In this video tutorial, Mad Zach demonstrates how you can sample the Internet, using Audio Hijack, and turn it into an Ableton Live Drum Rack.
Sampling audio introduces new copyright issues into both your work and live performances – so stick to sampling your own sounds or be informed.
via eangolden
Till they copyright the internet this is the best source we have for new sounds
Good Job mate
if you are worried about copyright, the matrix has you
Sounds like you two are informed.
you just exposed all my dirty little secrets
Nothing new here, but a good introduction to sampling and Audio Hijack Pro for the uniformed.
Sampling straight off of Spotify is obviously illegal, but what are the laws regarding sampling things on Youtube like some random user’s home video of their dog barking or a skateboard trick? Are those copyrighted?
Are you really concerned that some random user’s home video of their dog barking or a skateboard trick is copyrighted?
Concerned? No.
I just think it’s smart to be educated in the field that you work in.
I agree. I just had to post something so that i could use these usernames to finish the lyrics that your name alluded to. haha.
“What are the laws regarding sampling things on Youtube like some random user’s home video of their dog barking or a skateboard trick? Are those copyrighted?”
Technically, the creator of a motion picture (such as a video posted on YouTube) owns the copyright in their work from the moment of its inception, even if they don’t register it with the U.S. Copyright office.
Here’s what the US Copyright Office says:
“When is my work protected?
Your work is under copyright protection the moment it is created and fixed in a tangible form that it is perceptible either directly or with the aid of a machine or device.
What does copyright protect?
Copyright protects original works of authorship including literary, dramatic, musical, and artistic works, such as poetry, novels, movies, songs, computer software, and architecture. ”
amazing, I bet nobody has thought of that before…
An even easier way to do this is with Soundflower by Cycling ’74. Record directly from the tubes into an Ableton track.
BTW this dude is awesome and has the coolest hair of anyone doing tutorials.
Haha- good hair indeed!
Cool tutorial Mad Zach! I have been doing the same thing, but i’ve been recording my computer’s output into my mixer and back through my sound card. This method will be easier and provide better sound quality. Thanks for the knowledge. Oh, and I love NOISIA too!
I could not agree more that that guy has fantastic hair. (Alt comment was: “Eraserhead called and wants his hair back” but that whole somebody called and wants something back thing is a little played out for my tastes.)
The level of ripping off…err…unlicensed sampling he’s advocating, well let’s just say – totally fine if you’re just having some fun with it, but completely not viable for anything commercial. Just ask Biz Markie.
yeah, well, ok. what is an alternative for windows users? except for hardware routing?