Moog Music has confirmed that it will be releasing a new Moog synthesizer at the 2013 NAMM Show.
Here’s a sneak preview that shows electronic music synth pioneer and co-creator of the original Moog modular synthesizer, professor Herb Deutsch, checking out a rough prototype of the new moog synthesizer during Moogfest 2012.
Here’s what Moog has to say about the video:
Professor Herb Deutsch, synth pioneer and collaborator of Bob Moog, visited the Moog Machine Shop during Moogfest 2012. While here, Professor Deutsch explored Moog’s next generation analog synthesizer, while still in it’s research & design phase. In the past, Bob Moog always tested his ideas, instruments and sounds with musicians and colleagues. This spirit of collaboration continues at the Moog factory to this day and is essential to our work. It is a key part of the product development process, as it furthers our ideas and helps us shape better tools for musicians.
Making its official debut at NAMM 2013, the first 24 of these new instruments are being handcrafted at the Moog Factory this week.
Update: The new synth’s name has been confirmed as the Moog Sub Phatty.
via Graham, Derek, Mark Mosher
If Arutria can release a monosynth for under $500, then Moog can too.
I own a Minibrute and a Voyager. The build quality on the Voyager is wayyy better. That’s something you pay for. Should Moog sacrifice quality to compete on price? Also, the Minibrute is assembled overseas.
Yes, it would be nice to think we are entering the age of affordable but good sounding analog synths.
Looks Mono, really wanted a poly synth to replace the voyager. Excited to see what comes of this.
I want it, even in the form it is on that workshop!! that Moog filter, still the one to beat all others!!! I hope it’ll be cheap enough to actually own!!
Is this a no-display/no-preset synth like the MiniBrute? If so could it come in at $600 US or something like that? I wonder if there will be software patch editing and USB.
maybe the cgi effects are a hint that it can be connected to a PCM or tablet for editing.
I typed PC but the damn spellcheck changed it to PCM for some reason.
That’s Moog’s answer to Arturia.
Moog please make this affordable!!!!!
Looks like a Mikro-Moog…….
Looks like Apples new iphone plan – to put something out for less money that does less (799 street at best imo since they have no economies of scale). My guess they rehash an old name and call this a reissue – prodigy 2? This will make moogs less special – they used to be Cadiallacs. Wasn’t the little phatty the cheap version? Too bad we dont see things taken in a different direction like polyphonic or adding a few digital oscillators to the analog ones – or hey how a moog controller for animoog. This will be enticing to those on a budget but that hasn’t been their customer base for the last 10 years.
Could we be looking at the circuitry for a hardware animoog plugged in to more standard accessories to throw off the over-excited masses?
Probably not. My money is on the MicroMoog. It’s the minimoog, even more mini’d.
Whatever it is, I hope it’s affordable!
for lack of confusion, I should have said “TinyMoog” seeing as the MicroMoog already existed.
My first synth, in 1979, was a Micromoog….
No wait, my first was a PAiA Gnome.
I appreciate Herb Deutsch and his work, but this video is filled with over-glorifying Moog rhetoric that we’ve all heard before. It appears to be a budget Moog with some added overdrive tricks. I can’t tell if it has multiple Oscs, or if it’s just 1 osc with a sub. Herb comments on the stable tuning, but it sounds like 1 Osc with a sub to me – maybe that’s all he was referring too?
The video mentions two oscillators plus a sub oscillator.
FYI – the tuning issues of early synths were multiple, including temperature sensitivity, scaling and ‘warble’. So even a one oscillator synth could (and did) go out of tune in a variety of ways.
This synth looks closer in design to the Pro-One than the MiniBrute. I can’t see it priced as cheap as the MiniBrute, because its a more complex synth.
My bad, yes multiple oscillators. I spy 3 chicken head knobs on on the left panel, so maybe 2 oscillators, and a sub oscillator that has a selectable waveform? Chicken head knobs also imply that the waveforms are not continuously variable (like a Model D). I’ll be interested to check it out at NAMM.
Imediate GAS!
ANY new analog synth is good news!
Very cool to see Deutsch checking it out, too. He’s one of the last of the early synth pioneers.
Features mentioned
Two oscillators
Sub oscillator
Noise generator
Moog filter
Multiprocessor pre-filter gain
Sounds fantastic!
Sounds very nice. If the price is right …
Some cute graphic overlays in the video. Interesting to watch what the sound of the components are doing.
Will be good to see the final product.
i seriously doubt it will be less than 500… the minitaur is more than 500 and it has no keyboard
with that said, im really glad to see moog finally making more synths
im a bit burned out on the moog sound, so i may not care that much.. also i already have a minibrute – and i can tell you that the other features it has – metalizer, ultrasaw, brute, multimode filter, arp, audio in and so on – they arent just gimmicks, they are incredibly powerful and give it a range of sound ive never seen on any other monosynth.. (altho ive havent played a synton syrinx or imp oscar yet)
so, while moog may be able to coast by on the strength of their name, other companies have alot to prove…
frankly im way more interested in the elektron analog box, which im saving up for right now
Three new analog synths in 2013 already, and the NAMM Show hasn’t even started yet.
Should be a good year for synths!
Looks like it could be a mini MiniMoog!
a smaller Prodigy?
Just what the world needs another synth… My moog app will sound just as good in the mix and I can play it while I’m sitting on my toilet…
Thumbs down
its hard to tell from what we can see but I doubt it is super cheap. I would guess1500ish.
It looks to me as if there’s no display and only 25 keys, so it will surely cost less than an LP.
I still wouldn’t be surprised if it’s close to 1,000 though.
Still no new DX7 with lots of controllers and knobs. Would be much more interesting than this.
That’s an unsane idea, really. Jellinghaus made a DX7 knob bank and it was massive, as well as selling few units. Every knob adds an incremental expense to the finished product, so it should be a very deliberate decision.
Unless you are specifically dedicated, FM programming can be like a long, slow tape snarl.
FM sounds have become a bit of an afterthought. You see lesser implementations of it that are easier to access, but true FM synthesis from the ground up is a major undertaking. IMO, you won’t see an FM-only design as a full slab synth again. It’ll be a component of other things or a software version, of which there have been some respectable doozies. As with the neoteric lust for CS-80s, don’t ignore the drawbacks. They can screw your work flow. Everyone loves a Mellotron until they experience their first tape snarl.
Would love it if the that waveform overlay was a hint at a cool waveform display like the op-1
Maybe it’s the new phatty line, with a less unfortunate name. Please no more attempts at slang! No YoloMOOG. No BroMoog or memeMoog.
They should make it three-sided and call it a Tobleronomoog…
Now how to get that into a groovebox with sequencer….
midi cable–drum machine
very cool news, i just wish they would make it polyphonic
thats my only gripe
I watched the video and thought does the music world really need another Moog monosynth? The answer is no. Sorry to ruin your day. Although it may be cheap for those that cant afford $900. My contentioni is if you can’t afford a $900 monosynth, what are you going to do with a cheaper one? Make kick-ass “dubstep” with your $400 laptop and POS Samson interface. .No, you won’t. I bought a lot of stupid crap early on to fill my gear fix. Save your money
And what do *you* make?
Could be a keyboard version of Minitaur with some extra goodies for 699?
As great as it is that all this analog is coming out, I am not inclined to make new purchases. I am very happy with the minibrute and would only consider some other interesting synthesizer, possibly polyphonic.
lol @ people disliking my gear spending inclinations, thanks for caring so much!
You better start buying some more analog mono synths pronto, before you get down voted to oblivion!
this synth does sound nice though
If it’s a minitaur keyboard, consider the price difference between the Slim and Little Phatty. Don’t get your hopes up about a $700 moog keyboard.
MOOG Minitaur XL keyboard.
It doesnt sound like the minutaur filter to me.
THis is way better.
A modern Rogue
Everyone relax. Namm is only 2 weeks away and all your questions will be answered.
Sub Phatty is the name on the circuit board.
It copuld be that “Sub” means “suib board” as the board it is written on is an add on via a ribbon cable to the main board.
Maybe this is nothing more than the Phatty MkII or similar…
I know from AMOS that the guys that wrote the code for the original phatty and Slim Phatty are there no more, and that je’s had quite a problem analyzing the code because the former coder did not comment anything in the code.
herefore it would make sense, if they decided to discontinue these products soon, and bring in a new Phatty… It’s just merely guessing of course, but it’s my bet that we’ll see the phatty and slim discontinued soon.
Looks like it will be cheap as – seeing it has no case
Looks more knob per funtion that the LP……Little Knobby?
Two oscillators
Sub oscillator
Noise generator
Moog filter
Multiprocessor pre-filter gain
I don’t care about the price. I would mortgage the house IF it plays chords.
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