This video, via afta8films, is the first of a series of video tutorials that look at working with Audulus – the modular synthesizer for iPad and OS X.
The first tutorial looks at a 16 Band Vocoder patch, made using Audulus. The patch is running as a AU plugin in Renoise, and is available for download.
The next tutorial looks at using Audulus to create a resonant low-pass filter:
Finally, the last video looks at using sub-patches in Audulus. You can download the sub-patch demonstrated via the Audulus forum.
Do all of these patches work on the iPad?
The iPad takes a while to load the whole toolkit, so we might want to split it up into separate files. They should all work though
– Taylor (Audulus Developer)
Please offer a demo. I no longer buy programs without trying them.
The vocoder “tutorial” just seemed to be music? On my ipad, at least the video wasn’t hi res enough to read the module names.
Are you using the zero cross module. a series of filters and the osc module? Not clear on what you use for the amplitude envelope follower.
The vocoder video is just a demo of the patch afta8 posted over on the Audulus forum:
afta8’s vocoder uses the EnvFollow node and band-pass filters (built using Sub-Patches) to achieve the effect.
I would love to do a demo version. Apple doesn’t allow demos on the App Store, but there are various ways around that. “Lite” or “Pro” versions of the app, for example. I just haven’t decided which way to go with that. On the Mac side, I’m considering a time-limited trial version.
In the meantime, I’d recommend checking out the other tutorial videos Also, we can answer any questions you have over on the forum
– Taylor