Free Trance Synthesizer For Windows



Alpha Plus is a free ‘advanced trance synthesizer’ for Windows.

It’s a three-oscillator subtractive/FM synth with built-in delay and reverb.

Details and audio demos for Alpha Plus below. If you’ve used Alpha Plus, let us know what you think of it!


  • Synthesis: Subtractive/FM.
  • 3 Multiwave Oscillators with voice control (adjustable from 1 to 8 voices per osc), adjustable stereo width and panning, with Sine, Saw, Ramp (reversed Saw), Triangle, Pulse (square with PWM) waveforms and retrigger option for each oscillator (with “retrigger off” the oscillator is in free running mode, the oscillator starts with random phase positions everytime played a note, with “retrigger on” the oscillator’s phase starts from position 0 everytime played a note.
  • 1 Noise Oscillator with adjustable stereo width and volume.
  • 1 Resonance Four Pole State Variable Filter, switchable between Low Pass, High Pass, Bandpass and switchable 12/24 dB slope, Resonance can be driven up to self oscillation.
  • 1 ADSR Filter Envelope.
  • 1 ADSR Amp Envelope.
  • 2 ADSR Mod Envelopes.
  • 2 host syncable LFOs.
  • Adjustable Drive function for Saturation/Distortion.
  • two band Low Freq/High Freq Equalizer.
  • Bitcrusher.
  • Portamento.
  • 32 step Envelope Controlled Trance Gate.
  • Velocity control (on/off).
  • Dual Delay, switchable between Stereo mode and Ping-pong mode (right and left channels have their own tempo settings).
  • Stereo Reverb.
  • integrated Sidechain FX, optional with internal bpm synced triggering or external triggering via MIDI In (triggered by MIDI Note On, on MIDI channel 2). Note: see the manual of Your DAW for informations how to route a second MIDI Track to a VST/VSTi, because some DAW’s have different ways of MIDI routing.
  • all functions fully automatable.

Download at the Mastrcode site.

10 thoughts on “Free Trance Synthesizer For Windows

  1. When anything is released that states a specific style as its reason for being there, it feels like the triumph of marketing over musicianship. There’s too much of that Tommy Hilfiger thing going on, where people go for the label more than the actual product.
    I do applaud nice freebies; this is one of the better ones I’ve encountered. I prefer to keep my HD load light, but even a modest or downright bizarre synth can be useful. I simply get the feeling that labeling it for trance doesn’t do the synth or the users justice. I know this synth has the POW to be more. I want the newbies to see more of its potential.

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