Dave Smith Instruments earlier this month introduced the Mopho x4 keyboard – a new polyphonic analog subtractive synthesizer.
The Mopho x4 is built on the same voice architecture as the Mopho and Mopho Keyboard, but offers 4 voice polyphony.
This official video features DSI’s Carson Day, demonstrating the sonic range of some of the presets on the Mopho x4. Except for the programs that are obviously played on the keyboard, the x4 is receiving MIDI data from an external sequencer in this demo.
More info on the Mopho x4 is available at the DSI site.
I’d buy that for a dollar!
Looks like you’re on the wrong site!
I was just kidding, I would differently spend more then a dollar.
most differently.
I’d gladly pay only a dollar for any analog synth. Hell, I’d gladly pay full price for a CS-80 if only shipping was $1.
i think this sounds utterly fantastic. planning on a tetra soon to be used as a module for octatrack. if anyone knows wether the multimode bugs have been resolved please chime in. thanks
Is anyone else thinking the hair at 5.30 is the best thing?
OK, just me then.
It sounds decent but not jaw dropping-ly so. the hair steals the show!
It is dry though, and sounds verry much like a 4 voice mopho…. Oh it is.
Add some chorus, delay, reverb and it will sound as good your NI Massive crack copy.
Or jaw droppingly descent if you prefer.
Its sounds good and full, as befits a mini-Prophet, but sometimes, it seems as if a new synth is only as good as its step-sequencer. Is it just me or is every demo 4 things played by hand and 20 of someone changing the resonance while an LFO drives the filter up & down?
Iz just don see how get crunk on dis. Ths no crunk synth.
Okay Deep111… Now, according to my list here, for ‘Crunk’ you should be using a tambourine and an oboe. Does that help?
Confuseus say… one man’s junk is anotha man’s crunk. Wail
on whatcha got. (he’s just sayin … : )
Hmm, I do like the sub-oscillators!! Reminds me of double PWM and layering on the Prophet ’08 for that monster sound – feedback path might help as well. The Polysix RE is also convincing me that sub-oscillators are a good thing. I think I might pick up a Tetra though….
8:00 — sonic nom nom. Thumbs up for the hair as well…
This is a crappy demo of a great synth. What a way NOT to sell it. I still want one, but not because of THIS demo…