Documentary project Tweakers has released the second in their series of documentaries, looking at “anyone who dedicates their unique skills and creativities to ‘tweak’ the future of Thailand.”
This episode looks at the private studio of Thailand based psychedelic dub reggae band The Sticky Rice, their great analog gear collection and how they use them for live and recordings.
The Sticky Rice is a Thailand based 4-piece dub band led by analog synthesizer wizard Puttitorn Taypabood. He started his career as a turntablist for Thai pioneer reggae group T-Bone, then joined another legendary reggae group called Kai-Jo Brother as a support guitarist. After spent more than 10 years in a local reggae scene, he finally formed his own group The Sticky Rice with his brother and friends, actively playing show at several events and parties.
They are currently making their debut album and live DVD planned to be released within this year from Thai DIY independent label Panda Records.
“It’s not necessary to use Moog or some rare or expensive gear”, notes Taypabood. “Everything depends on how you tweak it.”
via Tweakerstv
Whoa, this guy can play! I love that he does it all manually, but I could’ve done with a little less siren. Either way, this guy is cool as hell. That’s crazy to see a band like this coming out of Thailand. It looks very beautiful where he lives.
How about noteworthy news like RSTOUCH for iPad?
Some people do not use computers to make music.
Haha! I love this guy, and this is real music that holds my attention in a way that most iPad music can’t. I use the term “most” because I’m an optimist and can’t wait for a real iPad virtuoso to equally wow me. I’m sure it will happen one day …won’t it? Somehow Jordan R “shredding” out Disney tunes on his stupid wizard apps seems to be state-of-the-art as far as iOS musicianship is concerned. Which is great if you’re into that lol.
Equally amazing in the video are the natty dreads concocted with thin Asian hair, that took a lot of dedication I’m sure! The spirit of Jah is strong in this one.

Thanks for sharing.
Sticky Rice = Jah Fire.
I think it’s really interesting to compare and contrast the tastes of the musician in ep. 1 with ep. 2, both in music and gear. I’m not placing a value judgement on either. I just find it incredibly interesting how one’s identity and personality can be found in the studio you build and the music you make with that studio. It says a lot.
Sometimes I wish I was more of a mad scientist like this guy or Lee Scratch Perry. But looking at the video it’s always in the back of my mind: “LOOK AT ALL THAT DUST!” LOL “For sale: kind of trashed Juno 60. Not from a smoke free home”. But hey, he’s USING them to the max. Good for him!