Reader Matt Chevraux says “There a new soundset out for Animoog and it’s quite awesome!”
Moog Music has released an update to Animoog, its software synth for iOS.
Here’s what’s new:
- Richard Devine Sound Set added to the Animoog Store
- 32 next-level presets by ace sound designer and recording artist Richard Devine demonstrate the awesome sonic range of the 43 new Timbres contained in this expansion pack.
The Sound Set is a $1.99 in app purchase.
You can preview the Richard Devine Sound Set below:
The demo track from Sascha Dikiciyan that uses the new timbres is quite stunning:
Richard Ketamine Divine does it again. I wonder if he ever came down after shooting that K. Atleast he is able to bring back stuff from his K-Hole. Great sound set
Did a video improv jam with it! Love it!
Sorry, but 1.99, although not much in the real world, is too much in the app store for a set of presets considering the apps you can get for that price or a couple bucks more. (example: sunrizer, garageband – 4.99), not to mention that animoog costs 29.99 to start.
Free or .99 is more appropriate in my opinion.
Especially when the damn thing is using timbres that I am missing, and I have bought both in app purchase packs….at least in my version, it is.
Or is this normal? Or am I losing my mind?
Here is a list of timbres that are listed as [missing] in the Timbre section with its corresponding preset.
HarmonicDescent3 (different from MT-HarmonicDescent3) – missing from RD-Alien Pod Chimes
RD-SpectrumHarmonic1 – missing from RD-Buzz Copter
AC-StaticPhoneRing – missing from RD-Evergreen
MT-DescendingOdd – missing from RD-Gamma Pad
Can anyone confirm these?
confirmed – missing for me too, Deleting and reinstalling the app/downloading the sound set again does not fix!
Its cool that they keep developing for this.
If you’re worried about $2 you might be getting a bit jaded! They gotta pay Devine something!
Yeah… In light of what Tim said we all now know he needs our collective two dollars to visit the K hole.
Many people, myself included, bought the Animoog back when it was .99 cents. I’m happy paying a little bit more for cool sounds.
I’ll make my own soundsets.
….and i hope that 1 day i will be able to upload my own timbres…
Sorry Vincent. I meant to hit the thumbs up not the thumbs down.
I too would love to be able to import my own timbres.
That’s ok, Stuart. I could have been Richard Devine
And now i make a mistake, hahaha. I meant IT could have been Richard…oh well, what the hell.
Bought it and played a little bit with it, many nice sound in there
love these. hope more are on the way!
I’m still having too much fun with the BASE timbres to dilute my random presets with these new ones. Plus I was hoping this update would include MIDI CC function.
Stoked for that update!
it beats paying $19 for those luftrum presets
I purchased this and restarted my phone and the app is the exact same. None of the new presets are in there. Do I have to do something else to get them in there? Someone help! :0
new update on the way with “restore purchases” function, which should sort out anyone who has purchased either expansion pack and doesn’t have the sounds installed properly. All missing timbres should be fixed in this update as well.