VenomControl Brings M-Audio Venom Control To Ableton Live

Reader Fabrizio Poce has released a new Ableton Live/Max For Live editor and control surface for the M-Audio Venom synthesizer, VenomControl.

VenomControl is a toolset of Ableton Live / Max for Live plugins, for both Mac OS and Windows OS (Max For Live license required).

The package provides tools for preset storage & recall, automation, full-parameter access synthesis and preset morphing, integrated in Live’s native GUI.

VenomControl is available now for $5. A ‘lite’ version is available for testing.

9 thoughts on “VenomControl Brings M-Audio Venom Control To Ableton Live

  1. This is probably the most innovation this synth has seen since release. Sad that it has to come from a third party. I hope an AU version comes someday.

  2. Thomann is selling the Venom for €199. Excellent price.

    To the mod:
    I’m not affiliated with them, but if this comment is not allowed, please delete it. I’m sorry,.

  3. About the use of SysEx in the Ableton/M4L, as I have been asked through various forums. While MIDI is limited by Live (SysEx filtered out), there is no limitation in Max for Live to OSC. You can use it for network I/O (i.e. my AuTools: MIDI, Sync and Audio on the network), but it is also useful for communicating between programs, on the same computer. In this case the other program is a Max run time patch which actually does the SysEx communication.

    This applies to SysEx or to anyhting Live’s does not support, but Max does: forbidden? by Live, but possible if “encapsulated/decapsulated” by OSC in M4L. This is quite generic (Win/Mac and SysEx/RPN/NRPN/etc.)

  4. Apparently this software is no longer available? Does anyone know where I can get a copy and if it will run on ableton 9+ with max?

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