Blamsoft has introduced VK-1 Viking Synthesizer, a new Rack Extension for Propellerhead Reason.
According to Blamsoft, Viking gives you the ‘authentic classic analog synthesizer experience’. Viking is a monophonic synth with three oscillators and a 4 pole ladder filter. All parameters in Viking have been modeled from real analog hardware, from the oscillator wave shapers, to the filter, to the envelopes.
Here are some audio demos:
VK-1 Viking Synthesizer is available through December for US $59, the regular price is $79.
the logo looks like this:
his ‘about’ on his site looks like a parody of moog:
It almost does not look like a Moog Voyager Rackmount.
I’ve been playing with this in Reason. It does sound rather nice. Not sure if it sounds exactly like a Voyager but it definitely has a moogish sound.
What’s the back of the rack like?
seems well populated with ins/outs as you’d expect. I did try the ‘audio out back to audio input’ trick, which I have been lead to believe created a warm fuzzy distortion effect (on a real moog). I dunno if there’s a knack to the settings but I was rewarded with some ear splitting feedback. I don’t feel like having another go
Yes. I tried that trick as well. Whilst wearing headphones. I can still hear the ringing…
This ‘rack’ is software so it is a ‘ virtual rack’ .
It is amusing to see ‘rack ‘ used when it is software?
Sounds quite nice, but the graphics look cheap. He should use those beautiful knobs/switches from Moog Minitaur editor…
Yeah, it seems superficial but the ugly color scheme makes me hesitate buying it even though the sound is decent. I know it’s irrational.
What next eh?