Nick from sonicstate has one of the first Moog Minitaur analog bass synthesizers in his studio.
Here’s his unboxing video and his first impressions of the new synth!
Nick from sonicstate has one of the first Moog Minitaur analog bass synthesizers in his studio.
Here’s his unboxing video and his first impressions of the new synth!
I hope this review come out soon… =)
Looks lovely and very tempting, I am however wondering generally how it fares against the DSI Mopho? Looking forward to your full review!
I can’t wait for mine to come!!!
That’s not even fair to put up a Mopho against that Taurus filter! Seriously, did you hear that? I can’t wait for mine either.
why compare? they are 2 very different synths with different characters and purpose.
I’m just wondering if it’s worth getting vs the Slim Phatty. They are so close in price it seems more logical to just get the SLim phatty no?
I’m wondering why this Brit can’t pronounce the name of the maker correctly. I guess it’s no big deal not being able to make the long O sound when one can’t pronounce “R” at all.

Oh great. Another 60s video piece on how to open a box. At least Nick is able to use both hands, which saves a bit of time.