Native Instruments has released a performance demo for their new iMaschine ‘groove sketch pad’ that highlights their vision for the app – that it lets you make music anywhere, even in bed.
Jamie Lidell performs an iMaschine version of A Little Bit More from the album Multiply (2005, Warp) while relaxing in bed. The performance was done live in one take, with nothing pre-recorded, and no post-production edits made to the song.
Not interesting, I already have Beat Maker 2
to late )))
He’s dope.
Too basic. First app by a major player i don’t care for.
Talented people can make all apps soun good…
“Honey, umm… you do realize you have a big badass studio down the hall that you’ve been working in all day? Knock it off and turn off the light, please.”
“Don’t mind me. I’ll just try to read the biography of Gandhi while you beat box and sing in bed!”
Fek the app, did you see the size of his house!!
Dang, his house is huge.
I wish I had a girlfriend like that