DiViNCi (producer/MPCist of Solillaquists of Sound) uses 3 MPCs, a guitar sound derived from a snare sample, a homemade talk box, random gadgets and his face in this controllerist jam.
via Controllerism
DiViNCi (producer/MPCist of Solillaquists of Sound) uses 3 MPCs, a guitar sound derived from a snare sample, a homemade talk box, random gadgets and his face in this controllerist jam.
via Controllerism
Not that interesting. It pales to Jimmy’s Star Spangled from Woodstock.
I agree Jimi (not Jimmy) Hendrix’s Woodstock improvisation was one of the best things ever… but this type of comments just makes me angry.
You can’t beat Jimi Hendrix’s Woodstock performance – so maybe you shouldn’t dismiss the guy because he can’t beat Jimi Hendrix’s Woodstock performance?
I thought this was fun and a pretty cool jam!
Wow. this is not good. The dude work alot but the music is pretty crappy.