2012 NAMM Show: Waldorf has officially introduced a new analog synthesizer, the Pulse 2.
Here’s what they have to say about the Waldorf Pulse 2 analog synthesizer:
You are looking at a completely analog synthesizer that accurately delivers what synthesizer enthusiasts around the world truly crave. Pulse 2 is the reincarnation of it’s legendary ancestor, the Waldorf Pulse, that dominated the electronic music of the 90s.
Like the Blofeld Synthesizer, the Pulse 2 is housed in a sturdy metal desktop case. Besides its large LCD display, 8 stainless steel knobs are available to surf through its clearly arrayed parameter matrix, set master volume and edit display accessible parameters.
Pulse 2 Analog Monophonic Synthesizer
- 3 analog oscillators + 1 noise generator
- Pulse width modulation
- Hard sync
- Filter FM from Oscillator 3
- Ring Modulation from Oscillator 3
- XOR Osc Mode
- 8/4 Voice Paraphonic modes
- Cascade Filter
- 24dB/12db Lowpass, 12db Highpass/Bandpass filter modes
- Powerful Arpeggiator
- 8-slot Modulation Matrix
- External analog signal input
- Stereo line out
- Headphone out
- Backwards compatible with classic Pulse
- 128×64 character backlit LCD
- 8 stainless steel knobs
- 500 Sound Programs
- Electron-absorbing black case
Availability and pricing are to be announced.
Check out the info on the Waldorf Pulse 2 synth and let us know what you think of it!
Via reader aymat, who says “Heres’ to praying they come out with a keyboard version!”
If this is to analogue what the Blofeld is to digital synthesis, I’m expecting a whole world of crazy.
This looks dope. I just hope they put some effort in making better knobs…The Blofeld knobs just suck…
I hope they don’t sell it with defective encoders like the blofeld, mine has a problem with the resonance encoder, when I turn it generates “random” values. Do you know how to solve it?
Here’s one fix I saw, but you’ll have to solder! http://synth.stromeko.net/DIY.html
You need to squirt some deoxit in there, check out the Davesmithinstruments website for prophet 08 repair instructions, hopefully the same encoders
I’m stunned! I love my blofeld.I can’t wait to hear this in action.
I’m so looking forward to play this with my X-Station.
This looks awesome. Like the mini brute, this is exactly the kind of device I’m interested in.
I own an original Pulse plus, and am VERY VERY excited about this!!!
This is a good year for musicians… the new moog, arturia, waldorf… i can’t wait to see what else there is!!!
holy ish another analog… somebody has been reading the forums. faaantastic.
the pulse was an all time fave and if they can do the same with a multimode filter and even better modulation options for around the cost of a blofeld its in the bag for me
please keep the filter overdrive, random patch and have the asdr for mod destinations
Waldorf pulse + where great. It is an exciting time to see all these decent machines coming out.
It is great to see waldorf making a replacement analogue. I don’t think they need to fetch out another geko, but this thing looks fantastic.
I have a Pulse too, awesome wee synth despite the crappy interface. This looks awesome but I agree with Ayamat, a keyboard version with knobs for most functions would be fantastic! Preferably 3 octave though, 2 octave is kinda tight.
Waldorf’s website says:
“Sometimes they do come back, and this time, it’s with even more brute-strength power onboard.”
“brute-strength”? A jab at Arturia?
VCOs or DCOs?
Pretty close to the Blofeld interface
nice synth though
Holy shit. That looks sweet, NAMM is kicking major ass this year.
“pricing and availability to be announced” and a picture that’s a rendering is keeping me from getting too excited about this one just yet.
I hope they focus on making the envelopes fast. Seems like most companies leave that out. It’s the reason I rarely use my little phatty
pleasure, seriously someone can send me a video of how to use this waldorf pulse 2, I have one and do not know where to start to use it and can not wait, I work with ableton, if you can kindly tell me how to attach the pulse 2 and make it work properly, it seems to take a note midi ableton then stop and continues to play, I would do acid, I do not know who needs notes give an answer please, do excuse my English