Reader Thilo Geertzen, aka Cie, sends word of a new app for the Novation Launchpad, Lauflicht Step Sequencer:
I would like to introduce a new Step Sequencer for the Launchpad called “Lauflicht Step Sequencer”. It has 8, 16 or 32 steps and was especially designed for playing live, to be capable of editing beats/patterns without the mouse, and to jam around having a nice and quick method to set the notes of a pattern.
With the Lauflicht Step Sequencer Launchpad Edition, you have complete control of the whole pattern with your Launchpad, regardless of the pattern length and step size you have chosen. You can navigate through the pattern, change resolution modes, and scroll through the tracks with the buttons of the Launchpad. It just turns your Launchpad into a great Hardware Step Sequencer.
You can see a video demo of Lauflicht Step Sequencer, above, controlled by the Novation Launchpad.
Details below.
If you’ve used Lauflicht Step Sequencer, let us know what you think of it!
- 8, 16 or 32 steps
- unlimited tracks
- unlimited patterns
- set up for each track a sample, sample bank, a vst instrument or a Midi instrument of your choice
- set for each step: velocity, delay, note values including “note OFF”, note length
- chord mode: insert up to 3 notes in one track
- variable note resolution: 3 modes switchable (for example edit 1/2, 1/4 or 1/16 notes)
- quick clear: delete all steps of a track at once
- complete bidrectional editing: all changes made with the Launchpad are visible in the software plugin at once – and vice versa
- autoload: existing notes with given instruments are loaded into the plugin/Launchpad display
- all parameters are changeable during play in the plugin
- instant instrument switch: when selecting another instrument for a track, the notes in the pattern of the appropriate track are changed to the new instrument automatically
- control the complete pattern with your Launchpad: scroll through the tracks with up/down buttons, make the next steps visible with left/right buttons and the “next page” button
The plugin costs 24 EUR and is available on A free version is available for testing purposes.
- Novation Launchpad
- The DAW Renoise (free or full version)
- Lauflicht Step Sequencer Plugin Launchpad Edition
“The DAW renoise”…
This sucks. I thought one could use this step sequencer on ALL daws :´(
Actually there is a possibility to use the plugin with another DAW like Ableton Live, Cubase or Reaper: via ReWire.
As Renoise supports ReWire, you can define your favorite DAW as ReWire Master and use Renoise as ReWire Slave. Then you can route the audio output of every single track of Renoise to a separate track of your DAW or route the entire Master audio output of Renoise to one channel of your DAW. If you press play in your DAW, Renoise is synchronized and the Step Sequencer is running on the Launchpad. So you can work with your favorite DAW as usual, run Renoise with activated Lauflicht Step Sequencer plugin in the background and can use your Launchpad to set or unset steps, while your DAW is playing. This means you can map every assigned track of the Launchpad with an instrument of your choice to a channel in your DAW, mute/unmute it, put VSTI effects on it, and so on.
For details and how to set up please have a look at the instructions page:
Since they introduced the API Renoise has got better and better. Too bad that for some reason I’m not using it that much anymore…
The Step Sequencer for the launchpad which is available for MaxforLive seems quite good, as do several available on the web, but they are all dedicated to Live and or Max map.
i have also seen videos of step sequencers for the Launchpad that are available for Reaktor.
That’s all great, but unfortunately my DAW of choice is Reason, and i am yet to find a Launchpad step sequencer that functions with it, though there are a few on YouTube, i have personally been unable to find one.
Great plugin. I am using it for my live performance, synching it to my other equipment via MIDI using Renoise as MIDI-slave. I simply load 28 samples in 28 tracks, 7 tracks for 4 Launchpad pages, having then a 4×7 track 16 step sequencer! That is pretty cool.
I started to trip out to the beat, lol. 11:33am