ApeSoft has released an update to iDensity, its granular synthesis app for the iPad.
Here’s what’s new in iDensity 1.2:
- Background Audio
- FX chain: Echo, Ring Modulation, Parametric and High Shelf filters, Reverb and Dynamic Compressor
- Independent Y scrubbing and X scrubbing at the same time for grains density/length
- Time limit of samples removed ( you could load files as big as your free iPad RAM )
- New wavePad pinch gesture ZOOM for long samples
- Sliders and Knobs could switch to Default/Last values
- Fine increment/decrement mode in Sliders and Knobs behavior
- New Rewind button in toolbar for quick jump at the start time position
- Preferences: waveform color and resolution are customizable
- Preferences: Y and second finger step resolution are customizable
- Preferences and last UI state is stored
- Auto load audio after recorded ( on/off )
- Stereo Input audio recorder (if device is stereo)
- Sound File and Snapshots rename
- Quick Help embedded
iDensity is $8.99 in the App Store.
If you’ve used iDensity, leave a comment and let us know what you think of it!
Meantime in galaxy not to far away, Cubase 6.5 was released 2 days ago.
I guess it is not big news for Synthtopia since it wasn’t posted on StereoKlang to begin with…
What are you talking about? There’s news about Cubase 6.5 a few posts down.
“I guess it is not big news for Synthtopia since it wasn’t posted on StereoKlang to begin with… ”
My bad, did not scroll far enough…
and the nonsense above aside – this is an excellent app. very, very good and the guy also replies to the emails. upgrade seems bonkers for a 1.2.
I am fairly impressed by how much this App has grown… and how fast!