Superior Sound has officially introduced the Cyclone Analogic Bass Bot TT 303 Analog Monophonic Synth, a new bassline synth inspired by the Roland TB-303.
The Bass Bot TT 303 features a look and sound that’s well-known to anyone familiar with the Roland original, but with some important differences, including MIDI support and InstaDJ OS – an ‘artificially intelligent’ sequencer. The Bass Bot TT 303 features seven unique preset personality programs, capable of generating up to 224 computer generated presets by the Bass Bot. An additional 224 Editable Patterns can compose up to 7 songs of up to 127 bars.
All information is saved to onboard flash (permanent) memory and transferable directly to other Bass Bots via 8 Pin DIN cable (cloning) or to PC / MAC (backup).
Here’s a video demo of the Bass Bot TT 303:
Here’s a demo video on setting up a new sequence:
- Monophonic selectable (saw, square) VCO with 24db 4 pole analogue filter.
- User or Bot generated programmable patterns with InstaDJ sequencer.
- MIDI IN by default / MIDI IN and OUT (with provided splitter cable).
- 13 Color LED display with user definable console and individual pattern labelling.
- Auto Tune and VCO calibration on demand.
- Arpeggiator.
- Generate new patterns using one of seven unique personality algorithms.
- Mutate Patterns to create infinitely complex pattern structure and variation.
- Live Pitch Transpose (+/- 1/2 step pitch), Live Accent (velocity) & Live Slide (portamento).
- Pattern Rotation (left or right) one step in time.
- Complex file manipulation of pattern banks using Copy & Paste.
- Merge up to 8 patterns to one pattern (maximum 64 steps).
- Portable with battery or ac power options at only 730 g (1.6 lbs)
- Warranty: One (1) year warranty from purchase. Online registration required.
- Selectable Waveform Switch (saw or pulse)
- VCO Tune
- Cutoff Frequency
- Resonance
- Envelope Modulation
- Decay
- Accent
- Tempo, Track/Preset and Mode Switch, Power/Volume
- Instrument Mix-In Jack to mix audio source with output
- MIDI IN (MIDI OUT with included 8 PIN DIN cable)
- CV / GATE OUT Jacks (1 volt / octave)
- Stereo Headphone Jack
- Mono Output Jack
- Power In Jack
- Physical Attributes:
- Power: 100-240v adapter (included) 9v or 6v use with 4 x “C” UM-2 batteries (not included). / Case Material: Plastic ABS. 
Included: Operation Manual / 100-240v adapter 9 volts, 300ma / 8 PIN splitter cable to 5 PIN MIDI IN and 5 PIN MIDI OUT.
The TT 303 is available now via Superior Sound, priced at £539.99.
Strange that they would put a 24 db/octave filter on this one if it’s supposed to be a 303 clone – the original 303 filter was 18 db/octave. There’s a harder squelch with a steeper filter, but if you’re aping the case design like that you think they’d stick to details on the inside.
The original TB 303 also had a 24db dB low-pass filter which was often misquoted as 18 dB, 3-pole
doesnt sound like a 303 at all to my ears… this does!
Got mine today and let me tell you now that it really, really does sound like the original. I compared it to my TB and was shocked at how close it was. It put my xoxbox in it’s place! I luv the xoxbox but the Bass Bot is better.
Very nice! I wish they made a cheaper version with out all the generative music features. Don’t want or need them.
There are some companies that are doing this – basically x0xb0x synths without the sequencer section.
The TB-303’s “18 dB/octave filter” is a bit of an urban legend – it’s not a ‘traditional’ 24 dB/octave filter but it’s not a true 18dB/octave filter either. See this writeup (scroll down a bit):
Some deep science at that link!
have had quite a few 303s and plenty of acid records out.
I bought a xoxbox and when its not distorted it sounds ok. When it is distorted and over driven the filter almost becomes a band pass filter and the bass end vanishes, which didn’t happen on my 303.
I like my xoxbox 60 percent of the time. I no longer have a 303 nor want one , but a decent clone at half the price of a tb would be good. I recently did a track that used a tb 303 and my xoxbox and the 303 won sound wise, but they sounded great together. The xoxbox, midi to cv convertor is worth having for that alone.
303’s are selling for absurd prices, I hope the bassbot is worth buying!!! I want to hear more demos by people who know acid music, It does sound good so far.
One lad said the xoxbox sqaulks like a chicken and other 303 clones bark like a dog, when they are overdriven.
I hope the
Doesn’t the x0xb0x use the same voice circuit design as the original 303?
Is the difference in sound just normal variation in analog circuits, modern parts vs old parts, the age of the 303’s that are still around or something else?
I have used two 303’s side by side and yes there are differences. The xoxbox has various people making them up, for example Mode Machines etc.
Their are differences in manufacturers sounds. Check out the xoxshop xoxbox.There is a better sound on their machines
That sort of shit is maddening, but also what makes analog cool.
I’ve got a FR777, and it kicks the 303’s ass in every way but resale value. But some people seem to think nothing is good as an original 303!
I have bought many synths over the years and I believe the 777 is the only one I’ve bought new that has gone up in value over its new price. Sure, not quite like picking up a 303 in a pawn shop in 1988 for $50 and reselling it for $2.5K, but still better than most recent synths.
I dunno why the x0xb0x would sound different when ran through distortion if it sounds just fine when not being distorted. I’ve run a x0xb0x through a Boss DS-1, Big Muff, etc. Always sounds great.
OK, I know many of you will lynch me to a tree, but is there anybody else out there, who while working on a track thinks….”well, we could put a 303 in there, but it’s like, you know a bit of a cliche…” ?
I think that every time I hear the Skrillex base. Still haven’t gotten there with the 303 sound yet, but maybe that’s just me.
Hey mate, I have loved acid since I heard Whats the Game by Model 500, in Manchester in 88.
I love acid house music and Detroit techno and Electro. I have visited both Detroit and Chicago.
You can hardly get a rise out of us who like acid house music.It is fucked up music, but those silver boxes and early roland gear, 808’s,909’s and 606’s still do it for us.
If you want to argue make it about Israel mate, whether it has any legitamacy? In my eyes none.
Who gis a fuck if you don’t like 303’s , I don’t give a fuck whether you do or don’t , Long live ACID.
“If you want to argue make it about Israel mate, whether it has any legitamacy? In my eyes none.”
Please keep the discussions on this site focused on synths, synth apps and music related topics.
We ask this so that you and other readers can come to the site and find posts with dozens or even hundreds of comments – and the comments won’t be spam, they won’t be off topic rants, they’ll be useful, relevant perspectives.
Just went online to buy one and they’re sold out! I have a 303 and was going to do a comparison (with distortion etc). I know the TT has the 24db 4 pole filter but I think that just opens new musical avenues.
I played the vids through a quality set of monitors and the saw wave is crunchy and the square is nice and round – both sound very much like my TB.
Probably sold out 10 minutes after this post went up!
I’m still waiting for one of the big companies to take analog seriously. Korg, Roland – we’re looking for some analog announcements at NAMM!
They’re taking reserve orders for their next batch. If your interested send them an email.
(I’ve reserved mine
I recently got a novation super bass station rackmount. It is a surprisingly awesome 303 clone (without the sequencer). It has midi and a sub oscillator and a lot of other more modern features. It sounds really really good, and I only payed $360 for it on eBay!
Its a bit over $500 unlike the original TB which is like $2000+
Will all the “acid purists” just fuck off and use it
Or are you too Rich to compromise?
Nice Clone people
Keep the Vibes
£539.99 – which is a little over $800.
Or a little over a $1000 not including the $250ish import duty down here in NZ : (
I’ll be curious to see what Roland has to say about this. I imagine they’re okay with the X0XB0X thing since that’s kind of a glorified hobbyist thing, but I have to think Roland has maintained some kind of rights over their industrial design….
Yea, I nearly bought one on impulse this morning just to snag it before Roland shuts them down!
Synthtopia is dangerous to saving for a down-payment on a car.
There’s always the bus.
In the U.S. it’s $699 at:
$15 shipping
I think if anything, this again shows the value of a small mono synth. 303’s and their clones however bad, give you a simple one oscilator synthesiser that is a basic but straight forward thing.
There must be thousands of tb 303 clones made, Future retro,Acid Labs,adafruits xoxbox,Mf 303?
Mode machines. The Eowave Domino, the Eowave Magma/Koma.
The acid scene is alive and well, and whilst some people make technically interesting electronic music. Often it is up it’s own arse in its ‘sophistication’ like avante garde Jazz, yet heavy duty acid music, is raw and repetitive crude and funky. It is what it is, people respond to it and continue to do so. It is a form of music that is ‘fucked up’ and odd sounding and that is why it is loved by those into it.
I hope one day Roland will give us another tb 303. It seems that the guys fetching this synth actually know about acid music? the future retro company made no attempt to sell their instrument to those into Chicago acid , or Detroit techno.
This company has clearly ripped off Roland’s design , maybe this will be the straw that breaks the camels back for Roland.
I did hear rolands take on a ‘303’ on one of their new crap machines, it was hilarious.
Accent, and slide make the 303 very distinctive. The Eowave and also future retro included accent on their machines, it is such a small detail but adds a great dynamic in sound and in bass line detail.
If I wasn’t into acid music I would not be interested in this machine, but this looks and sounds good.
I don’t understand why Roland doesn’t reissue. They would sell a ton of them.
I think it’s just a case of numbers. Roland would sell hundreds maybe a thousand or two but they would want to sell 10’s of thousands and I don’t think that would happen. Now if Roland where to license the design (logo and all) to smaller companies, we would see some very interesting TB303’s out there. But until they do that this little unit will do fine
I heard this was made by Chinese company. I didn’t know Chinese people were into Techno? Long live are Chinese techno friends, giving us what Japan wont!!!
China is fantastic for “clones” of technology. They don’t give a shit about copyright or patents or anything like that. It wouldn’t surprise me if somewhere in the alleyways of Shanghai there’s a place you can buy a bootleg Jupiter 8
It’s made in Thailand
I’ve just uploaded two vids to youtube – one is a TB303 and TT303 ‘fly-by’ comparison (no sound). the other is a TB303/TT303 sound comparison (with distortion
“This video has been removed by the user.” Why?
Why are people so stupid this sound not even close to the TB-303 and why you think they are sold out, that is the easiest way to trick more people to think they are the bomb. They just ship a small batch and they will be sold out everywhere and people will go crazy because they think everyone is buying them and don’t want to miss out.
Please buy one if you want but don’t be idiots, ok?
Just got my Bass Bot TT-303 from Superior Sounds London
I’ve been playing around with the TT-303 for an hour or so and comparing it to my TB-303 and the sound is so close to the original it’s remarkable !
The internal sequencer plays just like the TB-303’s one – which is so important to get the real 303 sound.
Slides and accents sound convincing and squelchy – the accent may go up slightly higher though.
Mutate is great for getting quick variations on patterns.
Having a whole extra set of generatable random presets to go through and to be able to copy/paste and edit into a pattern is excellent.
The scratchpad is also a handy feature.
Build quality is good
second i would like to mention YES this product functions i was a size 6 and now im a size 4….