Daft Punk is working with Giorgio Moroder, according to a report by URB:
The robots asked the Munich Machine to go into a vocal booth and speak about his life. In the studio were multiple microphones of various vintages from the ’60s to today.
When Moroder asked the engineer why they had so many mics, he replied that the mic they would use would depend on what decade of his life he was speaking about. When Moroder asked if anyone would know the difference, the engineer replied “They will know.”
Sounds like Moroder’s on board for a spoken word contribution, rather than as a producer.
What do you think of the idea of Moroder & Daft Punk working together?
Fantastic news!
Wikipedia says, “In 2011, Coca-Cola distributed Limited Edition Coca-Cola bottles designed by Daft Punk (called Daft Coke). They were only sold in France. A newer version of these themed bottles now exist as collectors items, some parts of the bottles such as the cap and Coke logo being plated in gold.”
It’s good to be friends with the Coca-Cola corporation.
don’t hate me, but Daft punk are only ever any good wen they use a sample of someone else’s music.. so i don’t hold out hope for this colab as there solo efforts without samples ( tron etc ) where rubbish.. Carlos should have done that score we all know it. daft punks original music is bland & limited IMO. Its a shame only using his vocals coz they could do with a few song writing lessons from the man while there at it…
I’d that picking a great part or groove out of a more complex song and looping it continuously is a rather effective way to make dance music. That’s why Robot Rock, Call on Me and Star to Fall are on my iPod.
As an exercise for the reader, would anyone like to take the (rather amazing) introduction of Donna Summer’s Hot Stuff (or any other excellent song produced by Moroder) and loop it into a new Daft Punk-style track?
Most dance music bores the pee out of me, because many lean on the machines too much. It makes a lot of people think synthesizers are quite limited, when we fans know better. The dance music I DO like includes unique, personal embellishments that are partners with the beat instead of slaves to it. Ryuichi Sakamoto started a piece with a Tenori-On, which sounded rather cookie-cutter until his cellist started playing counterpoint and then HE took it in yet another direction on piano. It was the ideal blend of synths and acoustic instruments, simple yet potent. That’s the character I’m always hoping for in music, especially when synths are a large part of it.
Bummer they didn’t get Giorgio on one of his moog’s, that would have been legend!!
Yeah, that is a pretty lame ass collab and yes mark, we’re aware daft punk will do anything for a buck no matter how unredeeming a mediocre Tron score is for their career…. I’ve never been a fan myself, they use samples too prominently, they use presets from FL studio, and they hide behind masks…not a fan of any of it. I really have no problem with samples, masks, or even presets…daft punk just overkills.
Goodness, am I the only one who liked the Tron: Legacy soundtrack?
Though come to think of it, I do also like the original Tron soundtrack by W. Carlos and, ah, Journey. ;-p
But I also think that Carlos/4 Strings could have done a pretty good Tron soundtrack.
Tron soundtrack is EPIC and already considered a classic. By who? By pretty much anyone into electronic music that Ive ever discussed it with and Ive picked up the same sentiment on line. I’m amazed people are being so dismissive of it, this is the first time I’ve read negatives about the score.
For Hollywood to allow an electronic score like that in a 200 million dollar movie is pretty amazing.
Regarding presets? Who cares? Doesnt Riahnnas ‘Umbrella’ use a loop from GarageBand for the beat? You think the songwriter of that track or the millions who bought it give a shit about presets? Aren’t guitars effectively presets?
It’s all about the song.
I haven’t seen the movie but from the clips I saw prior to its release I can say that I was not overly impressed. No way to be sure about the real deal unless I watch the movie, so count me as undecided though pretty sure that by my standards it will not be epic.
Yes, presets, who cares? We care. People who frequent sites like this one usually care about sound design, synth programming and stuff like that. The real question here is: Who cares about the people who only listen to the music without listening to the musicianship and the science behind it? Other than that I agree, it’s about the song and anything goes as long as it get’s you the desired result. But guitars are not presets, the same as violins, drums, flutes, or harpsichords. Non-electronic instruments are usually a lot more limited in the sounds they can create but take any two guitars or even the same guitar with different strings and you’ll here a difference. The sound shaping is more subtle but nonetheless present.
Meanwhile, all the Vangelis stuff that everybody loves is basically played with presets.
@random chance
By your standards it will not be epic? That’s a bit condescending.
We were talking about the music, not the film, but yes you’re right, until you’ve actually watched the film your opinion is irrelevant.
By my standards, which are the standards of a professional, successful film maker, the film is excellent, not epic.
But the soundtrack is superior and arguably more important. While the film won’t go down as an influential classic I believe the score has inspired one or two people, myself included, to create something they may otherwise not have done.
Regarding presets. I’m here aren’t I? Therefore I must be into synths. I have a whole stack of them, only a few with patch storage so I too enjoy sound design but I wouldn’t question the validity of electronic music that used presets. It’s all about the tune. Fischerspooner always starts with presets and tweaks them. I don’t personally love his music but that has nothing to do with his use of presets.
Daft Punk…bah….really?….only the most arcane and obtuse use of synths is of any significance….Epic is the guy that grafted eurorack modules into a cow and by boosting the electrical signals found in the cow’s third stomach during digestion…an entire show was created by feeding the cow different types of feed and regular intervals….he is looking at more exotic ruminoids like a wildebeast…or musk-ox for his next show at the UltraCow Fest at Bovine Valley WIsconsin.
Regardless of how you feel about Daft Punk they are pioneers in their genre. Thomas Bangaltar may have single handedly created the modern French House genre (at the very least creating the popular techniques utilized to get the sound) and is responsible for giving the inspiration to a lot of popular acts today. Haters gonna hate I guess, anyway I look forward to this collab hopefully it is good.