Artists Mathew Kneebone and Yuri Suzuki created the project 6 Rubens Tubes Visualizer – a sort of steampunk music visualizer that uses wave flame tubes to use musical waves to modulate flames:
the antique physics equipment consisting of wave flame tubes or simple flame tubes has been reconfigured by the two designers to dance in time
with music. invented by german scientist heinrich rubens in 1905, the device was able to demonstrate acoustic standing waves and accurately
portray the relationship between sound waves and sound pressure.
The video captures a demonstration of the Visualizer, with the version of Baroque Hoedown, an early switched on style track by Gershon & Kingsley.
via Neatorama, designboom
The first time I heard this song was while watching the Disney world electric parade. I was 7.
I remember seeing that as a kid, too. It seemed like magic.
Very sweet ! I looks cool, I believe it must be even more interesting to see it live.
I first saw a wave flame tube in high school physics class: mindblowingly awesome
Somebody’s going to market this as a dancing Yule log.
While the visualizes is aces, the music makes me want to kill myself….and possibly others, starting with the composer.
Chapulín Colorado