Sweetwater’s Daniel Fisher takes a look at a prototype of the new Arturia MiniBrute Analog Synthesizer, which was one of the most exciting introductions at this year’s NAMM Show.
Fisher takes a thorough walkthrough of its parameters and features, with plenty of audio demos. The Minibrute can be controlled with CV, MIDI, or USB-MIDI, and it’s even got an external audio input that lets you run signals through the multi-mode filter and amplifier sections.
via SweetwaterSound
Please Arturia ,surprise us with a earlier release date in the shops!
an earlier!!!!
Sorry I’m still learning English,I live in a monkeycountry where they talk Dutch.
The only foreign language they teach at school is French.
Englisch is for university and I never made it to there because I was at party’s and took a lot of drugs and I fucked a very cute girl pregnant and I always was sleeping in my bed during the school hours .
So excuse me for my bad English.
LOL That’s the best reason for not learning anything, parties, drugs and fucking chic’s pregnant… classic.
Words cant express how I long for a minibrute, but alas I’m too poor even for this modestly priced beauty. Hey maybe it will be followed up with a polyphonic MaxiBrute!
I dig it, I like the ability to mix in oscillators. The cv is a big plus for a full on analog mini key at this price point. I haven’t heard it in person yet but I am looking forward to it. With the amount of features it has, arturia whose products aren’t the best, but always deliver a pleasuable result, I’m sure is going to deliver a fine product. I look forward to mods, I’m sure some creative case and hardward modifications are going to make this thing a blast, especially at $500!
Dang. This is the second or third demo in which part of a knob has come off unintentionally… Hopefully the rest of the build quality is better.
Oh dear is that fellow wearing a CSC t-shirt!? I can’t watch any more… it’s like I’m back at my old job watching a bad IT training video!
I too am worried about knobs (of any kind) falling off…