Free Music Software: AfroDJMac sends word of another free Live Rack, Guitar Harmonics Synth:
Hi Synthtopia, I’ve created a synth using the harmonics of a guitar at the 5th, 7th, and 12th fret of each string. It is equipped with useful effects and the ability to switch samples and reverse them.
AfroDJMac is celebrating not just the release of his 20th free Live Rack, but his birthday. Check out the giant Live controller cake and give the guy a birthday wish at his site.
The Guitar Harmonics Synth Live Rack is a free download at AfroDJMac’s site.
For more great freebies – see our other free Live Rack posts and the Free Music Software category.
Thanks you guys!
hello mr. AFRO
my name is freddy bastone
i do alot of producing and remixes .i've been doing this for a living for 30 yrs.
i really enjoy your vidz but i can not for the life of me down load the software?
can u please send info on how to ?
thanks and have a great day
freddy bastone
ps.check out some of my wk
Free ?
Well, I stand corrected. I have to applaud you for changing your ways. Last time I checked your site required me to enter my e-mail address. Seems that patch still does.
OK… I know you're reading this stuff and I'm going to make you an offer
Free for me is "download and go". Some of your stuff doesn't work that way. Truth be told I honestly admire your passion; you don't get to 20 packs without that.
I know your domain is regged with godaddy. I know it seems your website is too. Honestly: I think you should easily be able to host your stuff there too without having to rely on 3rd parties.
If you want I can provide download space so you don't have to resort to stuff like "I only want an email address" or whatever. Also; links don't disappear after 6 months. There is a small catch (as in: I'd like my stuff to be mentioned) but no costs.
If you're interested contact "ShelLuser" through the Ableton forum OR ask the guys from synthtopia about my post. I hereby grant them permission to sent you (and only you) my email addy.
Bah.. that's what editing your post (just before hitting submit) does if you had a few beers.
And of course happy birthday!