LinPlug has introduced Relectro, a new effect plug-in for Mac & WIndows.
What sort of effect is it?
LinPlug says “It’s no delay, no eq, compressor, no filter and no pitch shifter. Don’t try to grasp that intellectually – play it!”
Since they can’t explain what it does, check out the audio demos at the LinPlug site.
Better yet, try out the demo versions and let us know what you think of LinPlug Relectro.
LinPlug Relectro is available now for US $79 / 59 EUR.
If they won’t tell me what it is then I also think its no fun.
When I went to the website to peek at it I immediately noticed the “explanation column”: “Main process section with effects similar to: 1 Compressor / Expander alike section, 2 Cut-filter with infinite edge steepness, 3 Comprehensive pitch selections, etc”.
If only they had a simple dry/wet comparison… Oh wait; they do! Here’s one song called “Demo song 4” by Ed ten Eyk and it has 6 dry/wet comparisons, of course leaving me to guess which section is dry and which is wet. Unless of course the first is dry and the rest wet, but when listening to the second section (the six comparisons by Marco Lehman) I’m suddenly not too sure anymore given that several of those sound quite dry to me.
Anyway, buying something for E 60,- without even getting to know wth I’m buying? No thanks.
Each dry/wet comparison is a dry/wet comparison.. did you actually listen to the full length demo? There’s a gap in the middle of each where it is VERY OBVIOUS that the first half is dry and the second half wet.
Sounds really interesting, but I do have to agree that the marketing strategy of “we can’t write a decent press release, so we’ll leave it up to you” is pretty awful. Its hardly so unique that it can’t be described.
On a seperate note, I’m very much enjoying the helvetica neue usage across the site guys.. though I really wish you would change that dated banner at the top.
Well, I guess my impatience got the best of me there. I didn’t listen to those samples for that long, also due to the prejudice wrt the weird marketing.
Because the first in the series sounded “Dry” I simply assumed that the rest was Wet
Anyway, this is not for me.
Theyv’e got demo versions that you can check out.