Image-Line Intros Groove Machine ‘Virtual Groove Box’

Image-Line has introduced a new plugin, Groove Machine – a virtual ‘groove box’ for Mac & PC.

Here’s how they describe it:

Groove Machine’s power lies in its ability to quickly link to MIDI controllers and automate every parameter of the sampler, synth and effects channels on a PER-step basis. Get a groove happening quickly and easily and trigger samples, loops, bars or patterns on the fly from your MIDI controller or DAW software.


Getting Started With Groove Machine

Groove Machine FX Demo:

Groove Machine Live Step Entry Demo:

Groove Machine Multiple Outputs In FL Studio:


  • 5 hybrid (Subtractive/FM) synthesizer channels
  • 8 flexible sampler channels, each with 4 sample layers
  • 10 DJ-style effects + EQ and Stutter PER channel
  • Stepsequencer with per-step automation allowing PER step note sculpting of all interface parameters.
  • Step / Drum sequencer / Piano roll views
  • Optimized for live performance
  • Internal link system for maximum compatibility with all MIDI controllers
  • Ideal for dub-step, trance, house & hip-hop producers

Groove Station is priced at US $99 through November 1, $149 thereafter.

16 thoughts on “Image-Line Intros Groove Machine ‘Virtual Groove Box’

  1. a poor mans Reason?

    this would be useful as an iPad app but defeats the object being software imho

    my Elektrons are stay well away from ebay for the time being

    1. More like a poor man’s elektron machinedrum…

      The simple per-step automation of all parameters looks like a direct jab at the electron stuff… Looks promising.

    1. Yes – why no Electribe for VST/AU?

      I’d love it they’d create virtual versions of their Electribes – especially if you could use the virtual versions to send patterns, etc, to hardware Electribes.

      At the very least, why not make a VST/AU version of iElectribe, so you could do mobile stuff and then use it in your DAW?

  2. I just tried the demo and although there seem to be some bugs in the current version, Groove Machine definetly has its own charm.

    At first I was quite sceptical, since Ableton Live already has some groovebox-esque functionality and additionally offers full DAW features. But now I think that Groove Machine does not want to compete with Live at all. It is a self-contained piece of software that offers enough to build up the basic framework of a song, without the risk of getting lost in options.

    So, after all it does not offer anything new, but rather it offers the possiblity to work inside of a DAW with the same workflow as you would do on an Electron Monomachine or an Korg Electribe. I often find myself in the situation that too many possiblities appear as a creative obstacle, so I can see the advantages of the concept.

    I will further try out the demo and test if it turns out to be the workflow improvement I am hoping for 🙂

  3. Just tried it out and thought it was fun. I agree with the poor man’s reason comment. I do with that I do with that reason would have a quick link on combinator knobs like you can on this groove box.

  4. Another 3 2 B I T plugin?

    There’s one good thing about the demo. It installs all the .WAV samples in a separate folder and it can be used freely as a sample pack.

    Thanks Image-Line for not knowing how to implement embed samples!

  5. They have zero 64 bit plugins or applications to date.

    Their flagship FruityLoops Studio is stuck in 32 bit Delphi hell.

    Would look kind of silly for them to release plugins @ 64 bit before their host, now wouldn’t it?

    Since Delphi is a 32 bit only compiler and their 64 bit compiler is in early beta testing and probably a good year or more off from a stable working copy.

    Compounding that fact with the need for 2 or more years to convert, compile and make stable their millions of lines of code, according to their development team.

    Adding to that, the fact that 1/2 their code is 3rd party licenses, which you can imagine would be a whole other issue and time consuming process.

    Compile that with the fact, that Windows 8 could possibly be 64 bit only and not support 32 bit application bridging.

    Puts a whole new twist on “lifetime free updates”… lifetime of 32 bit?

    But yes! Thanks for the free sample pack you morons!

  6. dude, people used to make music before 64 bit you know. do you seriously stalk image-line product announcements with this stuff?

    1. Good stuff. I just sold my Maschine from NI to buy a Waldorf BLofeld, and this thing is a really nifty and relatively cheap plugin. Also, fits nice on the iPad if you use it as a touch screen monitor (yeah, you can do that).

      Speaking of NI.. the logos really resemble. I thought I was the only one observing this. I\m a web designer… it’s a defect :))

  7. I use image line groove machine as a stand alone but i dont know at first how to record songs and second how to convert .gmprj files in mp3.
    Is also possible use it with ableton?

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