Image-Line is working on FL Studio for Mac OS X and is looking for beta testers.
That’s right – FL Studio for Mac OS X. Did hell just freeze over?
Here’s what they have to say about it:
We have been working with CodeWeavers for the past year or so in developing a special version of FL Studio that runs in a customized Crossover wrapper (a Windows emulator/wrapper). This means that you DON’T need anything else (like a Windows installation, Boot Camp or CrossOver) to run FL Studio on Mac OSX. Just install FL Studio using the supplied .dmg and away you go!
We are now looking for experienced FL Studio users as beta-testers so if you have been a customer for 2 years or more AND have access to a Mac for testing, please reply below to have your name added to the list.
See the Image-Line site for details.
Holy pulps! This is kind of historical.
When will Logic Studio be available for PC?
It was available on Windows and Mac until version 5. After that Apple bought it and made it exclusive for the Mac
when!!! when!!!! when!!! i am in line
I have a Mac and I’m a 4 year customer I’d be glad to test Fl Studio for Mac.
not sure what’s new about this, you can already run it in crossover – can someone explain?
This is an official solution, which is new.
well, if it’s running in crossover firstly it’s nothing new aside from image line telling people they have a ‘mac osx version’. Which is isn’t, as it won’t use your vsts/au’s on your macs plugin directory.
yep as I thought – from the site:
– This version of FL Studio does not support Audio Unit plugins. (PC) VST and FL Studio native only.
– 3rd Party VST plug-in compatibility needs to be tested on a case-by-case basis (please report).
this is nice for windows fl users who also have a mac and want to be able to share projects across platforms but there are so many more stable, compatible daws available on osx.
You can rewire!!!!!
Image-Line, you just opened the world wider! Thank you thank you thank you
Hehe, I would ask the same question about Logic too
emagic logic 5.5.1 for windows was last ver for both platform , no chance to back windows
Wondering if the step sequencers will support the Novation Launchpad?
It’s a wrapper… wine…
Think not native…
Think latency… think… wrapper… think additional processing…
Think 32 bit… no 64 bit…
People have been using wine and crossover for a couple of years, it’s nothing new and it’s not native OS/X. This kind of false advertising belongs on FOX Network and other garbage media sites.
“It’s a wrapper… wine…
Think not native…
Think latency… think… wrapper… think additional processing…”
wine. is. not an. emulator.
in wine, windows dll’s run Natively .
the windows dll’s are fooled into thinking they are in windows and all of their calls are passed on to unix analog’s.
calling wine an emulator is a gross misunderstanding of what it does and shows why the acronym exists.
“Think 32 bit… no 64 bit…”
there is a 64 bit wine and a 64 bit fl so no wories there either.
“People have been using wine and crossover for a couple of years, it’s nothing new and it’s not native OS/X. This kind of false advertising belongs on FOX Network and other garbage media sites.”
on that sir, you are correct!!!!
Kind of worthless if it’s hit or miss on plug in support! Like the “free” Presonus Studio Lite, which doesn’t support any plug ins at all.
This is exactly the kind of approach that has killed off a lot of Mac products. Release something half-assed, nobody buys it, then conclude that Mac users didn’t want the product.
This seems less like a Mac release than a kludge for PC users that want to get MacBook Airs for mobile use.
Can’t see this winning over new Mac uses.
It’s open for beta tester registration through image line’s forum. The limitations that they posted are due to it being beta. they’ll need testers to work out all the kinks just like any beta testing program.
crossover is besides the issue… i can’t really comment on crossover working with rewire to various daws or having the functionality of edison’s drag and drop sample, but i’m assuming that wouldn’t work across platforms when hosting FL in Live or Logic.
“i can’t really comment on crossover working with rewire to various daws or having the functionality of edison’s drag and drop sample.”
well drag and drop has been working from Edison to guru on my Linux box,
also while rewire may not work, . j.a.c.k. will.
I want to be a tester
I’ve been using FL Studio on PC for 7 years and recently bought a MacBook Pro. I’d love to become a tester.
they already have fl studio on apple products. why is it so hard to just make an official os x version ?
I have a Macbook pro with FL studio 10 and Crossover pro. I have been a big FL User for a while but also love OSX and just bought both crossover and FL to see how well it performs on a mac. I am surprised and disappointed how laggy and slow it performs. But in this video it looks like its performing flawlessly. I would love to be a tester.
Hi i have a mac pro and i have been using Fl studio for 1.5 years on a virtual VM Ware, but now i really need to try fl studio with out and virtual program, just wanna run it directly on my mac pro. it will be the worlds best DAW software ever.!
i,m ready to try it on my mac pro.
i have used fl 8 9 and 10 on my window bought a mac some few months and all i wish is fl studio a really mac version a good dmg like pro tools nuendo i love working fl studio and i wil love to test it and give a full feed back with video every thing and thankx any way i hope we can really get fl studio on mac
Give me plz
I’ve been a FL user for quite some years now but i lost contact the moment i started using mac but its now great to hear this pleasant development. pls i’d like to test it as welll. thanx
I’ve been using FL Studio for over 4 years and would love to test out the beta version for Mac!
Send it to me!!!!
Ive been using since FL 6 came out, jus got my Mac, and I don’t want to use any other program but FL
I’ve been using FL Studio for a few years now. I have been waiting for it to come out on mac since I got it. I have had to keep my old Dell just so I could operate FL studio.
Ive been a fl user since 2003 and I have a mac
I would be happy to test it.
Ive been a fl user since 2003 and I have a mac
I would be happy to test it.
note – this is my correct email.
I have been an FL Studio user for over 10 years and recently purchased a MacBook pro. I would gladly assist in the beta testing.
I have been a FL user for 4 years and am a Mac user who has a PC specifically for FL.
I would be privileged to be a beta tester. Please send me more info!
Thank you.
I’ve been a user for 13 years. I would love to test the Mac version out on my MacBookPro. Thanks!
Hello! I would be very interested in being a beta tester. I have been using FL Studio for almost 10 years now, and I now only use a Mac.
My company also develops for Apple, so I am used to sending out bug reports, comments, etc.
hello, I would like to be a tester. I have been using FL studio 9 for about 2 years now. I have recently switched to a MacBook Pro & would love to be able to test. thanks a lot!
I’ve been using FL studio since like 11th grade, so i think thats like 4 years. I have to test, like i HAVE to. I’ve considered selling my macbook just cause it couldnt hold fl studio. Please can i test please!
we are waiting …
Id love to! Ive been writing on FL for a year and a half and my pc died not long ago. Im running on a mac now and would be more than happy to test the program.
FInally! just had my desktop crash, and would love to test this on my mac!
I’ve been working with Fl Studio for a while on my PC with various plugins, learning everything there is to know with the DAW. I would love to beta test, consider me qualified!
I DEFINITELY NEED THIS! SOON! VERY SOON! Ive been working with FL Studio for about 2.5 years & Im tired of having to restart my mac, HOLD ALT, and switch over to windows -______-
this would be so amazing!
Put me on that list!
I’ve been working with to studio since its been called fruity loops and I’ve recently transferred to a mac computer. I would love to know when this software is available.
im going to be on a tv show .. battle of the producers and i wanna use fl on my mac for the show please !! help lol
I have been a fruity loops user for years but i recently got a macbook so i have
no more fl..i would love to test it#
I’ve been a user for 3 years and 4 months. I have a MAC and a PC and I’d like to try the BETA version for MAC.
Thank you
I recently became a MAC user and i absolutely love it.There is just one thing missing,and that is having FL Studio on a MAC.If i had that,my life would be complete! It would be a privilege to test it,Cheers!
Id love to beta test this! I’ve been using fruity loops for 6+ years now and have a Mac!!!
I’ll beta test this. I’m a producer. I know my way around and use a mac.
i produce and have a mac!
i have a mac and i’m a producer, i’d love to beta test this.
I’ve been using FL Studio for the longest. Converted to a Mac and was devastated to see such an amazing product wasn’t available. Tried other software and realized only FL Studio could match my desire for musical creation.
If it is not a native Mac OS X app I don’t even want to pollute my Mac Pro with it.
when!!! when!! i been waiting for this hell yea
Interesting. I have been using crossover for years to host win32 reaper and a few Win32 VST’s on my mac. It does work with about 75% of programs I have tried. I didn’t know Codeweavers was coming out with a wrapper product, that is interesting, I wonder how many others will step in line for that. Interesting way for them to leverage wine.
As others have said, when running a win32 app under wine or crossover, you’re still running win32 code, so only win32 plugins will work. However, I want to say that with my testing it has been VERY good performance, there is no noticeable latency or jitter or anything like that. The code is running direct on the CPU, no VM involved at all. There is an AISO thing floating around the net called JackWASIO which is basically an AISO driver the loads into the win32 side and communicates with JackOSX. Midi is seamless over IAC.
Hello I have been using fl studio on pc for a while and I just switched to Mac it would be awesome if I could test it out and give you input on it
Hello, Ive been using FL Studio since version 3. I recently bought a Mac Book Pro because I’m enrolled at Full Sail University. It would be my honor to become a tester.
I’m a Logic user, but I’d give it a go
I wish Image Line would just bite the bullet and recode it in language native to both Win and OSX (and Linux). This is not a solution, it’s a glorified Windows wrapper.
I’ve had a minor debate in the past with the FL programmers and it’s basically down to the fact they don’t wanna take the time to code it. Yet at the same time, they both admitted that they went through a recode with Deckadance to make it cross-platform – and also that an FL recode would allow them to remove and rectify “mistakes” in the program that can’t currently be removed.
I suggested before that they could just build upon the Deckadance platform with the piano roll sequencer and add the other features/layout in. I even offered to put a team together to do it myself. They never had a response. It’s not my intention to be a troll, but it’s massively frustrating that a popular DAW isn’t on the platform considered to be the music/creative industry standard. Even more frustrating when they pretty much admitted that it’s doable. Why they can’t let go of Delphi, an obsolete and horrendous language, is mystifying…
I would love to test this on my mac
I have been using fl studio for five years and i love it.It’s easy to use and very versatile.
I am an avid FLStudio user since 2008– I am interested in becoming a beta tester. I’m currently running a 2.3GHz Mac mini.
Please send me FL Studio for Mac to test out. I have been using FL Studio for 10 years.
un programa muy bueno
may i try it?
Please send me free trial! I would love to use FL on my MacBPro
please send me fl studio for mac. i would love to test it.
please send me fl studio, would love to test.
I have worked on FL Studio for over 3 years, and would love to test out a mac version. I have a purchased version of FL Studio 10 running through crossover, and i want to see if it is any different. PLEASE SEND ME A DMG
Ive been using FL studio for 4 years now, and I would absolutely love to have it on my mac, being that im getting rid of my pc! Send me a trial plsssss
would love to try fruity on my mac book
hello! i have tried to comment on the image line forum, i have been a fl studio for 8 or 9 years now, and am DESPERATELY trying to get fl studio on my mac. please help! Fl studio is my primary choice for softwarre on my PC would love it on my MAC.
This is the most anticipated thing for me since I was 14 years old!!…I don’t think many people will understand how i am feeling at the moment. I am lost for words! THIS IS LIKE A DREAM COME TRUE!!!!!
(I have actually dreamed about this moment! LOL)
Fruity Loops is the FIRST DAW that i used at 14 years old (I am 20 now). I made most of my trial and error-no-sleep-before-school-the-next-morning projects on FL Studio and i can honestly say that FL Studio is the milestone in my life that made me decide; “This is what i want to do in my life!”.
It would mean THE WORLD to me if I could be a part of this beta trial!
I currently own a intel processor iMac.
PS: I’ve missed Fruity Loops SO MUCH!! <3 Thank you Image Line for finally bridging the world of MAC and PC DAW's!!!
Best regards, Jordan
I have just got the new Macbook Pro 15″ and would love to get FL Studio 10 to try out!!!
Please send me FL for mac, i’d like to test it, i’ve been using FL Studio for 11 years!
Also, Fl 9.. the best! ever
Hi! I’d love to test the beta. Been waiting for several years!!!!!! Been using FL for 6 years constantly, please send me a file and I’ll get back to you guys.
I would loveto haveFL Studio on my Mac.
I’ll give it a try.
I have had fl on my windows desktop computer and recently just got a mac and want to test it out on here!
I have been using FL Studio since 2009, and I produce dubstep and DJ throughout my town. I would really love a copy of FL Studio for OS X, It would be much appreciated and much used.
i would love the opportunity to give it a go on my mac
send away !
i need this. i currently bought windows and im running it through bootcamp and i cant get passed 1 minute without the thing freezing on me i would love to test this out this is what i need to be succesful
They abandoned it. It had too many bugs, as they use Windows-exclusive code for pretty much the ENTIRE program. Really is a shame. I really wanted FL Studio for my Mac Pro….
yo its so simple to get fl studio 10 producer for mac
and yes you can make dubstep very very close to skrillex.
check me lynux o youtube.
I WANT Fl Mac sooooo much Plz someone send me it xD please!
id like to test the fl studio mac
Thank you for the opportunity !
Please let me test flstudio I had flstudio for about 10yrs I own an iMac I even built a pc just for flstudio whatever you do please put it on a Mac RIGHT A WAY MY GOODNESS THIS IS A DREAM COME TRUE AWWWWWWWWWWWWWEEEEEEEESOME.
Let me test FL Studio Mac…I need that in my LIfe!!!
I had fl studio on my pc for a while, and just recently made the switch to Mac, i would love a chance to test it out on the mac.
I would like to try it out
I have used FL Studio on my pc for about 3 years and have produced some of the best music. However, I just switched to a mac and would love to test it on mac!
This story is a year old bro I don’t think it’s coming out.
I LUV DA FL STUDIO, xD but no seriously I’ve been a producer with it for over 2 years now and it’s my go to program, ableton just isn’t the same, so I’d love to beta test if you could send it to my email or something
It’s been a while now, any news on this? I want to try my hand at EDM, and I beleive FL would be the best tool for this. Logic (and for that matter, Garageband) is too much bent toward studio work with audio streams as opposed to just plain songwriting…
Been a music producer for 3 years. could really use the software?
i have an IMAC and would love to test it out.
letting me try out the fl studio would be great i had a beats fl studio on my other computer but now switch to mac e mail me !!! It be straight great!
i’m using macintosh and i loved fruity loops very much but since i’m using macintosh i’m lossing creativity to make beat with easier fruity loops, please send fruity loops for macintosh i need it
helllo! i have been using FL studio for 6 years! I can produce a wide variety of genres and am DYING to get FL studio on my mac. please let me try it!
im an engineer and i have a imac wiith alot of software …aapple user dont have // iwould like to try fruity loops on my apple imac
I had used Fruty Loops for 7 years it will be awesome to be a tester with my Mac.
im tryna test it on my mac too
I would love to try out this beta version of fruity loops for Mac OSX.
please…can i have this version of fl studio on my mac?
i search this apple version from many year….
thx Image-Line
At last there is some care for the Mac community. I love to be a tester, have been using it since version 3. Please sign me up. Cheers Vin :))
I would love to test out this FL studio on my Mac
Fruity lover since way back! (: been dreamin of producing on my mac, there’s one reason for me to own a second computer (pc). Fruity loops (:
I have been using Fl – Studio since the version 3 up to version 9. So i would really love to test it on my Mac.
I would love to get my hands on this and test test test…
I am a mac user but ive been using fruity loops for 8 yrs and would love to experience it on my mac
I recently just got a MacBook Pro, and I would love to be able to use FL Studio. I’ve been using FL on a PC lately and after the switch it’s like impossible to obtain it. Please Help
I have been using logic and ableton live for years I recently just got live 9 and am enjoying it but I’d love to give FL a try on mac as well
I have been using FL since FL4 . I use a macbook pro using bootcamp…I would love the chance to beta test.
I have been using Ableton Live for a while and would really like to try FL, only reason I haven’t purchased it is cause it doesn’t run on Mac natively. It would be awesome to be able to beta test this.
Damn, I think I tried this already.
FL Studio is my DAW of choice… Been using it since I don’t know when. pre 5.
5 Was the version that supported audio recording and routing through the mixer I believe?
Been a while.
I love it. I recently had to buy mac, because of my Work, and would like to see a fully functional versatile version on mac. This wrapper stuff was kinda quirky if I remember correctly … who know maybe its improved or am I missing something?
I have been using FL studio since 2011 and really would like to be a beta tester!
I would like to be a Beta Tester for this.
I used FL Studio for years (since version 3). I then moved over to Mac (bought Bootcamp to continue running FL) however FL became painfully unstable in this environment. I gave up on FL and started using Logic. I miss FL and have been waiting for the real MAC version to come out.
I would like to be a Beta Tester.
me gusta el programa
me gusta el programa
I had been using FL Studio for 4 years before purchasing a macbook this past Fall. It is my only regret of the mac and would love to have FL Studio instead of a Windows emulator. I would appreciate the chance to be a beta tester for FL on OS X.
Would love to be a beta tester! I have been using fl studio for a couple years! I am trying to figure out how to run it on my MacBook without having to install bootcamp.
Is this beta testing still going on?
I am very interested on taking this opportunity to my new Mac Mini. I am a PC producer and learning to become a MAC producer. With my talent of producing I am here to serve Christian Artists with different quality and different sounds. Please contact me on how I can get a hold of this FL Studio Copy for Mac Thanks! AND GOD BLESS IMAGE-LINE!
Andrew Ramirez
-Because of JESUS Productions-
I bought a MacBook & I would love to try it out on a mac Fl Studio just have that producer feel to me.
I think it will be alot better on Mac than Windows based. Hopefully the issue with glitches is solved other than that it will be better on Mac.
I’ve been waiting for it to long. this is the DAW i have started years ago but since moved to MAC did realise can no longer using same way .Feel like i gonna cry so emotionally touched
Yeah Im on please send me beta
regards Seb
We have been FL Studio users for the last 3 years on Mac running it through Crossover. Luckily our soundcard works with it. But I do feel we struggle with CPU. FL Studio runs out of CPU.
We have been releasing since August 2012.
If we could get our hands on a Mac version, it might make life much simpler.
So please send us a Beta tester.
Here are our details:
Check us out if you like.
That really looks amazing !!
please add my name ,
i started making music on ” Fruity Loops 3.1 “……… about 12 yr ago
and i fell in love with it ( there was no you tube to learn , only pdf )
now im stuck with logic and tried ableton , Reason , Cubase …. but nothing really compare to FL Studio ,
for me is a dream ,
thank you.
I would love to try this. I am an owner of Froot Loops and looking to upgrade
yo how do i get this
ive been using fl studio for 6 years now. id love to use it on my mac book!!
I Have used FL studio from the start and I would really love to use it on mac.
Aspiring sound engineer. I would enjoy working with Image-Line some day.
Been a registered FL studio user for over two years, as well as several years prior. I have access to a Mac
I have a Mac mini in my studio and would live to test out Fl Studio. 8ve been making instrumentals for 3 yrs now on Fl studio. Have made over 300 beats and my pc just went kinda dead for a second.
Recently switched to Logic Pro X from Fl, but I’m just waiting for the day Fl becomes Mac compatible. Would love to be apart of the beta!
Put my name down for the beta tester of this software, i would like to test and see what I can do to help make it the best DAW or at least have it become one of the industry standard DAW software right up there with Apple Logic Pro and Avid Pro Tools for I have both and I personally like Pro Tools better then Apple Logic Pro. So, please send me an email conformation as to be a Guinea pig to help make your software better.