TAL has released U-NO-LX – a fully rewritten emulation of the Roland Juno-60 hardware synth, with a new engine and GUI.
Here’s a preview of what U-NO-LX is capable of:
- Self resonating zero feedback delay filter (24dB LP).
- Filter range up to ~40kHz (depends on the sample rate).
- Calibrated and tuned after TAL’s hardware device.
- Midi learn / automation for all controlls.
- Improved alias free oscillators for an authentic sound also @ 44’100Hz sampling rate.
- Arpeggiator with different sync modes (host, midi clock, not on).
- Portamento and mono mode.
- LFO manual trigger button.
- Sustain pedal support.
- Up to 12 voices.
- New file based preset system for transparent preset management.
- More than 300 factory presets by different sound designers (FMR, Particular – Sound, TAL).
- Original hardware “Factory Bank A” included.
U-NO-LX is available now for Mac & Windows and is currently priced at $35.
Where’s the Linux version? Since the plugin is written with JUCE and other TAL synths are available for Linux it shouldn’t be such a big problem to offer a Linux (LV2 plugin) version. Come on, guys!
I bought this. It sounds fantastic. I’ve owned a few Juno 106’s over the years and this sound exactly like the real thing. Very impressive.
It’s also very easy to use. Everything on the one page which makes a refreshing change compared to some of the more modern multipage monsters.
I own a 106. It’s sounds good for digital but laughably bad compared to the real thing. Save your money for the real thing….
This plugin and Waves NLS Channel Nevo with the drive turned up to 10. Brings back a lot of the harmonics and warmth people say are missing from this already great sounding plugin! Get it while it’s still cheap.
I’m somewhat interested in purchasing this, but I already have an absolute mint condition 106. It would be nice to have those sounds within the DAW environment and not have to deal with external sequencing and recording. I have a hard time believing that the filter will have the squelchy resonance of the hardware. What I wouldn’t do to have a built in sequencer and a usb out…a guy can dream I guess. I used to use my MC 505 to sequence it and I would run the Juno through some guitar pedals, which was a pretty damn fun set up, but I broke my 505 when I moved. Maybe I’ll just get an iPad for that purpose, touchscreen step sequencing definitely appeals to me. Hopefully the rumors about Apple making a touchscreen iMac are true…that just sounds like a really fun way to work on tracks. I can imagine effortlessly swiping clips around in Logic, trimming samples the same way you would resize a photo by pinching would be cool as hell. I would actually love to sequence with a stylus, Wacom tablet style, but directly on a display….holy shit did I ever get off topic here.