Reader Petros Douvantzis let us know about his free app, Soundbeam, that turns an iPhone or iPod touch (compatible with iPad) into an oscilloscope.
Soundbeam is an audio analyzer that processes the input of your microphone in real time, displaying it like a classic oscilloscope. Plug in an electric guitar, a mic or any other (hi-Z) device to the mini-jack input and get accurate measurements. You can also use the built-in mic.
- Spectrum and waveform views
- Gesture support for frequency range and intensity levels adjustment
- Visualization controls
- …and one more thing! Plug in your headset or guitar and watch what happens!
- While in “spectrum mode”, pinch the monitor vertically or horizontally to change frequency range and intensity levels respectively. You can also pan the soundwave with one finger.
- In “waveform mode” pinch the screen vertically to adjust intensity levels.
- Double tap on the screen to reset view.
- Tap & slide the intensity knob horizontally to adjust it.
Soundbeam is available from the App Store.
Actually, the app is only for the iPhone. Just looked it up.
Thanks for the feedback!
It runs on the iPad in compatibility mode. I updated the post to make that clear.
wonderful app! thanks for that, I didn’t know it, and thanks Petros Douvantzis!
it’s really free or has a bunch of in-app purchase hidden costs? i don’t trust free apps anymore to actually be free.
I didn’t run in to any, seems free as the air
It’s pretty darn cool too!
Great app, unfortunately it is not a true scope in that it doesn’t have X and Y (vertical and horizontal) inputs that would allow to check phase. Maybe they’ll update it in the future. Anyway very handy when you don’t have the real thing.
Thank you all for your positive feedback on Soundbeam! We are thrilled!
So stay tuned!
@Bob Shuster, X-Y mode isn’t available in Soundbeam because it would require a stereo input audio source. iPhone’s built-in mic and handsfree mic are monophonic. But in the future maybe more input sources will be supported..
Superb, very user friendly, good work guys.
Very very nice — kudos to the developer.
I’m amused that the Google ad is showing me some scopes from Tektronix; pretty amazing that a phone can do a good chunk of the work that you’d usually need high-dollar scientific equipment for.
Very cool! I’ve had some fun with this walking around outside and observing the results of various sounds around me. Thanks for a great app!
Any chance of an iPad version?
I don’t mean to sound ungrateful – but this would be awesome on the larger screen!
There are plans for an iPad version but right now we are focused on adding some new exciting features on the iPhone version.
This is NOT a free app!!!
This is not free! Please stop fooling people.