Depeche Mode Studio Video Shows Off Monster Modular
Depeche Mode today released this music video + studio tour.
Check out the monster modular!
15 thoughts on “Depeche Mode Studio Video Shows Off Monster Modular”
ok. that was pretty cool. colour me surprised.
Nice gearporn tour accompanied with new DM music. I think that may be Gahan’s strongest performance I’ve heard in some time. Martin Gore is absofabulous as usual. Fletch is doing nothing as usual.
Putting the OBEY sticker Immediately makes me wanna throw up on that synth.
Loved the song. Beautiful chords in the chorus. They must have a monster air conditioning unit in that studio. All that hot gear and at least four people breathing and sweating.
Great video and song. Glas to know more is coming. Yes, Fletch shows up for photo shoots. haha
I noticed right at the moment he mentioned touching the sky he was actually touching a Korg Mono/Poly. Coincidence? I think not.
Studio is Jungle City NYC. Yea Fleth does nothing alright….he only keeps the whole thing going. The peace maker. Every band needs a Fletch.
What is that keyboard at 1:49 and again at 2:57? Says “Exagone” on it, has a bunch of knobs, and what looks like a really large screen. Found info about a synth from the 80s called an Exagone, which had accordion keys, but this is clearly not that. Could just be a sticker. Any ideas?
Sorry, I found the answer soon after I posted the question: seems to be something called a Cavagnolo Exagone. But can’t find much besides photos. What I originally thought was a screen is a panel of buttons. Anyone know anything about this synth?
That location is beautiful and looking at the studio’s website, fully decked out.
The penthouse suite is pack full of Neves, Avalons, AMI, Tube-tech, Genelec, etc That some serious porn for me. I imagine the cost of renting the entire penthouse and shifting all that gear would be astronomical.
ok. that was pretty cool. colour me surprised.
Nice gearporn tour accompanied with new DM music. I think that may be Gahan’s strongest performance I’ve heard in some time. Martin Gore is absofabulous as usual. Fletch is doing nothing as usual.
Putting the OBEY sticker Immediately makes me wanna throw up on that synth.
Loved the song. Beautiful chords in the chorus. They must have a monster air conditioning unit in that studio. All that hot gear and at least four people breathing and sweating.
Great video and song. Glas to know more is coming. Yes, Fletch shows up for photo shoots. haha
I noticed right at the moment he mentioned touching the sky he was actually touching a Korg Mono/Poly. Coincidence? I think not.
Studio is Jungle City NYC. Yea Fleth does nothing alright….he only keeps the whole thing going. The peace maker. Every band needs a Fletch.
What is that keyboard at 1:49 and again at 2:57? Says “Exagone” on it, has a bunch of knobs, and what looks like a really large screen. Found info about a synth from the 80s called an Exagone, which had accordion keys, but this is clearly not that. Could just be a sticker. Any ideas?
Sorry, I found the answer soon after I posted the question: seems to be something called a Cavagnolo Exagone. But can’t find much besides photos. What I originally thought was a screen is a panel of buttons. Anyone know anything about this synth?
Could it be this one?
I think there is more to Fletch than meets the eye.
Nice song.
Side note, I used Apple’s Maps app to pinpoint exactly what building and what suite their studio is in. Pretty cool trick.
We dub thee Stalkmaster
this is the exagone synth
That location is beautiful and looking at the studio’s website, fully decked out.
The penthouse suite is pack full of Neves, Avalons, AMI, Tube-tech, Genelec, etc That some serious porn for me. I imagine the cost of renting the entire penthouse and shifting all that gear would be astronomical.
One day maybe