Genome MIDI Sequencer Updated, Adds Virtual MIDI Support

Genome MIDI Sequencer

White Noise Audio has updated Genome MIDI Sequencer, adding virtual MIDI support and more.

Genome MIDI Sequencer (GMS) is a pattern-based MIDI sequencer for the iPad. With GMS you can now sequence iPad music software, in addition to your MIDI gear.

Here’s what’s new in Genome MIDI Sequencer v1.0.1:

  • greatly reduced time between editing a pattern and hearing your changes
  • fixed some timing issues
  • improved network MIDI performance
  • CPU optimizations (50-60% faster in some cases)
  • fixed issue with importing MIDI files with ‘running status updates’
  • fixed network MIDI disconnect / connect dialog issues
  • Network MIDI hosts no longer automatically reconnect on startup
  • adjusted octave label on pattern editor (-1 octave)
  • added virtual i/o’s
  • ensured note-offs sent on stop
  • stopped song from playing when opening config, load panel
  • fixed issue with notes at end of pattern not playing
  • fixed issue with CC drawing past edge of a longer pattern
  • made changes to startup sequence (crash fixed?)
  • fixed issue with black keys on keyboard not being hittable in some cases
  • other crash fixes + bug fixes
If you’ve used Genome MIDI Sequencer, let us know what you think of it!

11 thoughts on “Genome MIDI Sequencer Updated, Adds Virtual MIDI Support

  1. I’ve tried this out just a bit and it really is a great little sequencer. Reminds me of Ableon Live, the way you’ve got a grid of 16 channels plus “states” that you can save.

    I haven’t got MIDI in from my keyboard to work yet, though. Any trick on this? (Not sure if I need to do something special in Monome or if I need to check my keyboard’s MIDI out settings.)

  2. Maybe it’s redundant, but I’d like to see a list of known apps Genome works with. Sunrizer, Addictive Synth and Electric Piano Synthesizer support would be awesome.

    1. Technology behind background MIDI is still young but growing by the day 🙂
      Here is what works or will very shortly:

      NLog Pro
      Arctic Keys (expected very soon)
      Samplewiz (currently works in OMNI On mode only)
      Sunrizer (pending update this week)

      1. Not sure about this but I think MoDrum & BassLine are just doing MIDI sync. Last I checked, you could synth them but not sequence them from other apps.

        1. Bassline is indeed MIDI sync only, but MODrum can be sequenced in Genome, MIDI synced or for even better results do both at the same time 😉

          1. We have to remember that the Open Music App Collaboration project is only about a month old.

            I’d like to see a multi-timbral version of Sunrizer!

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