Why do cats love to rest on the most expensive gear in your studio? And why is this cat so bemused? And what’s with the galactic nebulae in the background?
Caption This – or consider yourself p-whipped!
via SynthCats
Why do cats love to rest on the most expensive gear in your studio? And why is this cat so bemused? And what’s with the galactic nebulae in the background?
Caption This – or consider yourself p-whipped!
via SynthCats
Who’s f***ing cat is this on my synth?!?!
“Mate, that’s not where the ‘myaow myaow’ synth sound comes from”
“Well, *you’re* the one who bought the thing that gets so nice and toasty warm.”
‘Try to figure the patch I made’
you’ll bever get it anywayz
All your modular belong to me !
Yours truly,
Schrödinger’s cat
The cat rests here because he can….
By the way, I think the background is not a nebula but probably the Andromeda Galaxy.
I love synthtopia.
“It’s mine now. I >might< allow you to use it."
I can has ring modulator?
It may cost a grand, but it still just looks like a cat box on its side.
Lay it on its back and I will take a dump in it.
Tabby-rine Dream?
How do YOU spell ELO?
I spell it M-E-O…W.
Can I haz wordplay?
My two favourite things, pussy and synthesizers.
Cat on a Hot Synth Roof
Yeah I made that patch, now i’m resting from my work. gotta love that nice warm analog tone, not to mention the nice warm feline transformer!
hail to the supreme sound commander
“It’s a very nice patch you’ve got here, it’d be shame if something happened to it”
“I had sex with your wife.”
Who sent that cat into outer space without some type of protective suit?!
now, that modular is so colorful. I need to know what synth is
Google ‘Buchla’. Bring your wallet.
It´s a custom DIY Befaco
but dunno who modded the pic..)
( it´s actually my synth and my cat
Cat Patch Fever
After a purrticularly intense patching session, Mr Whiskers contemplates galactic domination.
“You’re gonna love the $240 repair bill the tech is going to hand you for cleaning cat hair off of your contacts.” True story: I had a friend whose Prophet-5 starting mis-firing on several notes. The culprit? Several clumps of cat hair & dander piled up between the J-wires and other contact points. Love your pets, no question, but also love your gear enough to keep it covered. (When told what the problem had been, my pal slapped his forehead like Homer Simpson. D’OH!)
switched on cats.
A voyage through our a-furrable soft synths
plugins are for pussys
You can cram your VST’s where the stars don’t shine analog synthesis ain’t for pussies
The filter just PURRRRS…
Oh yes, and they also love virtual patches too ! https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=10150303378190318&set=a.4304195317.6032.703245317&type=3
And Cubase ! https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=10150365335190318&set=a.4304195317.6032.703245317&type=3
Its a BEFACO synth
What’s the drawbar instrument on the bottom right?
Check my new controller watch what you can do when you pull its tail…
OK, I’ve done the hard part … now compose!
‘I dare anyone to try and mess with my “Patches”.’