Did you wake up this morning thinking “****! I wish there were more AutoTuned vocals in this world!”
If so, today is your lucky day.
iZotope and T-Pain have announced The T-Pain Effect, a collection of music making tools designed to let anyone make music.
“When I teamed up with iZotope my goal was to bring people a quality audio tool that produces quality sound,” says T-Pain. “iZotope’s knowledge of audio technology really impressed me and I knew they were the right team to partner with. This is the technology I use on my own records. I wouldn’t put my name on anything I didn’t stand by, and you can hear it on my records.”
The T-Pain Effect centers on The T-Pain Engine, a beat-making and vocal recording application for PC and Mac. It offers over 50 song templates, comprised of hundreds of ‘T-Pain approved’ beats.
With the backing track in place, users can then sing, rap, or speak on one or two vocal tracks to record a song with ease. Beats and song arrangements can be customized and vocals can be edited, including punch-in recording for retakes
And, guess what? Users can add The T-Pain Effect to the vocal tracks immediately upload the complete song to SoundCloud.
In addition to the standalone T-Pain Engine, the product includes a VST, AU, and RTAS plug-in version of The T-Pain Effect for use with digital audio workstations (DAWs) such as Pro Tools, GarageBand, Cubase, SONAR and Logic. The plug-in includes real-time monitoring through the host program, hardness/softness controls for dialing in the sound, and scale presets to match the key of a song. Advanced users can also create their own scale presets using the built-in keyboard or a MIDI controller.
The product also includes iDrum: T-Pain Edition, a virtual drum machine that includes hundreds of custom beats of different musical genres, with over 50 T-Pain iDrum kits. Used as a standalone application or a plug-in, users can arrange beats into songs, create new kits and patterns, import their own samples, and edit samples with effects like pitch, filter, and decay. iDrum T-Pain Edition is fully compatible with other content from iZotope’s various iDrum titles.
The T-Pain Effect for Windows and Mac (VST/AU/RTAS/MAS/DX/Standalone) is available to purchase for US $99.
Interesting. It actually looks pretty fun.
T- Pain + software development = We all in pain. One more step down the path of mediocrity for all mankind.
Oh T pain to listen to all the crappy material now made.
Dear Mr Synthhead
Sometimes I almost get the impression that you LIKE to stimulate hate mail responses… Just wait for "T-Pain endorses sexy iPad software."
Also, if you purchase the software, you are entitled to 1 week of living in t-pain's house, full access to his car and as well as select access to T-pain's wide assortment of ho's and homey's. Also, the first 1000 people to purchase the product get facial reconstructive surgery to get the "full T-Pain experience", as well as vocal implants for a lifetime of auto-tuned speech.
No longer do you have to live with your own mediocre identity. You can have TPain's!
I don't know if I would want my name associated with a product that states "to let anyone make music". Would that "anyone" include T-Pain?
This could start something:
iZotope and Neil Peart have announced The Peart Effect. Now anyone can sound like Neil Peart.
iZotope and Squarepusher have announced The Square Bass GTR Effect. Now anyone can sound like they play bass like Squarepusher.
Cool, let's get more people involved in turning modern hip hop and r&b to utter trash. I never thought actually talent would become such a marketing liability.
thumbs up if you felt ashamed by this
its even bad for karaoke
Top 40 music just went down the evolutionary ladder about 5 rungs.
Well, I'm going to buy it and become the next Burial just to spite everyone in this thread.
Hey It is great to be alive and have fun not take those kind of things too seriously if you want to avoid an ulcer.
Could someone tell me what microphone she was singing into @ 1 min? thx
He definitely likes to provoke discourse.
This product is so much ass~hat, btw.
What a joke.
Unfortunately, today is not April 1st…
Actually, T-Pain is quite the gear-head. He's very knowledgeable when it comes to synths and recording… read some of his interviews… very down to earth guy too.
Way to assume the dumb black rapper stereotype… this isn't the Beat Kangz, bro.
I thought izotope was a serious company in the industry…….this is so lame compared to Ozone, Alloy e.t.c
if u are thinking of buying this than just quit trying to be in the music business because you already failed….
WHAT? Light hearted music software that isn't made by and for white middle class prosumers? This can only mean the death of art… nay, civilization.
it's weird how this and beat kangz beat thang meet with such harsh criticism.
you white people will pay $1400 for a monome in a heart beat or $3000 for a
Buchla module. Can people just have fun?
…..I buy for 99 Pesos ?? No, no, nooo….
Maybe I could work Nerd Revolt into that one – and really feel the love.
Maybe I could work Nerd Revolt into that one – and really feel the love.
Hey, white people abuse the fuck out of auto tune to (i.e. cher, essentially the inventor of auto tune) , it's not a race thing, it's a "auto-tune's overused and sounds mediocre at best" thing.
It's not entirely a race thing, it's mostly a snobbery, and to some extent, class thing. It's an interesting effect, which allows lyrics and vocals to be performed in unusual ways, and I don't think it's any more "overused" than any other audio effect, it just stands out because it's relatively new and striking. I get the feeling that had obscure indie producers discovered 'hardtuning' before R&B/rap assimilated it, it would be declared the new vocoder and the dawning of a new era in software helping creativity. But that didn't happen. The proles got their hands on it, so now a technology that opens up doors to people who perhaps can't sing terribly well is dismissed as garbage. Kind of ironic on this site considering the stigma initially attatched to synthesizers for exactly the same reasons people hate autotune (i.e. requires less technical ability, sounds "artificial").
So no, you're not going to make some obtuse microtonal, polyrhythmic, chip-tune, generative drone epic with this bit of software, but so what? It'll let people who would otherwise find making music intimidating have a bit of fun and maybe inspire some creativity.
@wut I'm glad their are still sensible people in the crowd of trolls that love to hate on Synthtopia lately. Who cares if someone made another vocoder they can be fun even if they have been overused in a certain genre of music lately. You know what I hate, I hate ipads but you don't hear me ranting on the 50 new music related I app crap posts a day. Then there are all the analog vsts as of recent do we really need 3000 and counting Vst plugins emulating or recreating some old synth. Creativity is the only thing and you can use anything you want.
I don't think this topic requires the (intelligent and interesting granted) analysis of different scenes or consumers. It's just sounds musically horrible, and why encourage this sound-alike follower mentality?
but of course i remember hearing autotune on 90's cher recordings and i also recall it on a janet jackson track. It was used very subtly in a very clever melodic way. Now in 2011 we soak everything in autotune and it sounds fu*king awful ):
Actually, I thought this would be useful for grabbing a short speech, auto-tuning it & then adding music – simply to make an otherwise boring talk/speech into something the audience can really enjoy. There are mashups like this on YouTube with (eg) famous scientists saying important things – add auto-tune & music & suddenly you’ve got an interesting arrangement & people will learn something useful while listening to the music. Wouldn’t this be one of the best/fastest ways to get this done easily?