Free Mac Software Synth – Scythe

Plastaq Software has released Scythe – a free Mac VST version of GrainBender for the iPad.


  • unique, intuitive sound design interface
  • versatile oscillators with analog & digital waveforms
  • extensive but easy-to-use modulation
  • effects ranging from chorus and delay to digital grunge
  • low cpu usage

Scythe is a free download from the Plastaq site.

If you give Scythe a try, let us know what you think of it!

via waveformless

9 thoughts on “Free Mac Software Synth – Scythe

    1. Only two? I think you’re forgetting about the two that avid currently have on offer (I know rtas is being phased out). Windows is pretty much the same way at the moment. Just swap au for dx. There’s ladspa in there somewhere as well.

      If this all makes you sad go check out plogue bidule. It’ll run au and VST on a Mac and I think dx and VST on windows. And it works over rewire (or for effects routing use jack).

      There. We can all start smiling again 🙂

      1. And then there are Components and VST3 as well. Plus the 32 and 64 versions of plug-ins. So basically it will take a while for the developers to come to a consensus regarding plug-ins and settle only on one type accessible for everyone regardless of platform. And by then another format will probably be developed that will be better than AU and VST and it will compete with the established standard … and on and on like that.

  1. btw I find AU to be quite unpractical. since presets have to be manually installed, separately from the component file many free plugins come without them

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