An Introduction To EM, From A Progger’s Perspective

In this video, Live Prog’s Marcel Haster offers his perspective on ‘a progger’s journey into EM’.

This isn’t intended to be a comprehensive look at electronic music, but primarily synth music/space music that shares some elements with prog.

Musicians presented in this special:

Haster notes:

For many years I have been active in progressive rock. But in the background I have always been fond of synthesizer music. Lately I found I was getting more interested in this genre, so I figured it was a good moment to add some EM to Live prog, to offer more diversity in music.

This special is my introduction to EM as experienced by a prog rock fan. It includes some short reviews of a few of my favourite EM albums, a lot of music and a nice video clip.

It’s a bit of a long special, but I do hope you like it.

 via HasterMichel Van Osenbruggen

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