Yesterday, developers announced the AudioBus release date, Dec 10th, along with a list of apps that have been updated to be compatible with the audio routing system.
The developers also announced that they are ready to choose the next 25 companies to work with – and the apps that will get AudioBus support:
We’ll be starting a limited second wave of Audiobus apps – limited so we can rapidly respond to any potential remaining issues – by giving another 25 developers access to the SDK. These developers will be selected from the list of developers who have expressed interest in acquiring access to the SDK – currently that’s a list more than 700 entries strong.
What apps do you want to see get AudioBus support?
The first round of compatible apps include:
- Funkbox (input slot)
- JamUp XT (effects slot)
- JamUp Pro XT (effects slot)
- Loopy (input and output slot)
- Loopy HD (input and output slot)
- MultiTrack DAW (output slot)
- NLog MIDI Synth (input, effects and output slot)
- NLog Synth PRO (input, effects and output slot)
- Rebirth for iPad (input slot)
- SoundPrism Pro (input slot)
- Sunrizer Synth for iPad (input slot)
What would you like to see added to this list? And which apps would you like to use together with AudioBus?
For me it would be Nano Studio, Moog Filtatron, Magellan, DM1, Cassini, Addictive synth and Arctic Keys……..can you tell I am into my synths lol
Pretty similar to Jazztog, actually. Nano Studio, DM1, Cassini, Magellan, Filtatron, Tabletop.
Everything Jazztog said + Animoog, Safari output, iMS-20, ielextribe, PPG, Sunvox, iMaschine
BM2, DM1, ipolysix, ims20, impaktor, animoog, PPG,, sunvox, nanostudio, dxi, filtatron, magellan, crystal synth, garbageband, auria, meteor.
To name a few.
Sunvox by a mile.
Samplr, Borderlands.
If they could twist the arm ( or bring back from the dead) the Jasuto developer that would be great, even if just to have a better way to record audio internally.
Also super unlikely, but TNR-i for MIDI and to sample into.
Of the opening list Loopy HD is the only one that’s interesting to me, and only for input, but then none of the other apps I really care to send audio to…maybe funkbox. I guess I’m saying it might be awhile for me to throw down my cash on this.
It would be nice to design percussion sounds in Impaktor and sample them via BeatMaker 2.
Ditto Samplr—>BeatMaker 2
If I didn’t think it a lost cause I’d say an output for Jasuto Pro would be nice, but it seems like that app was abandoned sometime after iOS 5 came out.
CS Grain would be nice.
I love Moog and don’t complain about their prices but iv had Filtatron for years now, and with AudioBus it would finally be useful
Not only saying wich app we like, but we all have to write on forums, facebook, twitter to ask developers to integrate Audiobus, write on these threads, some i started today, let’s do our part of the job as user’s :
Imaschine :
Alchemy :
Nanostudio :
Beatmaker 2 :
Garageband :
Wizdom Apps :
DM1 and Rockmate :
Start threads on your favorite apps forum, give us the links !
Or in other words, just list all your favorite apps, excluding the ones already mentioned as supporting Audiobus…
You make it sound as if there were something wrong with that.
This is input for the developers from which you and i might eventually profit.
DM1, Cassini
Magellan, DM1 + Addictive synth
DM1, ims20, animoog, Nanostudio, addictive synth, cassini, TC-11, magellan, crystal synth, AURIA!!
I’m reading this btw.
Good! Im buying it, btw.
I hope Korg is on your list! They’ve got some great apps that would be much more useful if they worked with Audiobus.
DM1 , magellan, nanostudio, DROM, Noisemusick .. why not just make it magical so any app will work .
Yes A ‘wrapper’ for any obscure app (like the seemingly abandoned and from the net dissAPPeared ‘s-mashine’ (correct spelling).
In no particular order: Addictive Synth, Moog (Animoog) and Grain Science,
triqtraq –>beatmaker 2!
Genome sequencer, because I want to be able to:
– start recording audio via the Audiobus panel without leaving Genome
– quick-switch to my synth and recorder apps from Genome using the Audiobus panel
– start and stop Genome remotely using the Audiobus panel
It would be really great of BeatMaker 2 worked with it, It’s the best
Here’s my top ones, some of which have been mentioned by others:
iPolysix, Animoog, MusicStudio, Figure, iELECTRIBE, csGrain, and Auria.
For me I would say Samlr, CS Grain, Borderlands I Grand Piano, Bloom and Gesturement
I would love ot be able to keep grains from the grainsynths looping in sync in loopy and add in layer on layer or alternativly I cant wait to see one of these grain synths be able to take input from either live audio in or from something like a I Grand Piano in realtime.
BM2 and Sampletank………Done!
Filtatron, Magellan, Animoog, Beatmaker, DM1.
Most important for me:Beatmaker 2,iPolysix,Addictive Synth,Animoog,Fingebassline,DM1 and Garbageband.although i’m sure we wouldn’t see this in GB in the next 12 months.If ever
Auria, BM2, Animoog, Samplr, Addictive, PPG, iMS20, TC-11…
Hell, I’m just glad to have a hard release date !! Woooohooo
well, from the lists here, maybe I blew my drum machine budget on the wrong app, but Molten works great for me even though no one else mentions it here… so I would add in one vote for Molten Drums
all audio apps ….
Beatmaker 2 – output, filatron – effects, and samplr – input. GarageBand for input and output would be a huge surprise.
ie heard apple are developing something for ios music themselves. something big. so hopefully they’ll come to the party.
Can’t believe I forgot to mention figure – definitely figure!!!
That will be ios6 only, if and when.
Since im using ifile extensively to shuttle files from my octatrack to my ipad and back, i wont get ios6 until it has a file system or gets jailbroken.
As much as I want to see all of these apps receive support for audiobus I just don’t see Korg ever even looking at it and Native Instruments probably won’t either
Korg, whose apps you can’t even put in the background without having to restart them?
I agree, wouldn’t hold your breath for them to support it….
Animoog, DM1, Impaktor, Garageband, Figure, Werkbench, Beatmaker2, though I’ve already downloaded a couple of the apps on the initial list so I can start using this when it comes out!
beatmaker 2
sun vox
Sonoma fourtrack
sir sampleton
Ipolysix and all the other korg apps.
and I agree the filtratron from moog would finally be useful with this!
Sunrizer iPhone version
Garage Band
Addictive synth
Moog Filtatron is an awesome filter! That would be superb effect!!!
Sample Tank
Nano Studio IF we could get audio tracks
…perhaps Sunvox….idk…
DM1 is at the top of my list. I absolutely love that app but find it incredibly frustrating not being able to sync to (most) of my other apps or external hardware. Yes it has Wist but it really needs to be able to sync to incoming MIDI clock and also be able to output MIDI clock. This would make DM1 so much more useful.
Korg apps – having an input to the iMS-20 would also be nice.
Space Sampler
Moog apps
Would love to see NanoStudio but it wouldn’t be that useful unless blip added audio tracks and midi output.
I agree… DM1, and maybe magellan.
I would say Filtatron, followed by Filtatron, and then, finally, Filtatron.
Glitchbreaks,animoog,Triqtraq,samplr,borderlands,ielectribe,ikaosilator,figure,dm1,ims20,rebirth,feed…..oh did I mention glitchbreaks
The only ones I’d add that aren’t already mentioned are iTablaPro and Werkbench.
PPG Wavegenerator, CS Grain, Addictive Synth, Arctic Keys, Auria!!!, impaktor, filtatron, iMS-20
are they asking for particular companies or particular apps? If they are asking for companies, that means a lot more apps would get support.
These are the ones I’d like
. Beatmaker 2, GarageBand, Auria
. Korg’s apps – iElectribe, iMS-20, iPolysix, iKaosillator
. 4Pockets’ apps, especially – Aurora & Synergy
. Figure, TriqTraq, Rhythm Studio
. Samplr, Audulus, Borderlands, Animoog, Grain Science
. Wizdom Music apps, especially – Samplewiz
Regarding Ins & Outs – Any app that has good fx, or recording function, should be able to be used as an input. So even synths like Grain Science or Samplewiz could be used as inputs. HST, pretty much all the apps I’ve listed have at least some useful fx, it’s just whether it can be implemented
Thanks for reading, & all the best <3
So far (not entirely accurate):
14 votes: DM1
12: Filtatron
11: BM2, Animoog
10: Addictive
9: Magellan, IMS-20
8: Nano Studio
7: Cassini
5: iElextribe, iPolysix, Impaktor, Garageband, Auria, Sampr, Figure
4: PPG
3: Artic Keys, Borderlands, CS Grain, iKaosillator, Sunvox
2: Crystal, Jasuto, TC-11, Triqtraq, Sampletank, Werbench, Sunvox
1: Tabletop, iMachine, DXi, Meteor, TNR-1, DROM, Noisemusick, Grain Science, Genome, Music Studio, Grand Piano, Bloom, Gesturement, Fingerbassline, Molten, Sonoma Fourtrack, Sir Sampleton, Sunrizer, Space Sampler, Audulus, Glitchbreaks, Rebirth, iTablaPro and one or two unknowns.
The Correct Answer (according to me, that is): Filtatron, Magellan, DM1, Animoog, BM2, Genome, Sampletank, Molten, Wekbench (awesome!), Sunvox, iKaossilator (might fix what’s wrong with this app!) and Sunrizer–not in any particular order.
Sunrizer is already there for Monday’s roll out…
Yep, all of the above. Thank you, Santa.
Another vote for Molten and one for bs16i
Plus I’d like someone to produce a really small app to channel midi to various apps.
you mean kind of like MIDI Bridge?
Time to drink coffee. Lots and lots of coffee. And then drink some more.
Animoog, iMS-20, iElextribe, Nanostudio —-> Beatmaker 2 or Auria
My shortlist:
Addictive synth, input
Samplr, input, effect slot, and output
CS Grain, input, effect slot
DM1, input, effect slot
djay, input, effect slot, (output, too?)
Djay is an interesting idea I had not thought of…I was never able to use the bridge but some of that functionality could be emulated in iOS world via audiobus, maybe?
I would also like to use vocalive…as effects or input, I’m not sure.
Animoog, Filtatron, iMS20, iPolysix, iKaossilator, Alchemy, Magellan, Morphwiz, Samplewiz, TC-11, Cassini, DXi, Addictive Synth, Arctic Keys, Grain Science, Borderlands, Figure, iMaschine, bs-16i, DM1, Impaktor, Sample Tank, Samplr, NanoStudio, studio.HD
Werkbench, dm1, Cassini, taletop, korg stuff
Audulus! The dev is super excited about getting Audiobus implemented—and so are his end-users!
Audulus is a disapointment for being ios6 only, and for being an underperformer as a modular system. Rather bring in tweakybeat, thats much more deserving of attention.
Please let me know how Audulus is underperforming so I can improve it :-). Also, be sure to check out our forum ( for sophisticated user-created patches.
– Taylor (Audulus Developer)
Glitchbreaks – that’d be awesome
Audiobus is just gonna keep getting better after release as more apps hop on board.
I would like to see:
Good luck and thanks for the hard work Audiobus developers.
Completely forgot about audulus…. Audulus!!
Glitch breaks, csgrain, filtration, animoog, nanostudio, nanoloop, genome, werkbench, my brain’s run dry…
Animoog, Cassini, DXi, Impaktor, all the Korg apps, CSGrain, Borderlands, and most importantly, Filtatron.
Addictive Synth
PPG WaveGenerator
Synth & Dr Pad
Alchemy, Magellan, GrainScience, iDensity, iPulsaret, Animoog, Filtatron, Auria, Meteor, MusicStudio, NanoStudio, Arctic Keys, SampleTank, Audulus, SynthX, TC-11….. It’s too hard to choose, hopefully all apps will include AudioBus eventually
Apps I would like to see support it :
Bebot (unlikely, but who knows)
Garageband (just to record other apps)
PPG Wavegenerator
Sunrizer (ipad and XS)
Thats like 80% of the music apps I own heh, think the rest I just dont use much, or are midi controllers.
Totally agree about wanting to record into Garageband. Rather than wait, I just bought MultiTrack DAW for $10 based on the Audiobus video.
I was going to do that, but this month I am down to $2 .86 in my account and $8.10 on iTunes (which will be spend on audiobus)
BeatMaker 2
Garage Band
Glitch Machine
My favorites have already been listed, but here I’ll give votes for my favorites: Magellan, Cassini, Molten, BM2.
Also love the suggestion of Genome. Yes, it’s a MIDI sequencer, not a audio source or sink, but having the Audiobus controls pop up to start/stop/modify other apps from Genome would be very cool.
Also would like a very simple mixer, which I haven’t seen. I use Amplitube when practicing my bass, and right now if I want to play along with a tune, Amplitube has to import it as a wav and play it, which is ridiculous. I think JamUp Pro is similar. I want to have my bass as a source (30-pin USB or mic/iRig running into Amplitube), iTunes as a second source, and the combination mixed and sent to stereo out.
Also, I use AudioTools, which us a rather expensive frequency analyzer useful for acoustic analysis. Would be cool to plumb synths to it.
Audulus because it’s such a simple way to make your own effect patches as well as sounds, so it can be used with Audiobus in both ways.
Wave generator
For synth sounds, and
Garage band
For recording
Auria, Garage Band, iKaossilator, iMaschine, Alchemy, iMS-20, Mixtikl, Thumbjam, Drumjam,triqtraq, NanoStudio, Figure, WerkBench, Boarderlands, Changeling, Impaktor, Gestrument, Samplr
Please Audulus!!
People, audulus can wait. The developper shot himself in the leg by making it ios6 only.
Please Audulus!! I want this!
Geo Synth,
Still… reading.
Garage Band, so I can export to Logic Pro.
Drum XD
Samplr! Samplr! Samplr!
JamUp Pro
BeatMaker 2
Audulus please!!
ppg wavegenerator
grain science
Ok, Audulus is in and has already confirmed it:
Garage Band
Would be good to see some dedicated vocal and guitar/line in apps to feed into the fx processors already planned, seems to have been forgotten so far…
Apart from that, Alchemy and more DAW’s would be top of my wishlist, but top would be Nanostudio, however i don’t think this would on Blip’s project list.
I can dream
Auria, thumbJam musicStudio, iGrand, AmpliTube, Ampkit, sampleWiz
Ricepad (if still in development)
PPG WaveGenerator
BeatMaker 2
I agree with the vast majority of the commenters about Auria (output), Korg apps (I want to see the iMS-20 patch section available as an effect), SampleTank (input) and pretty much all the usable synths like Animoog, Magellan, Cassini, DXi, Wavegenerator, Alchemy, Addictive, Artic, etc.
But, the ones I really want to push for Audiobus implementation are the voice apps/fx out there, namely improVox, Harmony Voice, csGrain, Filtratron…I’m really interested for those to be included in the next batch.
In the meantime, we’ll just enjoy the possibilities with the first batch.
Wow, it has been a long time since I have seen the boards as on fire as this. 93 comments and growing !!! maybe Korg could do to give this a look over before they “re-announce” a microkorg in yet another colour !!
It really IS the best time so far for any IOS nay-sayers to open their minds to the reality thar IOS music making HAS come of age and is were some of the most innovative musical instrument and interface work is being done today.
I really hope the Tasty Pixel team all take a huge amount of pride and encouragement from the response to their product, it really does deserve to fly of the virtual shelves.
Yep. ALL of those please… Another vote for the voice apps, Harmony Voice, Improvox, Voice Synth.
More guitar choice…Amplitube, Ampkit.
A couple not mentioned yet… Triqtraq, Argon, Morphwiz.
More than anything, I just want to see it on my device working, people giving Michael and Sebastian, room to breathe even if it has a few teething problems, what they’re bringing to the table is so exciting and they deserve huge credit for keeping us all informed across its development stages.
What Im looking forward to are all those future mornings, getting notifications of Apps released with their Audiobus update…. Those are gonna be some smiley days!
How many user videos will be posted on Nov 10th do you think?
And…who’s gonna be first?
5 days.
I’m waiting from Audiobus its work by MIDI SYNC/CLOCK input and output
It is AUDIObus, not MIDIbus…
I’m ready to pay twice for audiominibridge
Sorry, audiomidibus)
MIDIbus would kick ass too!
Please add Molten.
Grain Science
Garage Band
Beatmaker 2
Borderlands Granular
PS Loving that this Audiobus list is also pulling double duty of as a compilation of other worthy music apps to check out!
Korg iMS20 & iPolysix
iVoxel! Filtatron! iMS-20! improVox!
I would love to see (and implement) audiobus support for BitWiz Audio Synth and AudioShare, as soon as I get my hands on the SDK
That is great news, BitWiz!!!!!! Good to hear.
Everyday Looper
Borderlands Granular
Throw in a couple more votes for Impaktor and AmpKit. Audiobus is the tipping point that has convinced me to upgrade my original iPad to a 3.
To be honest all my wishes are listed above, what I am excited is that all new developers and old shall look at the popularity and ask for the sdk so implementation will be from the off.
All I can say is the possibilities are endless and excitement is brimming from me to pay and play and so look forward to the future development even if they take the Moog direction and make the future upgrades IAP’s, Devs need to earn money as well and if it funds future development then why complain.
Samplr, Borderlands, Drom AND Audulus because don’t have Audio Copy Paste…
iPulsaret, iDensity, Maga Curtis, Loop Mash and NodeBeat because I like it…
Ricepad!!! If you’ve not seen it, try it and you’ll understand why I suggested it!
Match made in audio mangling heaven!
BBC iplayer so I can listen to the cricket whilst recording my next symphony
Musix Pro!
Although not out yet, the Pro version should be released in the next weeks. I would love to include AudioBus on launch or shortly there after!
-Propellerhead Figure
Addictive Synth
Voice Synth
Rhythm Studio
Sample Lab
Invisible Drum
Korg iMS-20
Korg iElectribe
Korg iKaossilator
Sampletank its awesome and huge but has limited recording ability
Alchemy Granular synthesis at its best but, sadly, no real composition tools
Garageband for the instrument interface. has limited interapp features
Korg iMS20, moog animoog and filtratron !!! We’ll be awsome !!!
apart from the ones wich have alreday been listed above,
what about things like “studiotrack” or “fourtrack” from sonoma wireworks to record into..??!
-Filtatron -> nobrainer!
Studiotrack would be sweet, I like their GUI a lot.
Vogel CMI PRO (The Fairlight CMI App!)
Not sure if it would work, but it would be sweet.
Thanks for the suggestions. Really helps to figure out who are the ‘most wanted’ apps.
iMaschine. period. it would go a long way towards fixing my gripes with it.
As well as adding AudioBus to lots of existing programs, I’d like to see current synth programs recast in simpler forms, because they could all act like plugins to each other and not need to all the work themselves. Then a few really off the wall additions could leverage the power of mixing slicing and dicing.
Here’s where I’d simply say, I want all of MY more modern apps to support it.
Droneo, Tondo, Ellipsynth, synthicity itself, Enumero, and the ones that aren’t in the App Store yet.
Beatsurfing, Samplr, iVoxel, Genome, WOPR, polychord, chordion, Figure…
+ loopseque, isequence, technobox, rebirth, synergy, figure, tnr-i, synth&dr pad, bassline, nodebeat, electrobeat, werkbench…
Actually, all ipad music apps lol
Pixitracker and DXi as well
vocoder! there must be a decent vocoder out there!
IFiles or similar file manager app. Central place for audio tracks. Get and put audio in lots of different cloud accounts. Email, bluetooth, ftp and more. Get and put audio into a audiobus app.
Drone FX
Virtual Javanese Gamelan
Yes all above mainly synths & beat making apps with effect filters, I def want all them but I also want some traditional sounds, so I’d add SampleTank & iGrand piano.
Also I know it’s in FAQ on official site but vst implementation on my DAW
Polychord is a must! Also sampletank, iKaossilator, Amplitube, Ampkit, Fourtrack… and I’m glad to hear that the Moog apps and Beatmaker2 are in the works already.
iMS-20 and iPolysix!!! (+ they also need to support sharing of patches when they get updated)
Amen to both: adding to AudioBus family, and for them to share patches. Seems like an obvious thing, no?
I second the NodeBeat nomination above, as well as many of the synths above, most notably, AniMoog, Magellan, Alchemy, and Korg’s new & awesome iPolySix.
I’d like to nominate the Wizdom Music apps from Jordan Rudess & company, especially the most used and popular: SampleWiz, MorphWiz & GeoSynth, but also, my personal favorite generative music app, SpaceWiz. Oh, also Tachyon, which has very cool UI and would be great in the Audiobus chain.
I would like to see more generative music apps get on board. I like a little fun chaos with my control (would you believe… A lot?). Randomness is a good thing for creativity! Apps like Music Ball, K235, eDrop, and the aforementioned NodeBeat.
Maybe Hokusai for editing audio.
Although I don’t yet have it, as someone stated above, Moog’s Filtatron, seems like a nobrainer.
Of course, GarageBand. That should go without saying.
And if any if the Mellotron apps, Mellotronics M3000, Manetron Mk II, and/or Ellatron HD, ever update (not holding my breath), it would be awesome to have AudioBus support there.
And thanks again to Sebastion and Michael for working on this vision and making it a dream come true, for them, and for so many of us.
Oh, and GyroSynth would be nice as an input module. Very nice. I love that app!
I echo previous requests for Garageband and Sampletank to add Audiobus support…I suppose I’d like to see Polychord, DM1, Studiotrack, Manetron, Mellotronics 3000, and especially bs-16i, a fantastic sound font player!
My 10 Most Wanted:
1. Korg Apps (iElec, iMS-20, iPoly, iKaoss)
2. Samplr
3. Beatmaker 2
4. Moog Apps (Animoog, Filtatron)
5. Cassini Synth (maybe Argon and Xenon too???)
6. Tweakybeat
7. Propellerhead Apps (Figure, ReBirth)
8. Tabletop
9. Audulus
10. DM1
Whatever is decided….please include more “Effects” related Apps.
Addictive synth
so basically all i use
Sunvox, Korg, VirSyn, Wizdom Music, Wooji Juice, IK Multimedia, Yonac Inc., Kymatica, BeepStreet, The Strange Agency LLC, WerkBench, and Uphase+
I think The Strange Agency apps would be fantastic filters.
MIDI genome MIDI, Changeling, NodeBeat HD, Cantor
There should be a move to develop an audiobus midi protocol so all of the apps can play nicely with each other and standardize their setup rather than continue to have the current hodge podge. Being able to sync BPM, play, record, control of midi channels, etc…
The following would be great!
Grain Science
Addictive Synth
Arctic Keys
Korg just updated all apps to support Audiobus.
Samplr (input, effect, output) would be awesome since there is no current project output.
Impaktor (input & effect) would be amazing as an effect with any drum app or sequencer
NanoStudio (input, effect, output)
Borderlands (input)
Drom (input) unusual little app with wierd a$$ sounds
NoiseMusick (input) wierd a$$ sounds here too
PocketGK (input) since it is the only amp simulator dedicated to the bass guitar
DM1 (input)
iMPC (input)
Impaktor, Samplr, Impaktor, Samplr, Impaktor, Samplr, Impaktor, Samplr, Impaktor, Samplr, Impaktor, Samplr, Impaktor, Samplr, Impaktor, Samplr, Impaktor, Samplr, Impaktor, Samplr, Impaktor, Samplr, Impaktor, Samplr, Impaktor, Samplr, Impaktor, Samplr, Impaktor, Samplr, Impaktor, Samplr, Impaktor, Samplr, Impaktor, Samplr, Impaktor, Samplr, Impaktor, Samplr, Impaktor, Samplr, Impaktor, Samplr, Impaktor, Samplr, Impaktor, Samplr, Impaktor, Samplr, Impaktor, Samplr, Impaktor, Samplr, Impaktor, Samplr, Impaktor, Samplr, Impaktor, Samplr, Impaktor, Samplr, Impaktor, Samplr, Impaktor, Samplr, Impaktor, Samplr, Impaktor, Samplr, Impaktor, Samplr, Impaktor, Samplr, Impaktor, Samplr, Impaktor, Samplr, Impaktor, Samplr, Impaktor, Samplr, Impaktor, Samplr, Impaktor, Samplr, Impaktor, Samplr, Impaktor, Samplr, Impaktor, Samplr, Impaktor, Samplr, Impaktor, Samplr, Impaktor, Samplr, Impaktor, Samplr, Impaktor, Samplr, Impaktor, Samplr, Impaktor, Samplr, Impaktor, Samplr, Impaktor, Samplr, Impaktor, Samplr, Impaktor, Samplr, Impaktor, Samplr, Impaktor, Samplr, Impaktor, Samplr,
curtis & donut
everything from the strange agency
Beatmaker2 looking forward to that coming on-stream and I’ll give a shout out for addictive synth. Synth x I love but can see why it might not make the next tranche with my top two in play I’ll be as happy as a pocket in the mire .
Everybody is waiting for Auria on the bus, and so am I
– Filtatron (still anxiously waiting, it was said it would come around soon)
– TC-11
– Impaktor
– Addictive Synth
– DM1
– iMPC
– Voice Synth
– Cassini
– iPulsaret / iDensity
all ik multimedia software! VOCALIVE!!!! VOCALIVE AND IM DONE!!!!!!
Filtatron, Animoog, argon/Cassini/xenon