At the 2012 NAMM Show, boutique effects pedal manufacturer Dwarfcraft was displaying this unique NSFW design.
We’re too tired from working the NAMM Show to come up with a clever comment. So we put it to you, readers, to Caption This!
At the 2012 NAMM Show, boutique effects pedal manufacturer Dwarfcraft was displaying this unique NSFW design.
We’re too tired from working the NAMM Show to come up with a clever comment. So we put it to you, readers, to Caption This!
I’d twist those knobs!
Wir sind die Roboterrrr!
Nice. I’m guessing that there is a matching set of 3 knobs on the right hips so the suit’s knobs DO go to eleven. i approve.
Need head?
My name says it all.
As usual, can’t find the G on this model.
Nice layout but a bit cold and digital sounding. Should have used V-C-Ohhhhhs.
It’s rated Nipple X.
The person who made this must have heard the track by Doppler Effect ,
and took it a bit too far,,
Doppler effect , I want to fuck a mannikin.
Check youtube.
Oh cool! They have the Internet Overdrive on display!
Y you not have knobs where you need dem most, yo?
y’all know what i’m sayin
let me tweak you and plug you in lol
The music industry’s long and esteemed history of boys-only sexism today met with it’s equally profound, some would say religious veneration of vacuous, dead-eyed product consumption as Dwarfcraft revealed its new modular synthesizer – the Misogynotron MK II.
how about a male version with an etherwave ?
But then you’d soon have baby red torso instruments to feed……
The perfect woman…. (insert boo’s and hiss here)!
There’s room for just one more knob on here, where would you put yours?
kraftwerken it
Although initially impressed with the unit’s build quality, many in attendance had trouble locating the device’s I/Os.
Synth Porn !
If she weren´t red, she´d be the perfect woman. She can´t talk and has got lots of extra knobs.
Sorry babe, I’m only interested in women that support midi.
not your average red torso synth
She tells me I’m too controlling
luckily, I know how to push her buttons
You know how if you’ve played something like tetris for far too long and you start seeing the world of tetris in the real world… what happens if you play with this for far too long?
Twiddle my nipple nuts and take me to Alaska!
Let me guess.. you play it by fucking it.
My, it’s cold in here.