Free Ableton Live Instrument – The Whoosh Machine

Reader Taylor Martyr sends word of a new free Ableton Live instrument, The Whoosh Machine:

Hello! We’ve been visiting this site religiously for years, now we finally have some cool free goodies to offer the Synthtopia community:

Introducing the Whoosh Machine FREE Ableton Live Instrument by Sonic Faction. It can be downloaded for free from

At its core, Whoosh Machine has 10+ high quality analog white noise patches. The instrument is truly a one-stop whoosh shop featuring 8 filter types and a built FX rack with LFO, Sidechain Pumper, Delay and a massive Reverb. Simply drag and drop Whoosh Machine onto a track, play a note on your midi keyboard and start tweaking the filters to create huge, soaring risers and powerful, cascading descenders.

For those who just want to party, Sonic Faction took the liberty of creating pre-made whooshes at specific intervals like 2 Bar up, 4 bar down, 8 bar rise, etc. Simply drag and drop these clips from your Ableton library for instant, perfectly-timed whoosh madness.


  • High quality multi-sampled analog white noise
  • 8 filter types including LP, HP, BP, Vintage, Resonant
  • Built in FX Rack: LFO, Pumper, Delay, and massive Reverb
  • Includes custom made clips for drag/drop whoosh intervals

The Whoosh Machine is a free download from Sonic Faction. If you give it a try, let us know what you think of it!

5 thoughts on “Free Ableton Live Instrument – The Whoosh Machine

  1. Not as free as we're made to believe.

    Before you can download this critter they require that you register with your name and e-mail address. And would optionally like to know our company and phone number too.

    Added up to the fact that this is a pretty substandard sound effect I'm skipping this one.

  2. Whoosh Machine is dope. Downloaded it a couple of weeks ago. I also bought the Evil Fish 303 from . It sounds amazing! Super creative and useful.

  3. It's all good – I'll gladly give my email to someone who makes dope instruments for Ableton and posts them for us to download. I gave my email like 20 times to AfroDJMac who makes cool racks too. Keep em comin!

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