Tenori On For iPad & iPhone, TNR-i, Now Available In US. What Do You Think Of It?

iPad Tenori On

iPad Music Software:  The iOS version of the Yamaha Tenori On, TRN-i, is now available in the App Store for $19.99.

The iOS version of the Tenori On, according to Yamaha, a ’faithful duplication of the TENORI-ON concept and its design and interface, which were developed under the supervision of Toshio Iwai.’

Note: There’s lots of interesting discussion about hardware vs software in our previous post about TNR-i & the Tenori On.

If you’ve used TNR-i, leave a comment with your thoughts!

Yamaha TNR-i Overview

TNR-i can produce 16 types of sounds at the same time (16 layers), and it can remember up to 16 song patterns produced using those sounds (16 blocks). By switching between song patterns in real time, you can produce a rich variety of musical expressions.

There are six different types of performance modes that you can select for each layer. You can make elaborate music by combining different modes.

  • In score mode, the most fundamental of the modes, you can arrange sounds horizontally (temporally) and vertically (by pitch).
  • In random mode, the sounds that you arrange are not just played in order—the melody and rhythm constantly change as twists are added.
  • In draw mode, you can perform music by tracing your finger across the buttons as if drawing a picture.
  • In bounce mode, the glowing lights are like bouncing balls that produce sound when they fall.
  • In push mode, you can continuously change the sound as you perform.
  • In solo mode, you can adjust the speed of repetition and the pitch.

If you are connected to a network, you can also participate in TNR-i sessions with distant players. Up to four people can connect to each other over a network. You can also jam wirelessly with hardware Tenori-On synths.


23 thoughts on “Tenori On For iPad & iPhone, TNR-i, Now Available In US. What Do You Think Of It?

  1. We've had it for about a week now, and have had an original Tenori-On for months now too. We loaded the new OS v2.1 last week.

    Using an iPad2 / TNR-i is far easier for my disabled wife; the TNR-w is too heavy for her to hold comfortably for more than a few minutes. Similarly, the portability of the iPad2 (and availability of reasonably-priced cases / covers) is an advantage.

    On the negative side, I miss the dedicated MIDI port (I know, the Yamaha i-MX1, but I haven't got one in my hands yet) that lets me easily throw my Tenori-On sketches into Ableton Live / Pro Tools for development. Although I can see the rationale for moving the many L and R control buttons to allow the grid to be as large as possible, it would make more sense to me to keep them as vertical columns. My biggest regret is the lack of a solid clicky scroll-wheel – I build in sections and move between them more accurately with that single click from my left thumb.

    When it comes to price comparisons (assuming you have some sort of ipad already), the TNR-i really is terrific – but the hardware gear nut in me is always going to prefer the feel of that cold metal in my hands!

  2. yamaha should do something about the owners of the hardware edition of tenori-on (some new sounds, more user banks, something)

  3. I sold my TO a month ago and now I can use the songs I created on it on another device. I just wish I could figure out how to load user instruments into the three user banks!

  4. It just landed in America last night, and I’ve yet to go to sleep! I’m considering calling in my first app-induced sick day at work. never understood the anti- Tenori crowd at all, but to each his own. Change the sounds just because they might border on annoying? Well I bet people thought a Prophet makes annoying fart sounds when it came out. And it does. And my girlfriends giggle can get annoying too, but as I get older I’m becoming convinced that there are NO annoying g sounds, just ones you’re not used to yet. All sound is good. Vive le audio!

  5. Thanks it's seems Yamaha is really counting on the I Mx-1 to handle all. I bought some of there other recent apps without their adapter.do you know when or where it will available. guess i' ll have to wait .

  6. They have – and at least they're still developing it. Have you seen the new "remote" mode in the TNR-i and TNR-w/o v2.1, for instance? Check Toshio Iwai's Blog too, he's still looking at ways to extend what it can do.

    Compare that to Korg, just for example – http://www.facebook.com/topic.php?uid=66288391079… – it's great that they keep popping out new toys for us, but once they've made the sale, that's pretty much it.

  7. They have – and at least they're still developing it. Have you seen the new "remote" mode in the TNR-i and TNR-w/o v2.1, for instance? Check Toshio Iwai's Blog too, he's still looking at ways to extend what it can do.

    Compare that to Korg, just for example – http://www.facebook.com/topic.php?uid=66288391079… – it's great that they keep popping out new toys for us, but once they've made the sale, that's pretty much it.

  8. They have – and at least they're still developing it. Have you seen the new "remote" mode in the TNR-i and TNR-w/o v2.1, for instance? Check Toshio Iwai's Blog too, he's still looking at ways to extend what it can do.

    Compare that to Korg, just for example – http://www.facebook.com/topic.php?uid=66288391079… – it's great that they keep popping out new toys for us, but once they've made the sale, that's pretty much it.

  9. They have – and at least they're still developing it. Have you seen the new "remote" mode in the TNR-i and TNR-w/o v2.1, for instance? Check Toshio Iwai's Blog too, he's still looking at ways to extend what it can do.

    Compare that to Korg, just for example – http://www.facebook.com/topic.php?uid=66288391079… – it's great that they keep popping out new toys for us, but once they've made the sale, that's pretty much it.

  10. They have – and at least they're still developing it. Have you seen the new "remote" mode in the TNR-i and TNR-w/o v2.1, for instance? Check Toshio Iwai's Blog too, he's still looking at ways to extend what it can do.

    Compare that to Korg, just for example – http://www.facebook.com/topic.php?uid=66288391079… – it's great that they keep popping out new toys for us, but once they've made the sale, that's pretty much it.

  11. They have – and at least they're still developing it. Have you seen the new "remote" mode in the TNR-i and TNR-w/o v2.1, for instance? Check Toshio Iwai's Blog too, he's still looking at ways to extend what it can do.

    Compare that to Korg, just for example – http://www.facebook.com/topic.php?uid=66288391079… – it's great that they keep popping out new toys for us, but once they've made the sale, that's pretty much it.

  12. Yet it's STILL not available in Australi!

    I finally got hold of someone at Yamaha Australia who said they are working on it but still have no idea as to when it might happen…

  13. I picked it up this morning and it’s absolutly a blast. Never having played with the original I can’t compare, but I imagine it’s pretty similar.

    The iPad feels appropriately sized, but I was really surprised that using it on an iPhone was actually fairly easily.

    For some reason the sync isn’t working on mine (says Game Center doesn’t recognize it).

  14. I have TNR-W and bought this today. This is the same or better than the original most part except the tactile feeling.

    Do I have better Midi option than i-MX1?

  15. How do you export a saved recording? I can email it to myself but my mac says it has no application to open it …. ???? For now I'm just replaying the song into Ableton LIve and recording it to WAV.

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