It’s starting to look like the 2012 NAMM Show is going to be a mind-blowing gear-a-thon!
And it looks like a company best known for its software synths is getting ready to introduce something surprising. Images have leaked out of a new analog synthesizer, the Arturia Minibrute.
Here are the first images of the Arturia Minibrute analog synthesizer, which offers a knob-infested front panel:
Want a knob for everything? Bam! That’s what they’re talking about!
Here’s the Arturia Minibrute’s backside:
The Minibrute offers some serious connectivity options, including CV in and out, MIDI and USB.
Other features include an an arpeggiator, a VCO, a sub oscillator, filter, PWM, Ultrasaw, envelope generators, LFO and external audio input. The filter reportedly is a little different, too, based on a Steiner-Parker multi-mode design.
The best feature, though, may be the dedicated ‘Brute Factor’ knob!
The rumor mill has the Arturia Minibrute priced at $550. We’ll have the official news on the Minibrute, straight from Arturia, tomorrow.
Here’s the official Minibrute video teaser:
Check out the photos and specs and let us know what you think of the Arturia Minibrute!
Ok, this is “exactly” the form factor I want to see in new synths! Fits on a desk, easy to take to a gig, and crusted in controls. With Arturia’s track record I expect it will sound great too.
That’s temptingly cheap. Is this a sign of the analogue revival everyone hoped for since the Monotron?
It looks like the synth we wanted roland to make has now been made by Arturia. A simple synth at a cool price. I think this is v exciting. Looks like a nice designed panel.
If it works as a USB MIDI to CV Gate converter, it’s worth the price to me, right there.
All the knobs and sliders, even the analog synth itself is just a bonus!
Now i hope that Yamaha, Korg and Roland will take notice!
All i have to do now is wait for the polyphonic analogs in a while …
fuuuck yeah! and from arturia!? strange, strange world.
man this thing looks good too. bit like the black polar.
and just as i woved never to buy anything from arturia again…pff
Cheaper than a minitaur…. just sayin’
What exactly can one play on a 2 octave keyboard?? Should have been a desktop/rack module only.
No reason you can’t use it like a module, too, and it’s priced competitively for an analog module, too.
@ synthhead: I completely agree.
Besides, I think that 2 octaves are perfect for playing simpler melodic sequences as they are common in many electronic music genres. If a keyboard virtuoso is looking for something to perform complex melodic progressions with an analog synth, I guess the product range <1000€ is the wrong place to look anyway
You can play 26 DIFFERENT notes on a 2 octave keyboard.
This is particularly useful for music involving different musical notes.
Looks cool!
On a general note however, I wish reports would stop referring to specs, pics etc of new products as having been ‘leaked’. Lets be honest, they have been ‘released’ quite deliberately to get exposure on great sites such as Synthtopia!
It doesn’t sound so hot to me. other analog synths have a richer sound and this filter sounds very “steppy”. At $550 i’d rather spend a little more and get better sound.
on the other hand i like some of the features.
bit early to pass judgement? isn´t it great we get more and more real analog synths and have sw developers switching too? this can only be good.
Only 1 oscillator? hmmm….
Yeah, but it sounds beef as fuck!
You can do some fantastic stuff with just one oscillator, as long as it’s a good one!
The Juno series all had one oscillator.
I want one, and the minitaur.
The online magazine has done an interview with a guy from the German Arturia distribution about the MiniBrute. Of course, the interview is in German only.
there’s only one jack outpout… mono? what a shame…
all i can say is that i want one! an at that supposed price it seems like a done deal to me!! if nothing else i for one love this analog revival from Arturia & other companies…
It’s probably TRS; Just like the Pro One…
I don’t like stuff very often but when I do it’s the mini brute.
really psyched about this and based on arturia’s controllers it should be built reasonably well.
Korg has some serious competion this year! It seams the mid range markets getting fearce. Is me or is every one really trying to bring it this year? Me I’m really only waiting for teenage engineering’s rumored new product ( oto machines as well, but they pushed it back to this summer ), but I have to say even though I have no purchasing intrest in this years line up, I am impressed. It’s going to be an interesting year in the music equipment world, hell look at akai, they are not playing around! And this synth looks great! Nice design, I’m curious to see if it’s sound matches the look! What a great start to the year, some healthy competion only means better gear and better pricing! I think the resale analog market is going to take a hit this year.
just added this to my gear purchases list for the year … = )
New analog stuff is like SEX and pizza: “Even if it’s bad is still good”.
I will buy one just to be able to say: -Fuck you Roland and yamaha and…etc
It’s not expensive and if it sells great we might expect bigger and better ones in the future.
ps-By the way i never expected that from Arturia. They have my respect.
Take a gander at this:
It has aftertouch
ps2 – I don’t expect nothing great from Roland anymore. They screwed the Jupiter/Juno names, so what have they more to screw?
Going to buy this beast when it hits a store!
Amazing work Arturia Team! Mad respects
Mo’ analog = mo’ betta
“Ultrasaw” on a 100% analogic synth ??
How much VCO then ?
Generally ultrasaw means DCO or virtual analog … ??
Ultrasaw is just a saw with (lots of) harmonics. I guess, a knob adds those. As to VCO(s), there is one, and also sub-oscillator and noise.
Well it depends … the original Jp8000 concept was : 7 detuned saw, and not a single one with added harmonics …
Let’s see what Arturia offer, cant wait to test it !
Original, yes. I mean how it is implemented in a given case – via waveshaping, makes me think.
You are both kind of wrong… From what I’ve been reading, the minibrute is incorporating something similar to an analog saw animator… like of like the cyndustries modular stuff or the doepfer multiplier thing…
I just found a nice preview video for the MiniBrute on YouTube:
Want specs?
So what do you really mean when you say “exactly”?
“Fits on a desk, easy to take to a gig, and crusted in controls.”
I have yet to see one software product that creates a buzz that hardware does. It is great to see news synths at a great price.
Hardware wins hands down for me. Software and computers are always the weakest link in the chain in a studio.(apart from say music tastes)
Only knobs and sliders!!
No menu’s!
I love this synth already!!!!!!!!
Gonna get one !!!!
yes yes
Thank you Arturia for making my dream synth!
Can’t wait to put my hands on this beauty ..