Image Line shared this ‘stress test’ video demonstration of using nine Novation Launchpads & 6 monitors with FL Studio in Performance Mode.
While using nine Launchpads works – FL Studio’s Performance Mode will work with other pad-style controllers including an Akai APC20/40, Hexler TouchOSC, Livid Block, liine (i)Lemur, Native Instruments MASCHINE (& MIKRO), Traktor Kontrol F1, KORG padKONTROL or Korg nanoKONTROL II.
You can a,so use any standard MIDI controller, including keyboards and drum pads, a computer keyboard or touchscreen control. The FL Studio 10.6 beta is required for touch functions.
…and FL studio fails once again at proving that a) it is a programm that can be used for serious purposes and b) that it is distributed by a company that takes things seriously.
No one is using 9 launchpads to perform, nor 6 monitors to see what is going on inside of his DAW, and surely no one is playing elevator/boutique music at clubs somewhere. Image-Line should realize that Ableton is and will always be “the” software for live performance. I mean, FL studio starts to crackle at 10+/- plugins. Live performance programm, really? If you can´t handle 10 audio plugins and at least 30 audio clips, then you shouldn´t be offering a live performance mode.
Did you not read the words “stress test”?
I only use Ableton…but you come off as a real hating ass bitch.
I really like the video. I also like Ableton Live. I play in clubs, sometimes using Logic Pro as a midi looper, sometimes using hardware. To me, the first comment appears extremely absurd.
actually the video is good. it proves, that you can make music with FL Studio even live if you’re close to be braindead (you must be close to that if you need 9 launchpads and 6 monitors to do this), and have the worst musical taste in the world. the ad targets the widest part of the worlds population, even if i doubt, they will pay for something they obviously dont need.
What kind of crap computer and sound card are you using? I have FL projects with 20 plugins and I don’t get any of the crackling you are talking about. Get a real system instead of complaining about software you don’t even use.
I perform with a Dell Mini 1012 and one launchpad, that’s right, a netbook. You don’t need a fancy computer at all, just genuine appreciation and willingness to sample down.
Besides, how many people at a live show care/can tell about how many plugins you can run?
An admirable setup. It’s easy to get carried away with the technology though. Don’t forget the passion within.
Not surprised to see the FL Studio haters pop up – but you can’t do this with Ableton Live, which is pretty clearly who Image-Line is taking on with this.
6 monitors is stupid overkill, but two would be nice!
Ableton has own life and fl studio too
I produced over the last years more than 40 vinyls with FL studio but for performing live i use live
fl studio has so many hidden features that the most producers where came to me in my studio getting wild xD they never expect a so much behind this system… but never forget its not the DAW that makes the music 
Nice setup. Having those 9 Launchpads, each with it’s own purpose (FX, clips, “keyboard”, etc.) makes things easy to use.
It would be nice if they uploaded another video explaining how the setup works.
fLaunchpad? Nice cosmetic touch
The Launchpad is a nice little (and cheap) controller. Sends and receives MIDI msgs, allowing to control the lights. Really easy to program for with and make it work with lots of different DAWs. I think most people don’t really know it is not an Ableton Live exclusive controller.
Dude, if you have no idea of what you´re talking about then you should rather stay silent. “The launchpad lets you control the lights”.
I think you misread what I wrote. The launchpad leds are controlled by MIDI messages.
a big waste of money
i guess you’ll have to upgrade all 6 monitors to multi-touch now
sigh.. and the launch pad is also dead
for the money
a monome256 and 2QuNeo
or 4 ipads running lemur
gives way more control than 9 launch pads