Sonic Faction has released a new synth for Ableton Live, based on the Access Virus, The Sickness.
According to sonic Faction, ‘the Sickness is the first virtual instrument to capture the malevolent soul of the Virus. Sonic Faction isolated and sampled every oscillator & wavetable to reconstruct the lethal sounds this synth is known for. We don’t record presets here, we re-animate them.’
Here’s a video demo of The Sickness in action:
- The Virus Reconstructed for Ableton.
- 300 Presets: Killer Synths, Nasty Basses, Ripping Leads and Electrifying Arpeggios.
- Includes a FREE Max for Live Step Sequencer for Launchpad & APC40
The Sickness is available now for $39.99 at the Sonic Faction site.
not really sure how there is an association with the Virus… sounds absolutely nothing like it.
Cause viruses like hpv and herpes cause sickness. DUH!
Actually, they sampled the Virus Note for Note – so it IS the actual sampled raw oscillators of the synth. If you have a Virus TI ( it looks from the video like they used the Polar), compare the two… I did, and I find that The Sickness actually sounds pretty awesome.
I think it’s dope
they spelled “Abelton” lol
I love Ableton and I love my Virus TI, but the sound of this fails to impress me.
Compared to my Virus TI, I love The Sickness – it sounds better in some cases, especially for distorted and wobble basses. It’s great to have it as an Ableton instrument.
i wanted compare this to my ti and have max fro live would love to compare but for 40$ :/
See, there was more to come for Version 9 after all
this thing looks badass. cant wait to get my hands dirty with this bad boy
hmm.. Sounded more like that keyboard from M-Audio, the Venom… To my ears at least.
mmmm…. Nope! It’s a Virus. I compared it with my Polar TI and it is the same exact oscillators.
Ha, Ha! This is to all Virus TI users for throwing thousands of Dollars into the hungry Access mouth.
Better buy an RT Accelerator or an ancient Novation Supernova. F**k the Virus as it should have been done years before when they began to sell it for over 2500€. The most expensive overaged DSP-Box ever. LOL. Pleeeease, don’t feel psyched by my stupid comment. Ooops, bought for 39,99….
This can’t be real! Did i mention that i bought Ableton Suite for this. Aaaargh! (Virus user coming through my Studio door pulling a dagger and…) :)))))))
I think it sounds pretty great. I personally have their “EvilFish” 303 and that thing is amazing. These guys are very good at sampling the essence of a machine and making a good, playable pack out of it.
This is too funny. You really think that all it takes to mimic a synth is to sample it’s oscillators note by note?
Even funnier is that most people consider the Virus Oscillators not to be so good and it is the FX that saves it. This plug really takes what’s best about the Virus…
Don’t worry. I’m not going after you with a dagger.
So, the only virus part in it is the sampled OSC, right? All the other stuff like filters, distortions, reverb, envelopes are emulated by using Ableton’s internal stuff? In that case how can it be even close to the sound of Virus? Anyone tested it yet apart from mr. LackofRAM who only tested the oscillators it seems?
Yeah, the virus Oscs are OK but not outstanding. It’s the filters that really make it sound tasty, and the LFOs, Envelopes, and FX also have a lot to do with it. This product sounds like decent value for $40 but it’s hardly the same thing.
I do agree that the Virus is based around one good design that has been done to death, and that it is really quite overpriced. But you can get an older unit for a reasonably low price like $500 – they still sound great, you’ll have 30+ knobs, and all that other good stuff. Even the Virus A has 2 inputs and 6 outputs and it plays well with other gear.
I am sure it sounds great. But as an access virus owner and an ableton user, I will say that no plugin, emulator, or sample pack can replace the sheer power, sound and routing options that the virus has. the reason it cost’s so much is because it is a precision tool capable of top notch sound design.
Hats off to these developers for making an effort