Korg Monotron Duo & Monotron Delay Review

Here’s a video review of the new Monotron Duo and Monotron Delay, the two new miniature analog synths from Korg.

Monotron DUO Features:

  • Two analog oscillators (VCO) with individual tunings
  • Edgy X-MOD (with Intensity knob) circuit from Korg’s classic Mono/Poly
  • VCF with Cutoff and Peak Control
  • Ribbon controller keyboard with Scale Select
  • Original Analog (VCF) Filter taken from the MS-10 & MS-20
  • Aux input jack lets you apply filter to any audio source
  • Built-in speaker and battery power
  • Headphone jack for private use

Monotron DELAY Features:

  • Space Delay with Rate and Intensity controls offers analog-style echoes
  • New Pitch LFO with selectable Waveshape and Intensity and shape controls
  • VCF with Cutoff Control
  • Wide-range ribbon controller keyboard
  • Original Analog (VCF) Filter taken from the MS-10 & MS-20
  • Aux input jack lets you apply filter and delay to any audio source
  • Built-in speaker and battery power
  • Headphone jack for private use
See our Korg Monotron Duo & Monotron Delay intro coverage for more details and Sonic State for their review post.

9 thoughts on “Korg Monotron Duo & Monotron Delay Review

  1. Ribbon controllers again? Bummer for me as these sound cool but almost unusable from a playing perspective, especially gigging. Anyone think korg will come out with an analog keyboard anytime soon? A 25 key mini board with a few knobs and sequencer would be a wet dream.

  2. I agree 100000000%!

    If they are trying to target analog fetishists, why not give them what they want? It’s like giving me a moog modular filter without any CV…. Wtf korg (and moog)? Give us a damn keyboard already! And pitch and mod wheels! And a REAL ms-20 dual filter configuration… Stop lyin in your advertisements… I’m happy to see korg doing analog tho…

  3. Oh look, I’m collecting monotrons and monotribes like apps because they have diff colords and casings. Korg sure know how to nickel and dime. More power to them. Monotron and Monotribe is where my buck stopped.

  4. moog currently does not make a filter that’s in the modular synth format. if you want cv control over a moog filter get a moogerfooger lowpass filter. you probably already have one. if you’re talking about the 500 series moog just came out with, that’s a different kind of module, and not a modular synth unit.

  5. I’d love to see a series of modular Korg components, all for under $100 each. Then we could chain them together as wanted per situation. Would be very, very cool, and they would make truckloads of cash from it.

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