Amazing Machines Intros NastyMono Feedback Controller & I/O Adapter For The Korg Mono Series

Amazing Machines has introduced the NastyMono Feedback Controller and I/O Adapter for the Korg Mono series of analog synths.


  • Stereo 3.5mm I/O cables
  • Mono 1/4″ Auxiliary Input
  • Mono 1/4″ Audio Output
  • Feedback Attenuator for Optimal Control over the Feedback Path
  • Fixed Passive Low Pass Filter to clean up the Feedback Path
  • Passive Device, no batteries or PSU needed


The NastyMono was designed for the KORG Mono Series and will work properly with any of the following devices:

  • Monotribe
  • Original Monotron
  • Monotron Duo
  • Monotron Delay

See the Amazing Machines site for details and audio demos.

Note: You still can use the NastyMono with any other Analog Synth that features a VCF Input and Multiple Audio Outputs or a Separate Headphones Output. However due to the nature of the KORG Mono Series, the 1/4” Auxiliary Input and the 1/4” Audio Output Signals on the NastyMono rely on the RING contacts found on the 3.5mm I/O cables.Audio Demos:

5 thoughts on “Amazing Machines Intros NastyMono Feedback Controller & I/O Adapter For The Korg Mono Series

  1. Really excited to hear about it, then really dissapointed at the price. An accessory shouldnt cost more than the thing it accesorizes, if that is a word….

  2. Could you not just take a potentiometer and place it between the input and outputs of the monotribe? You could even mount it to the chassis of the mono tribe. Just a thought and it would be a heck of a lot cheaper than 83 dollars.

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