Martin Peters’ One Hundred

Sunday Synth Jam: We’ve featured Martin PetersBerlin School style synth jams on Synthtopia before. But this week’s synth jam is special to Peters and we think it will be to many readers, too.

It’s the hundredth synth jam he’s shared via YouTube. That milestone would be meaningless, though, if the videos were not musically interesting or did not show evolution in his work. Peters, though, makes thoughtful use of multiple platforms in this jam, combining modular synthesizer, keyboard synthesizers and even an iPad synth, Sunrizer.

Details on this synth jam below. See Peters’ site for more of his jams and some free downloads of his music.

via attorks:

Uploaded my first video to YouTube in May 2008. And now 3 years later I upload the hundredth video. I was a little worried after doing video 99 because I wanted video 100 to be something special. And I think it is. Hope you will like it to.

At first you hear a 5-step sequence on row 1 of the Doepfer MAQ16/3 driving the Ian Fritz Teezer Through-Zero VCO and the Blacet Miniwave. The percussive noise sound comes from the self-built Modular and is driven by a 16-step sequence on row 2 of the MAQ16/3.
After that the CS Saw Pad from the Roland XP-80 comes in where after the 4 step sequence from the Q960 is introduced but only steps 1 and 3 are active on the Q963 at first. The Q960 sequences drives the Modular. The Q962 sequential switch is triggered by row 2 of the MAQ16/3 to alter the sequence between the 3 rows of the Q960. Row 1 contains an Em, row 2 an Am and row 3 a Bm sequence. But the chords played on the Roland XP-80 don’t follow those chords exactly which gives interesting variations. After that the arpeggiated sound on the Waldorf Q Keyboard is added, varying the sound with the modulation wheel. Somewhere along the line steps 2 and 4 on the Q963 are activated so you hear the full 4 step sequence from the Q960. The sequences:

Doepfer MAQ16/3:
Row 1:906: E3 B3 A3 G3 D3
Row 2:924: X . . . . . . . X . . . . . . .
Row 3:906: X (Gate output shifts the Q960) Q960:
Row 1: E3 E2 F#3 E3
Row 2: A3 A2 B3 A3
Row 3: B3 B2 D4 B3

The Sunrizer App on the iPad is used to add some chorded sounds using the Lifeforms [JD] patch. The solo is performed on the Nord Lead 1. The audio is recorded with Pro Tools 9 using the Alesis MultiMix16 FireWire. Again my friend Anne used my iPhone 4G to video this session; thanks for that.

I dedicate this video to you, my dear YouTube friends, subscribers and channel watchers. Your comments and support encouraged me to go on. Thank you.

You can download/see/hear the video and music from my website.

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