Ode to TRON: a Man-child’s Tale of Infinite Yearning is an entry in the Parker Brother’s Chopper giveaway for an actual, functional Light Cycle.
More than that, though, it’s an excuse to post some gratuitous keytar shredding!
via hamsterdunce:
This video It is also a little something special for the Tron fans who have supported my keytar-soloing bullstuff all these years.
Enjoy the video & keep your fingers crossed. Maybe someday soon my CT friends will see me pull up to the grocery store on a glow-in-the-dark, hubless Grid Steed.
can smell da stank on dat solo. and it smell goot.
Hey, I found his web page with details on that Axis. Checkout out all the details of the battery/wireless mod by Customsynth http://umop.com/axistron.htm
Loved the vid, great solo. big fan of Tron, give this man a lightcycle
Just hope he doesn’t de-rez himself if he gets it.