we both have Macs and likely both appreciate having a well built piece of hardware, but I find your interpretation of the facts suspect.
Not only that, but the MIDI clock sync is rubbish at best. People keep telling me how there's amazing new scripts/codes/whatever that really gets sync to an amazing level with Android devices, but I've yet to see concrete proof. Show me a vid in which a Xoom is syncing 2 onboard apps AND external hardware. lol.
Doesn't exist.
Not sure how this devolved into a Mac vs PC debate!
Everything I’ve seen suggests that Android is going to continue to be harder to develop for. Lack of hardware consistency means fewer apps and buggies ones.
It turned into one because Synthtopia is the bridge under which Trolls live.
Oh crap, you went to your local adult school an got an A+ cert. Im an engineer, learn how to set up your Mac. Also, I gotta know what the hell youre talking about? Fragmentation is based on the file system, not hardware it self, and yes….the Mac does not need to be defragged nearly as much as a Windows system… Minimum a year? Cute. I use both platforms myself, but man, 6 years and not one piece of spyware? Bullshit. We both know you use the WWW on your PC. Dont BS yourself, you probably have some Malware your Norton isnt picking up on your beloved Vista system, kiddo. Why do PC zealots feel the need to make up their own 'facts'?
irony alert!
I'm 40 years old keep kiddo out your mouth. Yeah man I'm lying about no viruses..F. outta here with that. I don't run Vista and never did. So i don't what happened between you and that OS. I would never use a Norton product in my life. And as a matter of a fact 5 of those years I ran no protection whatsoever beyond Windows firewall. Intelligent browsing habits = no viruses. Passed every scan during the 6 year period. I don't use Internet Explorer and clean my caches, simple as that. But yeah you know my computers better than me, ridiculous.
You original implication was that the Mac needs no setup, but know you're telling me you know something special about setting up a Mac, because you're an engineer? What kind of engineer, CCNA, CCNP, audio? Please enlighten me on what settings in OS X I'm missing, that will result in these magically boot times. I have never seen a Mac boot faster than a Windows box in my entire life. You probably just leave you computer in sleep mode and call that faster bootup, whatever. I was under the impression you were implying a Mac disk didn't fragment, I was mistaken. But many believe that. Without a 3rd party tool on OS X you actually have no idea how fragmented your disc is. I am fully aware the fragmentation itself is a byproduct of the file system. After installing on my apps on my Mac when I purchased it, I checked the fragmentation and it was as bad or worse than a HD running windows. Enjoy BSing yourself, you've been sonned kiddo.
hey "bro", im an apple cert tech, i work on the shits everyday and have for many years now.. they arent magic, they arent perfect (and their case designers are pure sadists) .. plus osx tolerance for failing hds is PURE SHIT compared to windows – yeh unix is more elegant and more robust, but apple as a corp is just about microsoft 2.0 .. give it a couple more years and its a done deal
also if you dont know how to operate a pc without getting infected with malware, spyware and viruses then YOU are the zealot.. for dumbfuckery, that is
Enoch what you bring up is all I'm trying to say here. If one chooses OS X over Windows 7, cool it's just personal preference. Obvious I'm being overly sarcastic because I feel Zom's stance on Macs/OS X being so infinitely superior is false.
I honestly hate getting into these ping pong matches, but I hate mis-information equally. Whatever you're running nowadays provided your cpu/RAM are up to the task, whether OS X or Windows 7 is gonna get the job done.
People who don't want or can't have an iPhone? Just a wild stab in the dark here.
I agree with you Metatron (whatever you use gets the job done) . But I'd like to discuss a point on the PC vs MAC thing , first of all Microsoft ROCKS Apple FUCKS , I want any fan of mac to tell me how many software's out there available for mac vs the ones for WIN . that is the big deal , its now how your os utilizes the hardware (both mac and win are good) , but its the third party apps and that's why windows is used by the most because it offers a lot . I am not a mac user and never will be but i wanna know if there are games for mac ?!!! , but i guess it doesn't mater cause I got the power of the direct x . there may be a few but as the same quality as windows.
And by the Android users are more than OS X users , its just a matter of time (every thing starts one way and end another way) . people who says who cares about Android , I say it will be better than osx because is available for many different devices from phones to tablets , but in the other hand OS X is only for Apple products and most people around the world doesn't like it , few years ago OS X was CRAAAAAAAP ( no multitasking ! no bluetooth file transfer !! ) when other phones has more than that with just half of the price , which brings me to another important thing , Apple products are very expensive for nothing .
It's rare to see that much misinformation packed into one paragraph.
Apparently unintentionally, too.
Like I said I think either is fine, I just take issue with the idea that OS X is more capable than Windows 7.
I wish all the platforms success, competition and choice is a good thing. I think at the moment the multiple vendor thing with Android is part of their problem in implementing standard low latency audio. But you're correct, if they sort it out, the multiple vendor aspect can be turned into a strength. They have a lot of catching up to do in competing iOS and the sheer number of quality apps. I wouldn't say you get nothing for you money with Apple (far from it), but certainly the additional premium charge is higher than it should be.
I live on a 2nd floor, how about you? Seriously Zom, I hope there's no hard feelings, it's just the internet.
Fair point, I'm rolling with iOS myself, but I would love to see Android users get ports of these great apps when reliable low latency is made part of the Droid OS.
expecting to do professional quality work on mediocre hardware and software is going to give you mediocre results.
desktop computers today can do laps around mobile devices. it's hard enough finding a capable laptop to handle the high data/audio rates and specifications.
until the processing power and the ability to handle fast internal bit rates goes up for mobile devices, you're stuck with basic synths, general recording/editing apps and remote control devices.
as it stands right now, too early in technology development. too early in software development. and too expensive for a few blings and bleeps. more of a hipsters guide to musical entertainments.
I would like to point out that as it stands currently in the mobile industry, ios- specific devices (iPhone and ipad) are actually not the best there is anymore. If you look at the specs for the highest performing Android devices, they are not only equally matched, but surpass Apple devices in some aspects.
Here is an example: the ipad 2 is one of the top-level tablets currently in offering. On the Android side, you also have tablets with dual-core processors, but unless Apple releases the ipad 3 by the end of fall (which is not likely), then in terms of hardware, Apple will fall behind as new Android devices roll out with Nvidia's new quad-core processors.
What this signifies is that Android devices do have the power to run this application just as well. The only issue at hand is not the hardware, but the software. Its all about how effectively the OS utilizes it's given resources. Thankfully, Android is in constant development so music production software on this platform may not be so far off.
As it stands now though… ios is pretty much the only viable option to run some effective mobile DAWs, which comes as a disappointment for me as I was really excited to get to finally make music on the go.
This is directed to blah. Even if this application is primitive, it really is a step in the right direction. You can use this to create piano rolls and piecework to modify later on in the full FL Studio suite with your VST plugins, so It can still be a very powerful tool.
yeh i was responding to that Zom moron
there's a HUGE difference when comparing a CPU from a desktop, laptop and especially a mobile device. there just isn't the circuitry, processor, memory, bit rate and specs needed for high quality full musical productions on a handheld device.
we are several years off from a hand held device that can handle heavy DSP processing, while multitasking a full fledged DAW environment. not to mention any chance of multichannel recording of any type.
i'm guessing when we have our first believable virtual reality device, we'll have the processing power to replace the desktop computer with a handheld device. captains log 2020…
I made 10 tracks using Nanoloop on a Samsung Galaxy Tab but transferred them to my Ipod touch because the quality of the audio on the output was superior. It was no contest.
We have to consider things like quality of converters before even thinking about addressing issues with audio latency.
I dont care how good your latency is if your converters are garbage.
I decided to make a new comment in light of some of the recent findings I made about the development of mobile chips. More specifically, I have been focused on the Tegra Series, and the new Tegra 3 chip. The processor is said to be five times more powerful than the current Tegra 2 processor. In order to grasp the power of this chip, they stacked it up against the Core 2 Duo processor that many laptops use and found the Tegra 3 to actually BEAT it by a small margin. You can imagine the shock when I discovered this.
What is more is that the Tegra Series promises a lot more in the near future. In 2014, their "Stark" processor will be estimated to be… 100 times more powerful, or basically 20 times more powerful than Kal-El.
Now, here is the butter of all this. This laptop right here in front of me HAS FL Studio, and runs it fine.
By the way… if you aren't convinced, here is Tegra 3 running the next version of windows, which most likely will support FL Studio anyways!……
Final note here. Androids can easily be configured to support dual- boot systems and there's already been speculation on tablets that will run Windows 8 and Android.
The point made here is that you will not have to wait long for a studio in your hands. The future is here for those of us who open their eyes.
I decided to make a new comment in light of some of the recent findings I made about the development of mobile chips. More specifically, I have been focused on the Tegra Series, and the new Tegra 3 chip. The processor is said to be five times more powerful than the current Tegra 2 processor. In order to grasp the power of this chip, they stacked it up against the Core 2 Duo processor that many laptops use and found the Tegra 3 to actually BEAT it by a small margin. You can imagine the shock when I discovered this.
What is more is that the Tegra Series promises a lot more in the near future. In 2014, their "Stark" processor will be estimated to be… 100 times more powerful, or basically 20 times more powerful than Kal-El.
Now, here is the butter of all this. This laptop right here in front of me HAS FL Studio, and runs it fine.
By the way… if you aren't convinced, here is Tegra 3 running the next version of windows, which most likely will support FL Studio anyways!……
Final note here. Androids can easily be configured to support dual- boot systems and there's already been speculation on tablets that will run Windows 8 and Android.
The point made here is that you will not have to wait long for a studio in your hands. The future is here for those of us who open their eyes.
I decided to make a new comment in light of some of the recent findings I made about the development of mobile chips. More specifically, I have been focused on the Tegra Series, and the new Tegra 3 chip. The processor is said to be five times more powerful than the current Tegra 2 processor. In order to grasp the power of this chip, they stacked it up against the Core 2 Duo processor that many laptops use and found the Tegra 3 to actually BEAT it by a small margin. You can imagine the shock when I discovered this.
What is more is that the Tegra Series promises a lot more in the near future. In 2014, their "Stark" processor will be estimated to be… 100 times more powerful, or basically 20 times more powerful than Kal-El.
Now, here is the butter of all this. This laptop right here in front of me HAS FL Studio, and runs it fine. What does it have inside? You guessed it: Core 2 Duo.
By the way… if you aren't convinced, here is Tegra 3 running the next version of windows, which most likely will support FL Studio anyways!……
Final note here. Androids can easily be configured to support dual- boot systems and there's already been speculation on tablets that will run Windows 8 and Android.
The point made here is that you will not have to wait long for a studio in your hands. The future is here for those of us who open their eyes.
I decided to make a new comment in light of some of the recent findings I made about the development of mobile chips. More specifically, I have been focused on the Tegra Series, and the new Tegra 3 chip. The processor is said to be five times more powerful than the current Tegra 2 processor. In order to grasp the power of this chip, they stacked it up against the Core 2 Duo processor that many laptops use and found the Tegra 3 to actually BEAT it by a small margin. You can imagine the shock when I discovered this.
What is more is that the Tegra Series promises a lot more in the near future. In 2014, their "Stark" processor will be estimated to be… 100 times more powerful, or basically 20 times more powerful than Kal-El.
Now, here is the butter of all this. This laptop right here in front of me HAS FL Studio, and runs it fine. What does it have inside? You guessed it: Core 2 Duo.
By the way… if you aren't convinced, here is Tegra 3 running the next version of windows, which most likely will support FL Studio anyways!……
Final note here. Androids can easily be configured to support dual- boot systems and there's already been speculation on tablets that will run Windows 8 and Android.
The point made here is that you will not have to wait long for a studio in your hands. The future is here for those of us who open their eyes.
I decided to make a new comment in light of some of the recent findings I made about the development of mobile chips. More specifically, I have been focused on the Tegra Series, and the new Tegra 3 chip. The processor is said to be five times more powerful than the current Tegra 2 processor. In order to grasp the power of this chip, they stacked it up against the Core 2 Duo processor that many laptops use and found the Tegra 3 to actually BEAT it by a small margin. You can imagine the shock when I discovered this.
What is more is that the Tegra Series promises a lot more in the near future. In 2014, their "Stark" processor will be estimated to be… 100 times more powerful, or basically 20 times more powerful than Kal-El.
Now, here is the butter of all this. This laptop right here in front of me HAS FL Studio, and runs it fine. What does it have inside? You guessed it: Core 2 Duo.
By the way… if you aren't convinced, here is Tegra 3 running the next version of windows, which most likely will support FL Studio anyways!……
Final note here. Androids can easily be configured to support dual- boot systems and there's already been speculation on tablets that will run Windows 8 and Android.
The point made here is that you will not have to wait long for a studio in your hands. The future is here for those of us who open their eyes.
I decided to make a new comment in light of some of the recent findings I made about the development of mobile chips. More specifically, I have been focused on the Tegra Series, and the new Tegra 3 chip. The processor is said to be five times more powerful than the current Tegra 2 processor. In order to grasp the power of this chip, they stacked it up against the Core 2 Duo processor that many laptops use and found the Tegra 3 to actually BEAT it by a small margin. You can imagine the shock when I discovered this.
What is more is that the Tegra Series promises a lot more in the near future. In 2014, their "Stark" processor will be estimated to be… 100 times more powerful, or basically 20 times more powerful than Kal-El.
Now, here is the butter of all this. This laptop right here in front of me HAS FL Studio, and runs it fine. What does it have inside? You guessed it: Core 2 Duo.
By the way… if you aren't convinced, here is Tegra 3 running the next version of windows, which most likely will support FL Studio anyways!……
Final note here. Androids can easily be configured to support dual- boot systems and there's already been speculation on tablets that will run Windows 8 and Android.
The point made here is that you will not have to wait long for a studio in your hands. The future is here for those of us who open their eyes.
I decided to make a new comment in light of some of the recent findings I made about the development of mobile chips. More specifically, I have been focused on the Tegra Series, and the new Tegra 3 chip. The processor is said to be five times more powerful than the current Tegra 2 processor. In order to grasp the power of this chip, they stacked it up against the Core 2 Duo processor that many laptops use and found the Tegra 3 to actually BEAT it by a small margin. You can imagine the shock when I discovered this.
What is more is that the Tegra Series promises a lot more in the near future. In 2014, their "Stark" processor will be estimated to be… 100 times more powerful, or basically 20 times more powerful than Kal-El.
Now, here is the butter of all this. This laptop right here in front of me HAS FL Studio, and runs it fine. What does it have inside? You guessed it: Core 2 Duo.
By the way… if you aren't convinced, here is Tegra 3 running the next version of windows, which most likely will support FL Studio anyways!……
Final note here. Androids can easily be configured to support dual- boot systems and there's already been speculation on tablets that will run Windows 8 and Android.
The point made here is that you will not have to wait long for a studio in your hands. The future is here for those of us who open their eyes.
I decided to make a new comment in light of some of the recent findings I made about the development of mobile chips. More specifically, I have been focused on the Tegra Series, and the new Tegra 3 chip. The processor is said to be five times more powerful than the current Tegra 2 processor. In order to grasp the power of this chip, they stacked it up against the Core 2 Duo processor that many laptops use and found the Tegra 3 to actually BEAT it by a small margin. You can imagine the shock when I discovered this.
What is more is that the Tegra Series promises a lot more in the near future. In 2014, their "Stark" processor will be estimated to be… 100 times more powerful, or basically 20 times more powerful than Kal-El.
Now, here is the butter of all this. This laptop right here in front of me HAS FL Studio, and runs it fine. What does it have inside? You guessed it: Core 2 Duo.
By the way… if you aren't convinced, here is Tegra 3 running the next version of windows, which most likely will support FL Studio anyways!……
Final note here. Androids can easily be configured to support dual- boot systems and there's already been speculation on tablets that will run Windows 8 and Android.
The point made here is that you will not have to wait long for a studio in your hands. The future is here for those of us who open their eyes.
I decided to make a new comment in light of some of the recent findings I made about the development of mobile chips. More specifically, I have been focused on the Tegra Series, and the new Tegra 3 chip. The processor is said to be five times more powerful than the current Tegra 2 processor. In order to grasp the power of this chip, they stacked it up against the Core 2 Duo processor that many laptops use and found the Tegra 3 to actually BEAT it by a small margin. You can imagine the shock when I discovered this.
What is more is that the Tegra Series promises a lot more in the near future. In 2014, their "Stark" processor will be estimated to be… 100 times more powerful, or basically 20 times more powerful than Kal-El.
Now, here is the butter of all this. This laptop right here in front of me HAS FL Studio, and runs it fine. What does it have inside? You guessed it: Core 2 Duo.
By the way… if you aren't convinced, here is Tegra 3 running the next version of windows, which most likely will support FL Studio anyways!……
Final note here. Androids can easily be configured to support dual- boot systems and there's already been speculation on tablets that will run Windows 8 and Android.
The point made here is that you will not have to wait long for a studio in your hands. The future is here for those of us who open their eyes.
I decided to make a new comment in light of some of the recent findings I made about the development of mobile chips. More specifically, I have been focused on the Tegra Series, and the new Tegra 3 chip. The processor is said to be five times more powerful than the current Tegra 2 processor. In order to grasp the power of this chip, they stacked it up against the Core 2 Duo processor that many laptops use and found the Tegra 3 to actually BEAT it by a small margin. You can imagine the shock when I discovered this.
What is more is that the Tegra Series promises a lot more in the near future. In 2014, their "Stark" processor will be estimated to be… 100 times more powerful, or basically 20 times more powerful than Kal-El.
Now, here is the butter of all this. This laptop right here in front of me HAS FL Studio, and runs it fine. What does it have inside? You guessed it: Core 2 Duo.
By the way… if you aren't convinced, here is Tegra 3 running the next version of windows, which most likely will support FL Studio anyways!……
Final note here. Androids can easily be configured to support dual- boot systems and there's already been speculation on tablets that will run Windows 8 and Android.
The point made here is that you will not have to wait long for a studio in your hands. The future is here for those of us who open their eyes.
I decided to make a new comment in light of some of the recent findings I made about the development of mobile chips. More specifically, I have been focused on the Tegra Series, and the new Tegra 3 chip. The processor is said to be five times more powerful than the current Tegra 2 processor. In order to grasp the power of this chip, they stacked it up against the Core 2 Duo processor that many laptops use and found the Tegra 3 to actually BEAT it by a small margin. You can imagine the shock when I discovered this.
What is more is that the Tegra Series promises a lot more in the near future. In 2014, their "Stark" processor will be estimated to be… 100 times more powerful, or basically 20 times more powerful than Kal-El.
Now, here is the butter of all this. This laptop right here in front of me HAS FL Studio, and runs it fine. What does it have inside? You guessed it: Core 2 Duo.
By the way… if you aren't convinced, here is Tegra 3 running the next version of windows, which most likely will support FL Studio anyways!……
Final note here. Androids can easily be configured to support dual- boot systems and there's already been speculation on tablets that will run Windows 8 and Android.
The point made here is that you will not have to wait long for a studio in your hands. The future is here for those of us who open their eyes.
I decided to make a new comment in light of some of the recent findings I made about the development of mobile chips. More specifically, I have been focused on the Tegra Series, and the new Tegra 3 chip. The processor is said to be five times more powerful than the current Tegra 2 processor. In order to grasp the power of this chip, they stacked it up against the Core 2 Duo processor that many laptops use and found the Tegra 3 to actually BEAT it by a small margin. You can imagine the shock when I discovered this.
What is more is that the Tegra Series promises a lot more in the near future. In 2014, their "Stark" processor will be estimated to be… 100 times more powerful, or basically 20 times more powerful than Kal-El.
Now, here is the butter of all this. This laptop right here in front of me HAS FL Studio, and runs it fine. What does it have inside? You guessed it: Core 2 Duo.
By the way… if you aren't convinced, here is Tegra 3 running the next version of windows, which most likely will support FL Studio anyways!……
Final note here. Androids can easily be configured to support dual- boot systems and there's already been speculation on tablets that will run Windows 8 and Android.
The point made here is that you will not have to wait long for a studio in your hands. The future is here for those of us who open their eyes.
Hmmm … anybody tried basic function, (not even going complex yet) Adobe Premiere Pro on Mac? Then try on a PC? Then go back and try on a Mac.
And then I wanted to use Adobe Lifecycle Designer. That was the last straw. Threw my effing Mac away and ordered a PC.
But going back topic, FL Studio is awesome and I believe they can and will make a good android version. Have some faith in them!
Why always android apps should be "low" then iOS?
Andriod devices has much more to offer then iOS.
So FL Studio Guys, Make it better !
Ive used FL for some years now and love it, i myself am a PC chap, my house mate who also is heavily into music creation is a mac user so we get a good comparison of both, we both use external firewire interfaces for the audio, so that deals with alot of the latency issues, but i can run far more effects and vizulations on my laptop, then again it is an i7 with 8GB ram and a Hybrid Drive, so its not short on guts, this compaird to the mac book pro, which is a core 2 duo with 4gb ram, the worst cooling and the internal speaker inside in-cased in metal, so it looks nice but over heats and then becomes very slow, my laptop keeps going… so for the same price why buy a rotten apple? – this is my opinion based on what i have seem with my own eyes, im sure mac's have there uses and are good at some stuff a PC isnt, then again a mac is all intel based these days and can run windows, so it is a PC really…