Yesterday, we found out that Torley Wong, who we’ve featured previously on the site for his Project Preset videos, had won the coveted OMG-1 synthesizer, the grand prize in Spectrasonics’ benefit contest for the Bob Moog Foundation.
The OMG-1, introduced at the 2011 NAMM Show, is a one-of-a-kind frankensynth conceived by Spectrasonics’ Eric Persing.
The OMG-1 synth combines:
- a Moog Little Phatty analog synthesizer
- Spectrasonics’ Omnisphere software synthesizer
- An internal Apple Mac Mini computer
- Dual Apple iPads
- Dual iPods
- Spectrasonics’ Omni TR iPad app
We contacted Torley to get his thoughts on winning the contest and the OMG-1. We weren’t fishing for compliments, but he had some kind words about Synthtopia to share, along with his plans for the OMG-1:
Between composing these works for the OMG-1 Contest, I’d take breaks and yes, Synthtopia was among my paragon sites to get further ideas. Awhile ago, I recall it was Synthtopia that turned me onto arboreal virtuoso Diego Stocco, whose Omnisphere sounds I adore.
Exclusive trivia: if you get/have the Moog Tribute Library, “Diego LCO 3 Octave Lead” is one of the shrillest-yet-loveliest things I’ve ever heard, and fought it like knight-vs.-dragon to come up with a striking melody which is in my “OMG” @ 0:29.
And your posting of the Don Muro (the man must be reincarnated as an octopus) video spurred me to write “Bach-Us” (pun intended). So even when I’m not commenting (which I tend to do in batches as you’ve noticed), know that I’m listening and learning more!
My PROJECT PRESET videos were done to encourage others to hear the possibilities of the Moog Tribute Library — in hopes they’d learn more before buying — and to teach myself, like a good scientist’s lab notes, what the Library is all about. Preparation is key to any successful project, and to paraphrase Warren Buffet, I won’t invest in sounds I don’t understand.
Now I look forward to a whole OMG-1 to understand, and like Cenobites take care of Lemarchand Boxes, I’m honored by this opportunity and look forward to solving these puzzles. Thanks for contributing to my understanding, and thank you for your support of my vids over time… it’s been encouraging because I love seeing others make enthusiastic vids too. Keep amplifying the awesome!
Thanks to Torley for the kind words and congratulations on winning the contest.
Torley doesn’t know yet when he’ll get the OMG-1, yet, but he said “We’ll need a shrine.”
“I’d imagine my wife would craft such a thing,” he added. “It’ll be odd because I’m so NOT used to dealing with bigger physical keyboards since my old studio a decade ago, and my workflow is outright adverse to using a lot of desk space. But with change comes the opportunity to learn.”
If you want to know more about the Bob Moog Tribute Library, check out his comprehensive Project Preset guide to the library, embedded below, or the Spectrasonics’ site.
You can find out more about Torley’s music at his site.
If anyone deserved to win such a tool, its Torley. Check out his reviews of many different items on YouTube. He does insightful and FUN walkthroughs that give you as good a feel for new devices as any live salesman could hope to deliver. Also, being “one of us,” a confirmed player, he also shows you the warts of a clunky feature or two without soft-pedaling too much. His enthusiasm helps to make his reviews invaluable. He’s an ideal choice for the OMG-1. Huzzah fer Torley!
I’m glad to see Torley won, the man deserves it.
His videos are always fun to watch, and his personality and enthusiasm is always inspiring. I love his project preset vids especially.
Congrats man
Congrats to Torley!
Can’t wait to see some insane OMG-1 demos.
Totally happy with that outcome. Couldn’t have happened to a more upbeat nice guy, who gives a lot back in terms of reviews and demos.
Is the winning album available for download somewhere around the net? I only found the streams on the Spectrasonics site.
A worthy winner. Congratulations, Torley.